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art and design essay This is an example of a first year essay which was given a distinction. Click on the highlights to read the comments. Certain words may be unfamiliar to you. Click on them to read their definitions in the glossary. In this essay, the Rococo and Romanticism periods have been selected to demonstrate how two art periods can have many similarities yet still hold true to their own beliefs, values and principles to create a definitive style . Antoine Watteau#039;s painting, L#039;Indifferent , 1716, oil on canvas, 25cm x 18cm and Eugene Delacroix#039;s Paganini , 1831, oil on cardboard on wood panel, approx. 43cm x 28cm have been selected to represent the Rococo and Romanticism periods respectively . Rococo was a style of art that followed on from the Baroque period in at risk research paper the early 18th century. What Makes Meaningful Essay. The artists of this style typically depicted themes of love, artfully and archly pursued through erotic frivolity and playful intrigue . 1 Both the art and interior design of the time displayed a sense of at risk, rhythm in which [e]verything seemed organic, growing, and in motion, an ultimate refinement of illusion. 2 The artists of this period were also starting to express themselves and their feelings about their themes in ap literature essay their work. Some of the works seem to paper be edging toward the ideals of the Romanticism period, even though they were at opposite ends of the 18th century . Romanticism in the late 18th century was a revolt against the sober restraint of the Enlightenment period that had preceded it.

3 This was a period encompassing the desire for freedom - not only political freedom but also freedom of chalkboard essay, thought, of feeling, of action, of worship, of speech and of taste. 4 Artists wanted only to produce pure, truthful art that was based on the predominance of at risk research paper, feeling and imagination. 5 Works in the Romantic period depict not only the Romantic ideal of love but also #039;Gothic#039; horror, as this too could be explored to discover the #039;sublime#039; . The works discussed in this essay share obvious similarities. They are both portraits of performers in full, in the context of their performing environment. In Watteau#039;s L#039;Indifferent , there is a sense of the subject posing for the portrait in a very festive manner which is characteristic of the Rococo period. By contrast, in Delacroix#039;s Paganini the performer seems to carry himself with a much more intrinsic purpose, perhaps enacting a more truthful value that is typical of the Romantic ideal. There is, nevertheless, a similarity in the two poses that suggests motion, as both performers seem to be caught in mid movement. This dynamic quality was not typical of the other art movements prior to or during the 18th century, where portraits tended to depict people in staid, sober poses . Watteau#039;s painting of the dancer seems soft and flouncy, yet it is obvious that it is a well thought out work. The writer#039;s choice of language have indicated the Chinese Growth conditional nature of the observations.

The colours are used to compliment and support the painting#039;s composition, with the hue of the foliage seemingly reflected in at risk the velvet of the dancer#039;s clothes . The colour used in the cape has also been added to the accessories on the shoe and hat. Both of these examples of the use of colour show how the clever composition of the painting successfully draws the viewer#039;s eye around it. When expressing the difference between the Baroque and Growth, Rococo periods, one art critic noted that [Rococo] aimed no longer at astounding the spectator with the marvellous, but rather at amusing him with the value research paper ingenious. 6 This statement demonstrates that the Gender attention to compositional detail is both a necessary element of the Rococo period and also of this work by Watteau . Value At Risk Paper. Delacroix#039;s painting Paganini also displays a strong attention to colour . However , in this case, it is not just a compositional element, but also contributes to the highly emotive nature of the Chinese Growth painting. The colours could be seen to value paper suggest the way the makes life meaningful essay artist felt about the scene before him. This portrayal of the dancer#039;s performance, using the poignant yet subtle blends of value at risk paper, dark earthy background colours which contrast with the smooth deep black tones in the figure, enhances the feeling of balance and melody . This combination of art, music, theatre and dance was of ap literature and composition essay, high interest to the Romantic artists as it was a great source of the #039;true#039; or #039;pure#039; emotion which they sought to represent . The seemingly fast, fluent brushstrokes indicate and portray the motion and at risk paper, spirit within the performer. The colour and form seem to be of utmost importance, above the need for line. Indeed, a stronger use of line would have contained and possibly even restricted the emotive values in the artwork . This style did not go unnoticed by critics. Both Delacroix and Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres were referred to ap literature and composition as Rubenistes and Poussinistes respectively, due to their use of the #039;academic#039; style of line or the #039;romantic#039; truth of colour as the value at risk research paper main element in their works, although both are now recognised as Romantic artists.

7. The composition in Paganini is flowing and melodious and is greatly enhanced by the aforementioned use of colour and the form of the performer. Differences. The posture has been exaggerated to enhance the Romantic principles within the composition by expressing the emotion roused by the scene. Although there were evident stylistic differences between Rococo and Romanticism, artists in both periods were beginning to express what they wanted to see in the scenes before them. Where Rococo was a time of at risk research, idealising the Chinese Economic Growth frivolity of the upper classes, Romanticism idealised the world around the upper classes, depicting the good, the bad, and the ugly equally by looking for the sublime in everything. Research Paper. Both paintings discussed in this essay provide great insight into their own periods but also into the foundation of the Expressionist movement of the 20th century . Brookner, A. Writing. Romanticism and its discontents , London: Penguin, 2000. Honour, H. Romanticism , London: Penguin, 1979. Kleiner, F., Mamiya C. and Tansey, R., Gardener#039;s art through the ages , 11th ed. Orlando: Harcourt College Publishers, 2001.

Minor, V. Value Research Paper. Baroque and Rococo: Art and culture , New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1999. Peckham, M. The birth of Gender, Romanticism 1790-1815 , Florida: Penkevill Publishing Company, 1986. At Risk. #039;Rococo#039;, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , accessed 7.8.2006. #039;Romanticism#039;, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ,, accessed 7.8.06. 1 F. And Composition Essay Rubric. Kleiner, C. Research Paper. Mamiya and R. Ap Literature And Composition Essay Rubric. Tansey, Gardener#039;s art through the ages , 11th ed., (Orlando: Harcourt College Publishers, 2001), p. 785. 2 F. Kleiner, C. Mamiya and value at risk research paper, R. Tansey, Gardener#039;s art through the ages , p. 783. 3 #039;Romanticism#039;, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ,, accessed 7.8.06. 4 F. Kleiner, C. Mamiya and chalkboard essay, R. At Risk Research. Tansey, Gardener#039;s art through the ages , p. 863.

5 F. Kleiner, C. Mamiya and Chinese Economic Growth, R. Tansey, Gardener#039;s art through the ages , p. 863. 6 V. Minor, Baroque and value at risk research paper, Rococo: Art and culture, (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1999), p 14. 7 F. Kleiner, C. Social Essays. Mamiya and R. Tansey, Gardener#039;s art through the ages , p. 870. Problems? Questions?

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Hire the top 3% of freelance Ruby on Rails developers . As with any technology, there’s knowing Rails and then there’s really knowing Rails. This guide offers a sampling of value at risk questions that are key to evaluating the life meaningful essay breadth and value research paper depth of a candidate’s mastery of the framework. Just as France’s Train a Grande Vitesse (TGV) (traveling at speeds of up to Growth 320 km/h) dramatically reduces travel time for modern day rail passengers, Ruby on research paper Rails (a.k.a. “Rails”) substantially reduces the time and effort required to essay build powerful web applications. Tim O’Reilly (founder of O’Reilly Media) refers to Rails as breakthrough technology and at risk Gartner Research noted in a recent study that many high-profile companies are using Rails to build agile, scalable web applications. The rate at which Rails has gained popularity is noteworthy, with estimates of over 200,000 web sites currently built with the technology. Today, many high-profile companies are using Rails to build agile, scalable web applications.

Examples include Twitter, GitHub, Yammer, Scribd, Groupon, Shopify, and Basecamp, to name but a few. Rails is a framework for web application development, written in Ruby, that also features its own routing system independent of the web server. The goal of Rails is to significantly simplify the development of web applications, requiring less code and time than would otherwise be required to accomplish the same tasks. To achieve this, Rails makes certain assumptions about how things “should” be done and is then designed and structured accordingly. While imbibing this “Rails view of the essay world” can sometimes be a bit of a culture shock for developers strongly grounded in other languages and frameworks, over time most come to at risk greatly appreciate the Rails approach and the productivity that it engenders. From a recruiting standpoint, the explosive growth in Rails popularity is both the good and the bad news. While on the one hand it makes Rails developers easier to locate, it also makes finding the jewels among them that much more elusive. Finding true Rails experts requires a highly-effective recruiting process, as described in our post In Search of the Elite Few – Finding and Hiring the Best Developers in the Industry. Such a process can then be augmented with questions –- such as those presented herein –- to identify the sparsely distributed candidates across the globe who are truly Rails experts.

The manifold benefits of finding them will likely be realized in the productivity and Economic Growth results that they will be able to achieve. The extent to which Rails streamlines and at risk research simplifies the violating social norms essays development of web applications can mislead neophyte developers into underestimating its capabilities and oversimplifying its conceptual underpinnings. At Risk Paper. While Rails is relatively easy to use, it is Economic Growth anything but simplistic. As with any technology, there’s knowing Rails and then there’s really knowing Rails. Value Research Paper. In our search for true masters of the language, we require an ap literature and composition rubric, interview process that can accurately quantify a candidate’s position on the Rails expertise continuum. Toward that goal, this guide offers a sampling of questions that are key to at risk paper evaluating the breadth and depth of chalkboard a candidate’s mastery of the language. It is important to value at risk research bear in mind, though, that these sample questions are intended merely as a guide.

Not every “A” candidate worth hiring will be able to essay properly answer them all, nor does answering them all guarantee an value at risk paper, “A” candidate. Gender Differences. At the at risk paper end of the day, hiring remains as much of an art as it does a science. It is not uncommon to encounter Ruby on Rails developers whose grasp of the fundamentals and key paradigms of Rails are either weak or somewhat confused. Questions that can help assess a developer’s grasp of the Rails foundation, including some of ap literature rubric its more subtle nuances, are therefore an important component of the interview process. Here are some examples: Q: Explain the processing flow of value at risk a Rails request. At the highest level, Rails requests are served through an application server, which is Chinese responsible for directing an value at risk research paper, incoming request into a Ruby process. Popular application servers that use the Rack web request interface include Phusion Passenger, Mongrel, Thin, and Unicorn.

Rack parses all request parameters (as well as posted data, CGI parameters, and other potentially useful bits of information) and transforms them into a big Hash (Ruby’s record / dictionary type). This is sometimes called the env hash, as it contains data about the environment of the writing money web request. In addition to this request parsing, Rack is configurable, allowing for certain requests to be directed to specific Rack apps. Value At Risk Research. If you want, for example, to redirect requests for anything in your admin section to what makes life meaningful another Rails app, you can do so at the Rack level. You can also declare middleware here, in addition to being able to declare it in Rails. Those requests that are not directed elsewhere (by you in Rack) are directed to value at risk your Rails app where it begins interacting with the violating social norms Rails ActionDispatcher, which examines the route. Rails apps can be spit into separate Rails Engines, and the router sends the request off to value the right engine. Essay Money. (You can also redirect requests to at risk research other Rack compatible web frameworks here.) Once in your app, Rails middleware – or your custom middleware – is what life meaningful essay executed. The router determines what Rails controller / action method should be called to process the value at risk paper request, instantiates the proper controller object, executes all the filters involved, and finally calls the appropriate the action method. Further detail is available in the Rails documentation. Q: Describe the and composition essay rubric Rails Asset Pipeline and how it handles assets (such as JavaScript and CSS files).

Rails 3.1 introduced the Asset Pipeline, a way to organize and process front-end assets. It provides an import/require mechanism (to load dependent files) that provides many features. While the Asset Pipeline does have its rough edges, it does solve and value research provide many of the essay modern best practices in serving these files under HTTP 1.1. Most significantly, the Asset Pipeline will: Collect, concatenate, and at risk research paper minify all assets of each type into one big file Version files using fingerprinting to bust old versions of the file in makes meaningful browser caches. The Asset Pipeline automatically brings with it Rails’ selection of Coffeescript as its JavaScript pre-processed / transpiled language of at risk research choice and SASS as its CSS transpiled language. However, being an Economic, extensible framework, it does allow for additional transpiled languages or additional file sources. For example, Rails Assets brings the power of Bower to your Rails apps, allowing you to value paper manage third-party JavaScript and CSS assets very easily. Q: What is Active Record and what is Arel? Describe the capabilities of each. Active Record was described by Martin Fowler in his book Patterns of Chinese Economic Enterprise Application Architecture as “an object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on value paper that data”.

ActiveRecord is both an violating social essays, Object Relational Mapping (ORM) design pattern, and Rails’ implementation of value research paper that design pattern. This means that fetching, querying, and storing your objects in writing money the database is as much a part of the API of your objects as your custom business logic. A developer may see this as an undesired side effect, or as a welcome convention, depending on their preference and level of experience. Arel provides a query API for ActiveRecord, allowing Rails developers to perform database queries without having to hand-write SQL. Arel creates lazily-executed SQL whereby Rails waits until the value last possible second to send the Growth SQL to the server for execution. This allows you to take an Arel query and add another SQL condition or sort to the query, right up to the point where Rails actually executes the query. Arel returns ActiveRecord objects from its queries, unless told otherwise. Q: What is the Convention over Configuration pattern? Provide examples of how it is applied in Rails.

Convention over Configuration (CoC) is a software design pattern by which only the unconventional aspects of an application need to research be specified by a developer. When the default convention matches the desired behavior, the default behavior is followed without any configuration being required. The goal is to simplify software development, without sacrificing flexibility and customizability in what makes life the process. Here are some examples of how CoC principles are applied in Rails: Model and value paper database table naming.

Rails automatically pluralizes class names to find the respective database tables. And Composition Essay Rubric. For a class Book, for example, it will expect a database table named books. At Risk Research. For class names composed of multiple words, the Economic Growth model class name should employ CamelCase (e.g., BookClub and value at risk book_clubs ). Primary and foreign keys. Growth. By default, Rails uses an integer column named id as the table’s primary key. Foreign key names by default follow the value at risk pattern of appending _id to the singularized tablename (e.g., item_id for a foreign key into the items table). Reserved words for automatic functionality. There are also some optional column names which, if used, automatically add features and functionality to Rails database tables. created_at , for example, will automatically be set to violating norms the date and time when the record was created. Value Research Paper. Similarly, updated_at will automatically be set to the date and time whenever the what essay record was last updated. At Risk Paper. Auto-loading of class definitions. Auto-loading is the “magic” by which classes appear to be accessible from anywhere, without the need to what explicitly require them. Here’s how it works: When you reference a class in your code, Rails takes the class name (with namespace) as a string, calls underscore on it, and looks for a file with that name (in all directories specified in your config.autoload_paths ). For example, if you reference a class named FileHandling::ZipHandler , Rails will automatically search for file_handling/zip_handler.rb in your config.autoload_paths . Value At Risk Paper. This feature often results in novice Rails programmers thinking that they don’t need to explicitly require referenced classes and that Rails will just auto-magically find them anyway.

They then become baffled when they don’t follow this convention and are suddenly being told by chalkboard essay, Rails that their classes can’t be found. It is important to note that CoC specifies a default –- but not immutable –- convention. Accordingly, Rails does provide mechanisms for overriding these default conventions. As an example, the default database table naming scheme mentioned above can be overridden by specifying the ActiveRecord::Base.table_name as shown here: Q: What is the “fat model, skinny controller” approach? Discuss some of its advantages and pitfalls, as well as some alternatives. “Fat model skinny controller” is an MVC-based Rails design pattern.

MVC is itself a software design pattern that separates a system into three separate and distinct layers; namely, Model, View, and Controller. At Risk Research Paper. MVC strives to makes life essay ensure a clean separation between each of its layers through clearly defined APIs. In a well-designed MVC system, these APIs serve as firm boundaries that help avoid implementation “tentacles” extending between MVC’s logically distinct subsystems. The “Fat model skinny controller” design pattern advocates placing as much logic as possible in the Model for (a) maximum reuse and (b) code that is easier to test. That said, a common pitfall for Rails developers is to end up with “overly bloated” models by adhering too blindly to the “fat model, skinny controller” paradigm. The infamous User model is a prime example of this.

Since many Rails apps are about the user entering data into the system, or sharing information with their friends socially, the user model will often gain more and more methods, eventually reaching the point where the user.rb model becomes bulky and unmanageable in at risk research size. A few key alternatives worth considering include: Use of other objects: Extract functionality out of models into essay, other objects (such as Decorators or Service objects) Hexagonal architecture for paper, Rails: Employ a hexagonal architecture that views the application as a hexagon, each side of which represents some sort of external interaction the application needs to ap literature and composition essay have. DCI (Data Context Interaction): Instead of focusing on individual objects, focus on the communication and interactions between data and value research its context. Q: Describe the chalkboard Rails testing philosophy. Rails built testing support in from the beginning of the framework, and it became a part of the culture. As a result, there are a plethora of tools available for testing in the Rails environment. By default, Rails 4.0+ uses the MiniTest Ruby standard library testing framework under-the-hood. There are well defined locations in a Rails project for tests for value at risk research, each layer (model, controller, routing, view, model), as well as integration tests.

Because of the MVC foundation of social norms Rails, often these layers (with the at risk research exception of chalkboard integration tests) can be tested without reliance on value research the other layers. For example, we can create a database record, before the test runs, that contains the social norms essays attributes we expect the research test to return. Violating Norms. Our test can focus on making sure our show post controller action retrieves the value paper post we want it to by checking to see if it returns the object we created above as expected. If not, something went wrong or our code must have a bug. Here’s an example of Gender Differences such a test:

Integration tests (often called Feature tests) will usually drive the application as if a user is clicking buttons, using testing tools like Capybara (which can simulate user actions in a variety of manners, including driving embedded WebKit, or using Selenium). While MiniTest is a Rails out-of-the-box standard, you’ll often see the RSpec gem used instead. This provides a Domain Specific Language for at risk, testing that may make it more natural to read than MiniTest. Some Rails projects use the Cucumber testing framework to describe software behavior in violating social plain English sentences. This is often useful when collaborating with onsite clients, or with dedicated QA resources. In the paper ideal world, these non-developers can write automated integration tests without having to see a line of Ruby code. Someone who has worked extensively with Rails can be expected to possess a great deal of familiarity with its capabilities, constructs, and Chinese Economic Growth idiosyncrasies. Value At Risk. These questions demonstrate ways of gauging the extent and essay writing about money depth of this expertise. Q: Explain the use of at risk research paper yield and content_for in layouts. Provide examples. yield identifies where content from the violating essays view should be inserted.

The simplest approach is to have a single yield , into which the entire contents of the view currently being rendered is inserted, as follows: You can also create a layout with multiple yielding regions: The main body of the view will always render into the unnamed yield . To render content into at risk, a named yield , use the Economic content_for method. Research Paper. content_for allows for Chinese, insertion of content into a named yield block in a layout. This can be helpful with layouts that contain distinct regions, such as sidebars and footers, into which distinct blocks of value research content are to about money be inserted. It can also be useful for inserting tags that load page-specific JavaScript or CSS files into the header of an otherwise generic layout. Incidentally, a good follow-up question to ask is: What happens if you call content_for :head multiple times? The answer is that all of the value at risk research values get concatenated. Q: What are N+1 queries, and how can you avoid them? Consider the following code, which finds 10 clients and prints their postal codes: This code actually executes 11 queries; 1 (to find 10 clients) and then 10 more (one per each client to ap literature and composition essay load its address). This is referred to as an “N+1 query” (where in value at risk the case of this example, N is 10).

Eager loading is the violating social norms essays mechanism for loading the associated records of the objects returned by Model.find using as few queries as possible. Active Record’s eager loading capability makes it possible to significantly reduce the number of queries by letting you specify in advance all the associations that are going to be loaded. This is value research paper done by ap literature essay rubric, calling the includes (or preload ) method on the Arel ( ActiveRecord::Relation ) object being built. With includes, Active Record ensures that all of the specified associations are loaded using the minimum possible number of value at risk queries. We could therefore rewrite the above code to use the Chinese includes method as follows:

This revised version of this code will execute just 2 queries, thanks to research eager loading, as opposed to social essays 11 queries in at risk research the original version. Q: What are “filters” in Rails? Describe the three types of filters, including how and Chinese why each might be used, and the order in which they are executed. Provide examples. Filters are essentially callback methods that are run before, after, or “around” a controller action: Before filter methods are run before a controller action and therefore may halt the request cycle. A common before filter is one which requires a user to be logged in for an action to be performed. After filter methods are run after a controller action and at risk therefore cannot stop the action from being performed but do have access to chalkboard the response data that is about to be sent to the client. Around filter methods are “wrapped around” a controller action. Value Research. They can therefore control the life meaningful execution of an value research, action as well as execute code before and/or after the action is performed.

For example, in a website where changes have an approval workflow, an administrator could be able to preview them easily with an around filter as follows: Note that an around filter also wraps rendering. In particular, in the example above, if the view reads from the database (e.g., via a scope), it will do so within the transaction and thus present the data to preview. You can also choose not to yield and build the response yourself, in which case the action will not be run. The order of execution is a bit tricky and chalkboard is important to value understand clearly. Filter methods execute in the following order:

Before filter methods, in order of Chinese Economic definition. Around filter methods, in order of definition. After filter methods, in reverse order. Also, because of the way Ruby instantiates classes, the value at risk filter methods of a parent class’ before will be run before those of its child classes. Q: What is Rack middleware?

How does it compare to controller filters/actions? In 2007 Christian Neukirchen released Rack, a modular standard interface for serving web requests in Ruby. Social Norms Essays. Rack is similar to other similar mechanisms in other languages, such as WSGI on the Python side, or Java Servlets, or Microsoft’s Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI). Before requests are processed by value at risk paper, your Rails action method, they go through various Rack middleware functions declared by Rails or by the developer. Rack middleware is typically used to perform functions such as request cleaning, security measures, user authorization or profiling. You can see a list of available middleware components (both developer defined and those defined by Rails) by Gender Differences, running rake middleware on research paper the command line.

A key distinction between Rack middleware and filters is that Rack middleware is Chinese Economic Growth called before Rails does its routing and value at risk paper dispatching, whereas filters are invoked after this routing has occurred (i.e., when Rails is about to call your controller action method). As such, its is advantageous to filter out Differences, requests to be ignored in middleware whenever possible, such as requests from common attack URLs ( phpadmin.php requests, for research paper, example, can be discarded in ap literature middleware, as they will never resolve in a Rails app and is probably just some attempt to hack the at risk research paper site.) Q: Explain what Rails’ mass-assignment vulnerability is and Rails’ method to control field access. When the user performs a post (such as, for example, creating a new User ) Rails needs to save all that new data into the database. This data is Chinese accessible from your Rails action via the value params Hash. Because web apps involve updating / saving every field the user changed, Rails has some convenience methods to handle this, called mass assignment helpers. For example, prior to Chinese Economic Growth Rails 4, creating a new User object with parameters from a submitted form looked like: params[:user] will contain keys for the elements the user entered on research paper the form. For example, if the form contained a name field, params[:user][:name] would contain the name entered on the form (e.g., “Jeff Smith”).

Convention vs. configuration strikes again here: name is the name of violating norms essays both the value research paper input element in the form and Chinese Growth the name of the column in the database. In addition to the create method, you can update a record the same way: But what happens when a hacker goes in and edits your HTML form to add new fields? They may, for example, guess that you have an is_admin field, and add it to the HTML form field themselves. Which now means that – even though you didn’t include it on at risk research the form that’s served to users – your hacker has gone in and made themselves an admin on your site! This is referred to as mass assignment vulnerability ; i.e., assigning all these fields with no filtering en masse, just trusting that the only field names and values will be those that were legitimately on the HTML form. Rails 3 and Rails 4 each have different ways of attempting to Gender Differences address this issue.

Rails 3 attempted to address it via attr_protected / attr_accessible controls at the model level, while Rails 4 addresses it via strong parameters and a filtering mechanism at the controller level. Both ways allow you to restrict what keys are mapped to database columns and which columns are ignored. Using these mechanisms, in the prior is_admin example, you can set the is_admin field to value at risk paper only change when code explicitly modifies the field value, or only allow it to be changed in certain situations. An expert knowledge of Rails extends well beyond the technical minutia of the language. A Rails expert will have an in-depth understanding and appreciation of its benefits as well as its limitations.

Accordingly, here are some sample questions that can help assess this dimension of a candidate’s expertise. Q: Why do some people say “Rails can’t scale”? Twitter was one of the Chinese first extremely high profile sites to use Rails. In roughly the 2006-2008 timeframe, the growth rate of value at risk Twitter made server errors (“fail whale”) appearances a very common occurrence for users, prompting users and tech pundits to lay blame at Rails’ feet. As is true with any software, the causes of violating scalability issues can be complex and multi-faceted. Accordingly, not all of Twitter’s scaling issues can be claimed to be Rails-specific. But that said, it is important to understand where Rails has faced scalability issues and at risk paper how they have been, or can be, addressed. The Ruby ecosystem has improved since Twitter’s Rails scaling problem, with better memory management techniques in MRI Ruby (the core, and main, Ruby implementation) for example. Modern Rails applications typically mitigate scaling problems in one or more of the following ways:

Implementing caching solutions (Rails 4 introduces good advances here) Leveraging (or implementing) server or platform solutions with automatic scaling built in Profiling costly operations and about money moving them out of Ruby or out of one monolithic Rails app Placing some operations in a background / worker queue to be completed at a later time (e.g., perform an export operation asynchronously, notifying the user by paper, email with a download link when the export is completed) While there has traditionally been a one-to-one mapping between websites and Chinese Growth Rails app (i.e., one website = one Rails app), there’s been an increasing movement towards more of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach whereby performance critical parts of the paper app are split off into new/separate apps which the money main app usually talks to via web service calls. There are numerous advantages to this approach. Value Research. Perhaps most noteworthy is the fact that these independent services can employ alternate technologies as appropriate; this might be a lightweight / more responsive solution in Chinese Economic Growth Ruby, or services written in value at risk Scala (as in Twitter’s case), or Node.js, Clojure, or Go. But writing separate services isn’t the only way to speed up a Rails app. For example, Github has an interesting article on how it profiled Rails and ended up implementing a set of money C apis for performing text escaping on the web. Q: When is value research paper Rails a good choice for a project? Rails is an opinionated framework, which is either one of its most charming or frustrating attributes, depending who you ask. Rails has already made a (default, but configurable) choice about your view templating engine, your Object Role Model (ORM), and how your routes translate to actions.

As a result of these choices, Rails is a great choice for a project where your application has total control over its own database, mostly returns HTML (or at meaningful, least doesn’t solely return JSON), and for the most part displays data back to the users consistently with the way it is value research paper stored. Because Rails is configurable, if you want to diverge from Rails norms you can, but this often comes at an engineering cost. Want to hook into an existing MS SQL database? You can do that, but you’ll hit some bumps along the way. Want to build a single page app with Rails, returning mostly JSON object? You’ll find Rails not helping you out as much as if you had been accepting / responding with an HTML format. Q: What are some of the drawbacks of Differences Rails?

Rails is generally meant for codebases of greater than a few hundred lines of code, and value research paper that primarily work with its own database objects. If you’re writing a web service that simply performs calculations (“give me the temperature right now in Fahrenheit”) Rails will add a lot of supporting structure “overkill” that you may not need. Additionally, Rail’s convention over configuration approach makes it sometimes not ideal for what makes life, situations where you have to interact with a database schema another party controls, for at risk research, example. Also, a Ruby-based solution can be a hard sell in Windows enterprise environments, as Ruby’s Windows support is essay not as robust as its Unix support. Like Python, the concurrency story in at risk research the default Ruby implementation (MRI; a.k.a. CRuby) is somewhat hobbled by a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which in broad strokes means only ap literature essay rubric, one thread can execute Ruby code at a time. (JRuby and Rubinius, other implementations of Ruby, have no GIL. A Ruby-based implementation may also not be the value at risk research paper best fit for problems that want an asynchronous solution (such as fetching data from essay writing about money, multiple APIs to perform aggregate calculations, interacting with social media APIs, or responding to situations where you could get thousands of value at risk research paper small requests a minute). Having said that, there are tools to either implement asynchronous callback based patterns in Ruby (like EventMachine), or use the Actor model of concurrency (Celluloid). And of social norms essays course there are a number of background worker mechanisms if your problem fits in that space.

And finally… Ruby Rookie or Gemologist? Excelling as a Rails developer requires one to be an expert in the Ruby programming language as well. Paper. Accordingly, here are some questions to help evaluate this dimension of a candidate’s expertise. Q: What are Ruby mixins, how do they work, and how would you use them? What are some advantages of using them and what are some potential problems? Give examples to support your answers. A “mixin” is the term used in Ruby for Chinese Economic Growth, a module included in another class. When a class includes a module, it thereby “mixes in” (i.e., incorporates) all of value its methods and constants. If a class includes multiple modules, it incorporates the methods and constants of essay all of those modules.

Thus, although Ruby does not formally support multiple inheritance, mixins provide a mechanism by which multiple inheritance can largely be achieved, or at least approximated. (A knowledgeable candidate can be expected to mention multiple inheritance in value research their discussion of rubric Ruby mixins.) Internally, Ruby implements mixins by inserting modules into a class’ inheritance chain (so mixins do actually work through inheritance in Ruby). Consider this simple example: In this example, the methods of the Student class are incorporated into DoctoralStudent class, so the phd object supports the value at risk research gpa method. It is important to note that, in Ruby, the require statement is the logical equivalent of the include statement in violating social essays other languages. In contrast to value at risk other languages (wherein the include statement references the contents of another file), the and composition essay Ruby include statement references a named module. Therefore:

The module referenced by an include statement may either be in the same file (as the class that is including it) or in paper a different file. If in a different file, a require statement must also be used to properly incorporate the contents of that file. A Ruby include makes a reference from the class to the included module. As a result, if the Growth definition of research paper a method in the included module is modified, even at runtime, all classes that include that module will exhibit the new behavior when that method is ap literature rubric invoked. The advantages of mixins not withstanding, they are also not without downsides and value paper should therefore be used with care. Some potential pitfalls include: Instance variable name collisions. Different mixins may use instance variables with the same name and, if included in the same class, could create unresolvable collisions at runtime.

Silent overriding of methods. Growth. In other languages, defining something twice results in an error message. Research Paper. In Ruby, if a method is defined twice, the second definition simply (and silently!) overwrites the first definition. Method name clashes across multiple mixins in Ruby are therefore not simple errors, but instead can introduce elusive and gnarly bugs. Class bloat. The ease-of-use of mixins can also lead to their “abuse”. A prime example is chalkboard essay a class with way too many mixins that therefore has an overly large public footprint. The rules of coupling and cohesion start to come into play, and you can end up with a system where changes to a module that’s frequently included can have disastrous effects. Value At Risk Paper. Traditional inheritance or composition is much less prone to this type of bloat. Quite often extracting parts of a class into modules that are mixed in is akin to cleaning your room by putting the mess into large bins.

It looks clean until you start opening the bins. Q: Compare and contrast Symbols and Strings in Ruby? Why use one vs. the other? Symbols are singleton based on value, and immutable objects. Unlike strings, not all symbols may be garbage collected. Strings, on the other hand, create multiple objects even if they share a value, are mutable, and are garbage collected when the essay system is done with the value paper object.

Since symbols are singleton based on value (there is only one symbol object for a value, even if it appears multiple times in Chinese Growth a program), this makes it trivial to compare whether two symbols are the same (Ruby basically just needs to compare their object_id values). Symbols are therefore most often used as Hash keys, with many libraries expecting options hashes with specific symbols for keys. Strings can be made immutable (“frozen”) via the paper freeze method. However, while this changes one behavior of essay a string, create two frozen strings with the same value still results in at risk research two string objects. Essay About Money. When you use a Symbol, Ruby will check the value research dictionary first and, if found, will use that Symbol. If the Symbol is chalkboard not found in the dictionary, only then will the interpreter instantiate a new Symbol and put it in the heap. As stated in The Ruby Programming Language O’Reilly book (by Matz and Flanigan): A typical implementation of a Ruby interpreter maintains a symbol table in which it stores the names of all the classes, methods, and variables it knows about.

This allows such an interpreter to value at risk research avoid most string comparisons: it refers to method names (for example) by their position in Chinese Growth this symbol table. This turns a relatively expensive string operation into a relatively cheap integer operation. Symbols are also fairly ubiquitous in research Ruby (predominantly a hash keys and method names; in pre Ruby 2.1 they were also used as quasi keyword arguments, and poor man’s constants). Because of their performance, memory and usage considerations, Symbols are most often used as Hash keys, with many libraries expecting option hashes with specific symbols for Chinese Economic, keys. Symbols are never garbage collected during program execution, unlike strings (which, like any other variable, are garbage collected).

Because strings and research symbols are different objects, here’s an and composition rubric, example of value paper something that often catches less experienced Ruby programmers unaware. Consider the following hash, for example: You may be expecting to see 1 printed here, especially if a was defined elsewhere in your program. But, as strings and Economic Growth symbols are different; i.e., key (the symbol) and 'key' (the string) are not equivalent. Accordingly, Ruby correctly returns nil for value at risk, a['key'] (even though this is annoying for the unsuspecting programmer wondering where her value is!) Rails has a class, HashWithIndifferentAccess , which acts like a Hash object, except it treats strings and essay writing about money symbols with the same values as equivalent when used as key names, thereby avoiding the above issue: There is research paper one important caveat. Consider this controller action: This innocent looking code is actually a denial-of-service (DOS) attack vulnerability.

Since symbols can never be garbage collected (and since here we cast user input into a symbol), a user can keep feeding this endpoint with unique values and Economic Growth it will eventually eat up enough memory to crash the server, or at least bring it to a grinding halt. Q: Describe multiple ways to define an instance method in Ruby. Instance methods can of course be defined as part of a class definition. But since Ruby supports metaprogramming (which means that Ruby code can be self-modifying), Ruby programs can also add methods to at risk paper existing classes at runtime. Accordingly, there are multiple techniques for defining methods in Ruby, as follows: (1) Within a class definition, using def (The simplest answer) This is the standard way to define instance methods of social essays a class.

(2) Within a class definition, without using def. Since define_method is executed when Ruby instantiates the MyObject class object, you can do any kind of dynamic code running here. For example, here’s some code that only at risk paper, creates our method if it’s being run on a Monday: Executing on any other day of the week will give us an exception about no such method existing. Which is true: it’ll only exist on Mondays! (It’s important to essay money note that classes are objects too in Ruby, so our MyObject class is an instantiation of a Class object, just like in a = , a is an value paper, instance of MyObject .) (3) Extending an life meaningful, existing class definition. Ruby also allows class definitions to paper be extended.

For example: The above code will result in the MyObject class having both the say_hello and the say_goodbye methods defined. Note that this technique can also be used to extend standard Ruby classes or those defined in other Ruby libraries we are using. For example, here we add a squawk method to the standard Ruby string class: class_eval dynamically evaluates the specified string or block of code and can therefore be used to add methods to a class. For example, we can define the what makes class MyObject : … and then come back at a later time and run some code to dynamically add my_method to the MyObject class: Ruby also provides a hook to check for paper, undefined methods. This can be used to dynamically add a method if it has not already been defined.

For example: Ruby on what makes life meaningful Rails is value at risk a powerful framework for rapid development of web applications. While all developers can benefit from its ease-of-use and chalkboard essay flexibility, as with any technology, those who have truly mastered it will realize the greatest potential and productivity in its use. While no brief guide such as this can entirely cover the breadth and depth of technical topics to cover in a Rails interview, the questions provided herein offer an value at risk, effective basis for identifying those who possess a sound and principled foundation in the Rails framework and its paradigms. My team is going to personally help you find the violating social essays best candidate to join your team.

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Nietzsche Essay - Genealogy of Morals Book 3 and Ascetic Advocacy. The essay that follows is a brief look at the three approaches to asceticism Nietzsche defined in book three of The Genealogy of Morals. This is value research paper obviously just one academic interpretation of the writing about money, work. Nietzsche says that there are three kinds of ascetics (people who renounce worldy experiences). But Nietzsche rarely wanted his reader to take everything he said literally as is evidenced by the fact that he would regularly weave intricate and coy contradictions throughout the same work. He was a rascal and he knew that significant answers couldn't always be summarized in bullet point lists. So he defines these three types of ascetics and I try to determine what he really means about the natuer of aceticism by research looking at those definitions very carefully and picking out the similarities and differences between his stated three types. Essay on the Genealogy of Morals Book 3. In the third book of Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche's assertions concerning the harmful nature of an ascetic pursuit of truth and his accompanying criticism of the typical ascetic counteridealist suggest that he advocates a pursuit of value other than truth.

To him, the proposed counteridealist who places his faith in truth is as bound up by faith as the ascetic who places his faith in God. While Nietzsche sometimes seems to suggest an writing about money advocacy of single-mindedness such as the at risk paper, philosopher's pursuit of knowledge or the human will to power, the third book stresses that there are many ways to pursue values, some of which seem very close to asceticism. Nietzsche establishes three distinct types of asceticism in order to denote the difference between a pursuit of value that rejects all other notions both material and ideal (often including the Growth, self) and a pursuit of at risk paper value that acknowledges and Chinese affirms all notions both material and research paper ideal. The priestly ascetic denies reality while Nietzsche suggests affirmation or even a simple indifference would suffice. Nietzsche titles the third book in Genealogy of Morals as What is the Meaning of violating social norms essays Ascetic Ideals? after section twelve of the second book redefines meaning as a notion derived by how a thing is put to use. In other words, there is no single true value for the term asceticism or anything else. Before lambasting ascetics, Nietzsche has to deal with this possibility for alternate meanings of research paper asceticism, and he uses this to suggest a personal advocacy. This prompts his discussion on the three different followers of the ascetic ideal: the artist, the philosopher and the priest.

It is important to understand that Nietzsche is not making some literal statement about how all artists follow the ascetic ideals in a specific way. Instead, he is saying there are many ways to approach the views commonly contained by asceticism, and one such way is reminiscent of how an artist might come to it. The first kind of asceticism Nietzsche describes is the artist's whose approach is Growth incomplete. The artistic approach to at risk asceticism keeps the practitioner connected to the outside world. This ascetic fails to cut all bonds and refuses to completely deny the material world. Nietzsche insists that artists are men who tout the philosophies of essay others and he goes into some detail concerning how Wagner's eventual life choices prove that even artists who seem greatly engrossed in their work are ultimately dependent on the outside world for their inspiration.

Nietzsche explains that artists purvey a truth that is not theirs and, to some extent, are possessed by passion and value research paper their work. In brief, the artistic approach to Differences asceticism is a shallow one which claims ascetic ideals but fails to actually partake in the doctrine in any way. Despite Nietzsche's distaste for at risk research the ascetic ideal, it seems clear that he is not advocating the artistic approach which ignores many of the harmful notions contained in asceticism. The priestly approach to asceticism clearly earns Nietzsche's contempt, and is vilified for a large portion of the about money, third book. At Risk. Nietzsche sees the priest as the individual who fully pursues a denial of the will to power. He goes into great detail about money exactly how priestly asceticism has affected the world, but another hint about his true advocacy appears in his conclusion. He eventually declares that asceticism appeared only because it seemed like the best way to preserve the will and human meaning. Given no obvious alternatives, people began to engage in a will to value research nothingness just so they would be willing anything at all. This will to chalkboard essay nothingness creates an advocacy in value at risk research the ascetic individual, though it may seem slightly paradoxical, and Gender such a will gives meaning to human existence.

The discussion of the second form reads as a rather tongue-in-cheek autobiography in which Nietzsche's name has been replaced with the common noun, philosopher. The philosopher's approach to asceticism is interestingly utilitarian in that it uses the parts of the doctrine that seem useful to the individual with a philosophical constitution. Nietzsche explains that some men have a drive toward ideas and philosophy in the way that most animals seek progeny or comfort. He shows the philosophical ascetic as the man who seeks to isolate himself from the monotony of the at risk research paper, quotidian in order to foster a natural maternal instinct to new ideas and thoughts. It seems like Nietzsche is supporting this form of asceticism in violating social essays some ways, but one must be careful of taking anything he says as true on face. Again, these are not necessarily distinct types of ascetics so much as they are manners of value at risk research paper approaching asceticism which can be combined in different ways. While Nietzsche suggests that there are positive aspects of asceticism in his description of the philosopher, he also suggests there are negative aspects.

His advocacy insofar as following part of the doctrine of makes asceticism is probably somewhere in between the lines of this text. This notion is confirmed by a close analysis of the value at risk, three types and how the divisions between them are rather indistinct. Artistic asceticism that appears so wishy-washy and noncommittal in its approach to asceticism is surprisingly close to essay money the other two forms in significant ways. On the one hand, we see that artists and philosophers are each only partially dedicated to asceticism. It is value paper difficult to see a brightline between the behavior of the artist who remains connected to the material world in order to pursue truth and the philosopher who does not seek out the material world but allows it to occur.

These types of asceticism are similar in that neither is as stringent as the priestly kind. The one stated difference is money that the philosopher has original ideas whereas the artist must expound on at risk research, the ideas of others, but this does not relate directly to how the individuals experience the world. On the other hand, there is a hint of the priest's attempted loss of individuality in the artist's approach. Differences. Whereas priestly ascetics strive toward a negation of the individual will to approach the divine, artists are described as relinquishing part of their individuality and value at risk research becoming subservient to their work. This is a notion hinted at in his other work where he suggests that artists must disindividuate to some extent to essay writing about create true beauty. In some ways, the artist's ability to relinquish himself in the pursuit of aesthetic beauty, as described in value at risk The Rebirth of Tragedy, is more potent than the priest's ability to negate himself in order to find the divine. Only in a fit of passion can a priestly ascetic truly find deliverance from the burden of individual will. This comparison is even more acceptable once Nietzsche brings up the similarity between atheistic and Chinese Growth priestly ascetics. He says that the proposed counteridealists to paper asceticism are those who are bound to the truth in the way that ascetics are bound to money the divine. Both put complete faith into value research, the idea that one notion (be it truth or the divine) has a higher value than all other notions. In his outright pursuit for truth, the atheist is showing just as much naive faith in essay a higher good as the priest is.

At this point, it is easy to research see that the priestly ascetic is an individual that puts any one concept above all others, like the artist who values beauty or the philosopher that seeks truth. Perhaps most surprisingly, Nietzsche's philosophical approach to what asceticism is very similar to the priestly approach. Throughout Nietzsche's works, he describes a sort of notion that is beyond good and value paper evil or any other simple dichotomy which is typically used to create moral schemas. Nietzsche is always very careful to avoid outright judgment of values or pronouncing one thing as an ultimate good that is more valuable and virtuous than any other thing. He does not want to fall into the trap of becoming like the atheistic ascetic who puts blind faith in chalkboard some other concept in order to temporarily replace the at risk research paper, divine and maintain the essay about, same will-denying moral structure which is progressing toward its natural end in the nineteenth century Germany where Nietzsche was writing. At Risk Research. In a way, the philosopher can be seen as one who seeks what is beyond good and evil by experiencing and acknowledging every possible action on the range of makes meaningful essay values between good and research paper evil. If there was an axis of morality with good on one side and evil on the other, Nietzsche could envision a separate axis springing out of this axis of morality at a perpendicular angle. Suddenly, there is some new value which is entirely beyond the range of individual human experiences and encompasses more than the philosopher previously imagined.

In some ways, the priest is similar because he seeks to writing money exceed the research paper, full range of worldly experiences in violating social essays order to find some value which is entirely perpendicular to that axis, the divine. Nietzsche's true view on asceticism. Given these similarities, it might be easier to see the at risk research, few remaining differences. Why, when these concepts are so similar, does the ascetic priest get blamed for so much while the artist and philosopher escape judgment. It seems that all three forms have a similar intent. Each of essay writing about these approaches to asceticism strives toward some principle: the artist toward aesthetic beauty, the value at risk research, philosopher toward fostering a pursuit of ideas, and the priest toward the divine. The differences must lie in essay the means. The artist fails to relinquish the material realm enough to be a true ascetic.

In fact, the artist depends on aesthetic beauty which is a worldly trait in order to release individual will and find beauty. The priest actively wills nothingness and attempts to negate individual will entirely in order to find a truth that lies beyond in the realm of the divine. The philosopher attempts to further a natural inclination toward learning. Given these three means, it might seem like the philosopher's asceticism is clearly favorable over the priest's asceticism, but it would be shallow to think that Nietzsche outright rejects any range of values. The priest has its shortcomings, but Nietzsche points out an interesting strength in the priestly approach to asceticism.

It is value research impossible to chalkboard essay negate the will permanently, once the value research, will has manifested itself in what makes an adult human. Value Research. The priest cannot simply choose not to choose. Once an advocacy has been established, the priest will now be advocating a lack of advocacy, and in Economic this paradox, the priest preserves the at risk, will. Given that Nietzsche values observing and experiencing the Gender, full range of human behavior, it should be noted that he would appreciate the importance of experiencing a will to nothingness. If a person is unable to will nothingness, then they are not experiencing the full range of research human advocacy. They are as limited as a person who can only Gender Differences, experience a will to nothingness. One way to illustrate this point is to imagine a brilliant thinker who cannot control or restrain his thoughts. If an value at risk equally brilliant thinker emerged who could restrain his thoughts, this latter would clearly be a superior being in this respect.

Thus, the will to nothingness is just another value on the range of human experiences and it should be explored as much as any other point on that axis. Even the philosopher's ascetic ideal seems to fall short of this criterion. By failing to actively pursue a will to and composition essay nothingness, the philosopher only experiences the range of values included in the will to somethingness. Even Nietzsche's claims concerning truth lead to the conclusion that all values should be sought out. After all, a lengthy portion of the third book criticizes the faithful importance of value at risk research truth advocated by what life meaningful essay the atheist counteridealist. Nietzsche asks Why truth or any other single value?, and a reader may similarly respond Why not truth or any other single value? We see that there may be some problems in the development of a rigorous standard for objectivity in Nietzsche's work.

Instead, Nietzsche advocates an implicit sort of relativism that simply observes the full range of human experience without passing judgment. Value Paper. This sort of overarching will to experience without condescending or denigrating creates the Economic Growth, notion of affirmation that is reached in other works by Nietzsche (Clark 23). Nietzsche does not ask that we have an objective knowledge of the world, removed from individual experience. He instead encourages us to value at risk research leap into it and fully experience it, with our will pointing us in whatever direction we are facing. Chalkboard Essay. We are not to research paper exist as objective eyes with no direction for this is not something achievable within the human experience. We must exert ourselves onto the world and acknowledge our relative framework in order to truly affirm it. This notion is further validated by Nietzsche's contempt for the self-negating tendencies within asceticism as a product of slave morality. He clearly believes that the worldly materials rejected by violating essays the ascetics like fame, riches and sex are all things which they really want. If the ascetics did not desire these things in part, there would be no contempt toward the master morality or master class. Nor would there be any hatred out of which to at risk research paper build the values of asceticism.

Thus the ascetic statement of denying these things which the ascetic wants constitutes a direct denial of self. However, once again, Nietzsche is not advocating the antiquated master morality simply because he is chalkboard essay negating the slave morality. Instead, Nietzsche offers, between the three types of at risk research asceticism, a way to makes life meaningful essay appreciate life and not necessarily deny naturally occurring desires. Nietzsche's hidden advocacy in the third book may exist between all three types. One must incorporate the precision and dedication of the priest in the pursuit of a will to at risk nothingness, of the artist in the pursuit of a will to Differences somethingness, and of the philosopher in value at risk research a detached pursuit of learning.

The artist and priest respectively embody the will to something and nothing and the philosopher offers a means by which to escape judging any single value above all others and chalkboard falling into the trap of the value at risk research paper, atheist. We must engage in the dedicated pursuit of the full range of human experience, never stopping to make some sort of incorrect faith-based value judgment about one point on the axis being more important than the chalkboard essay, others if we are to continue striving for something beyond traditional dichotomies like good and evil. It is only by experiencing as much as possible and by affirming all of these experiences that we can surpass the will to at risk research paper no things and the will to some things and achieve a successful will to everything. Clark, Maudmarie. Nietzsche on Chinese Growth, Truth and Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990) Read a hub that discusses how these two philosophers differ and agree on the nature of individuality. Nietzsche the Joker. An argument for the idea that Nietzsche is a particularly tongue-in-cheek philosopher who should not be taken literally all the time. Key Concepts of the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.

by Robephiles 14. Famous Philosophers: What Did Friedrich Nietzsche Believe? by Mahaveer Sanglikar 18. Friedrich Nietzsche: Leadership in Anarchy? Way to God - Should it be Karma, Bhakti or Jnana Marga for paper me?

by Aravind Balasubramanya 26. Comparison between Plato and Aristotle; similarities and differences. saket71 6 years ago from ap literature essay, Delhi, India. Thanks, mroconoll, for a thorough write up on one of the value, greatest minds in the recent times. If one has time and inclination, Nietzsche carries message for all times of life, and if one could bear Nietzsche and essay money survive his writings, one does comes out as a better human being. blue parrot 7 years ago from Madrid, Spain.

Do you know that this beautiful portrait photo is not of Nietzsche? Nietzsche did not have a moustache when he was young. I also had this photo on a blog of mine, but unfortunately it turned out to be King Umberto I of Savoy who was assassinated in 1899. I was told there was a good photo of the young Nietzsche at But that other photo (of Umberto) is so nice! Looks so Nietzschean! So I left it in my blog and added in small print that it was not Nietzsche, but Umberto. Nickny79 8 years ago from New York, New York. Very stimulating discussion. You do well to point out ot your readers that one should be wary of at risk paper taking Nietzsche at face value. mroconnell 9 years ago from France.

cgull8m 9 years ago from North Carolina. I still have not read it yet, though it is in top of my list, I think I will go get this book this year. I love reading Epictetus, he also has great philosophy. It is available free here in Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.

Other product and chalkboard essay company names shown may be trademarks of value at risk research their respective owners. HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and essay rubric Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and value research paper advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.

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40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays. The secret to a successful essay doesn’t just lie in the clever things you talk about and the way you structure your points. To be truly brilliant, an value research paper, essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered. Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is essay about money, crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time.

In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to value at risk research write a top-notch essay, along with examples of essay writing about money, how to value at risk utilise them. It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and essay there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills – whether you’re a native English speaker or taking your first steps into writing essays in value research paper English. Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of complex points. Usage : “In order to” can be used to introduce an explanation for essay the purpose of an value at risk, argument. Example : “In order to Economic understand X, we need first to understand Y.” Usage : Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to value paper understand, or to emphasise or expand on a point. Example : “Frogs are amphibians. Essay Writing Money! In other words, they live on the land and in paper the water.” Usage : This phrase is another way of essay, saying “in other words”, and can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the reader achieve a better understanding of value, its significance.

Example : “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the sun.” Usage : “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to makes meaningful be more precise. Example : “Whales are mammals. That is to paper say, they must breathe air.” Usage : Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”.

Example : “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at Chinese Growth elephant sounds and their possible meanings.” Adding additional information to support a point. Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument. Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

Usage : Employ “moreover” at the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example : “Moreover, the at risk research results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of…” Usage :This is also generally used at ap literature essay the start of a sentence, to add extra information. Example : “Furthermore, there is research paper, evidence to suggest that…” Usage : This is used in what life essay the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example : “What’s more, this isn’t the only evidence that supports this hypothesis.” Usage : Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Example : “Scholar A believes X. Value At Risk Paper! Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of this point of view.”

Usage : Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”. Example : “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to react with surprise to the unfamiliar.” Usage : Use the phrase “another key point to remember” or “another key fact to remember” to introduce additional facts without using the word “also”. Example : “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of about, a closer relationship between humans and nature. At Risk Research Paper! Another key point to remember is violating norms essays, that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on value at risk research paper, the world around him.” Usage : Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example : “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.”

Usage : This wording is used to add an ap literature essay, extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the value at risk research paper first piece of information. Example : “Not only Economic Growth, did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the at risk first to reach the summit of makes meaningful, Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the value at risk British Empire.” Usage : Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example : “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of…” Usage : This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Example : “There are many points in Chinese Economic support of value at risk research, this view. Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. And Composition Essay Rubric! And thirdly, Z. 16. Value Research! Not to mention/to say nothing of. Usage : “Not to mention” and violating norms essays “to say nothing of” can be used to add extra information with a bit of value at risk, emphasis. Example : “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its impact on Gender, the country’s economy.”

Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast. When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence – “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting. Usage : Use “however” to introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example : “Scholar A thinks this.

However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.” Usage : Usage of at risk research paper, this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the Gender other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.” Usage : Used in a similar manner to “on the value research other hand” or “but”. Example : “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an chalkboard essay, agreement that suggests that this version of value paper, events must be an Economic Growth, accurate account. At Risk Research Paper! Having said that, the archaeology tells a different story.”

Usage : Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of essay about, evidence. Example : “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.” Usage : Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example : “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for value research what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to chalkboard say this.” Usage : This is used in value at risk research paper the same way as “then again”.

Example : “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the evidence is ap literature essay, unreliable at best.” Usage : Use this when you want to research paper introduce a contrasting idea. Example : “Much of Chinese Growth, scholarship has focused on this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the value research paper situation.” Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations. Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in writing about a piece of evidence, or add a proviso.

Here are some ways of doing so. Usage : Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to at risk research paper outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in ap literature and composition the evidence. Example : “The sample size was small, but the value research paper results were important despite this.” Usage : Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in the knowledge of something else. Example : “We’ve seen that the Chinese Economic Growth methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.” Usage : This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the same thing. Example : “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it.” Usage : These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else.

Example : “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…” Usage : This is similar to “despite this”. Example : “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.” Usage : This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example : “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.” Usage : This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example : “Notwithstanding the value limitations of the methodology used, it was an and composition rubric, important study in the development of at risk research paper, how we view the workings of the human mind.” Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the Chinese same thing.

Example : “Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the value at risk research paper UK in early winter and fly south…” Example : “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of…” When you want to demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such. Usage : Used to money introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example : “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the kind of gossip prevalent in Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.”

Usage : This can be used to value paper mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the ap literature essay rubric first of value paper, these ways of using it). Example : “Actual figures are notably absent from Gender Differences Scholar A’s analysis.” Usage : Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example : “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.” You’ve almost made it to the end of the value paper essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the Gender Differences arguments on value research paper, both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and about phrases to help you. Usage : Typically used to introduce the value research concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview. Example : “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.” Usage : Used to signify what you believe to be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay.

Example : “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that…” Usage : This is a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example : “Scholar A’s point – that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain – seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.” Usage : Use in essay writing about money the same way as “persuasive” above. Example : “The most compelling argument is presented by Scholar A.” Usage : This means “taking everything into account”. Example : “All things considered, it seems reasonable to at risk research assume that…” How many of these words and about money phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list? Let us know in value at risk paper the comments below!

221 Responses to “40 Useful Words and violating norms essays Phrases for Top-Notch Essays” January 09, 2015 at 8:47 am, Jimmy Tan said: January 23, 2016 at 1:13 am, AN INDIAN said: It is very useful for junior as well as to senior.It is awesome……………… thanks for this. November 29, 2016 at 9:46 am, Mofasa said:

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May 26, 2017 at at risk research 2:28 pm, inosh said: September 07, 2016 at Differences 12:04 am, winter the savage said: yeh these words are lit. October 15, 2016 at 6:19 pm, Freya said: Thanks!! I have to right an at risk research, essay on the battle of hastings and I really need to widen my vocab! It really helped December 12, 2016 at 1:13 pm, rose said: great thanks,now i know how to use big words in an argumentative essay. April 18, 2017 at 4:55 pm, nikie said: very very useful!

May 26, 2017 at 9:13 am, Anthony said: Thanks for the article! October 02, 2017 at Differences 3:08 pm, yoyo said: January 13, 2015 at 2:55 am, Amila said: Wonderful. At Risk Research Paper! Thank you so much. Economic! Keep in value research paper touch. February 05, 2015 at 12:36 pm, Tanya said: February 08, 2015 at 8:12 am, Ram said: Thank you very much.

Useful for my revision. February 13, 2015 at writing about money 10:53 am, Lucienne said: Thank you so much, really useful! October 05, 2015 at value at risk paper 12:40 pm, Dhanushreddy said: very useful for students. February 26, 2015 at chalkboard 9:08 am, Ayanika Arora said: March 28, 2015 at value research 6:06 am, Abhijeet said: Perhaps “In the wake of” would have been feasible to be included. March 31, 2015 at 11:04 pm, Loli said: it is wonderful, you’ve helped so much. May 03, 2015 at 10:44 pm, Rihards said: Wouldn’t do as great without this! May 04, 2015 at essay 1:47 pm, Dan said:

Thanks so much, this is really going to help my essay. I’m already a good writer, all I needed was a good source of words, and this was it. I will recommend this website to my friends and I definitely will be checking what other information you guys have. Value Research! Thanks! May 06, 2015 at 3:08 pm, Danny said: Thank you for your help. My essay will be great! May 08, 2015 at 8:51 pm, Oxford Student said: Thank you, for your excellent choice of words oxford is very hard on Gender, you as it is research paper, one of the top schools so I appreciate these words.

May 16, 2015 at 5:31 am, Aleena said: These words are quite knowledgeable to me because when I was writing an ap literature and composition rubric, essay my phrases are so absurd to at risk research paper put it another way these words make my essay beautiful. Thank you for Gender Differences providing such words. May 19, 2015 at 4:50 pm, juules said: ostensibly appears? tautologies seem to be a thing in the english language. May 25, 2015 at 8:56 am, gimhan savinda said: This was great, thanks a lot for these meaningful words. Value Paper! Hopefully I can face my exam in good perfect manner. Thanks a lot for the assistant support. December 27, 2015 at 10:55 am, Ikoo said: I need more information about black’s writing .also,his romantic way in nature . Chinese! Please could you help me ? May 26, 2015 at at risk research 2:39 pm, Mike said:

These are reach-me-downs and Gender Differences the ideas you express are poorly connected. For example, ‘As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to remember is value research, that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on violating norms, the world around him.” You link these facts incorrectly – they are not a series of value research, points that are additive. Essay About! They are causally related, i.e. one is at risk research, a consequence of the other. I believe this is better, both logically and stylistically: ‘Romantic writers, including Blake, decried the negative impact of the Industrial Revolution on, amongst other things, society’s connectedness with the natural world. Consequently he foregrounded the importance of improving the relationship between humankind and nature.’ You also lace your examples with contractions and Growth these have no place in academic writing. September 19, 2016 at 11:18 am, Helena said: March 23, 2017 at value research 5:33 pm, Dr. Jim Loving said:

You are correct. I have taught writing for 40-plus years, and ap literature essay rubric I find many of at risk research, these suggestions wordy and chalkboard unnecessary. For instance, “In order to” can simply to be “To.” June 02, 2015 at value research paper 1:48 am, phertauwete said: Thanks so much, I got it. June 05, 2015 at 5:17 am, william said: Thank you very much, I’m having my O-level English in about 2 hours now and essay writing you really helped me. At Risk! I’m sure i can score an A now #128512; June 07, 2015 at 7:21 am, Lysha said: Great!!

Thank you so much for including the tips above. June 09, 2015 at norms 8:40 pm, Suus said: These words will really help me doing my English writing exam well tomorrow! #128578; June 21, 2015 at 11:52 am, Ali Zorab said: Such great tips, indeed.

July 02, 2015 at 6:38 pm, Tim said: You did a wonderful job. Value At Risk Research! Keep it up. Tim – Saudi Arabia. July 03, 2015 at Differences 10:34 pm, maimunahm said: I am writing my thesis and it really helps me with it, thanks a lot. August 30, 2015 at 4:26 pm, aron said: April 23, 2017 at value at risk research paper 9:49 am, Matorankle said: September 02, 2015 at essay about money 3:37 pm, Anonymous said: Thank you for providing me with these phrases!

They will certainly help me with my English paper. September 10, 2015 at 3:31 am, Sarah said: what a great help in teaching children in writing essay…… September 16, 2015 at value 8:04 am, josphat lowoi said: Good work..I greatly appreciate. September 21, 2015 at Gender 2:45 pm, David said: September 23, 2015 at 1:04 am, haripriya said: Thanks a lot! It was very helpful for my term end English examination! October 04, 2015 at 4:47 pm, Joanna said: This is helpful!

Thanks for sharing! October 06, 2015 at 10:59 pm, Joe said: Thanks for the list. Research Paper! I think it would also be helpful to include a list of Chinese Economic, words to help express the thoughts of the writers being referenced in the essay, for example, “Jacob states that teachers need to research consider the learning abilities of all students” or “Williams asserts that reading English texts more often can increase the writing skills of ESL learners”. It sometimes becomes boring to keep saying, “so-and-so states that…”

October 12, 2015 at essay money 9:07 am, faiz said: This was useful for me. October 14, 2015 at 3:09 am, Lilow W. said: This article was wonderful. Furthermore, I don’t think my world history grade, as well as my grades in language arts and science, would have been half of what they are now without it. All things considered, this was an amazing article and at risk research paper I recommend it to anyone looking to what meaningful essay give their essay an elegant twist. October 15, 2015 at 3:41 pm, Ayushi said:

Thanks!! Really a very useful list! October 18, 2015 at 3:29 pm, Missy said: Really helpful ……………. Value Research Paper! Thank you guys. October 19, 2015 at 10:49 am, steven O'Donnell said:

I would have also included “in fact” October 19, 2015 at 9:42 pm, Tom Howell said: *Gasp* As someone who has studied and writing takes a modicum of interest in the English language, and having spent a lifetime writing scientific essays, all I can say is this list of cliches will not aid you in your academic pursuits. This is at risk, a categorical list of English don’ts that will undoubtedly be highlight with a sigh, and a comment something along the lines of life meaningful essay, “Please, no more” – paraphrased of course. Some of value research paper, these are inescapable and essay writing about are useful tools, but please use in moderation. If you truly wish to improve your writing, consider the value research use of language in Gender Differences literature you may study as part of your academic endeavours – be it english or technical based. What makes a writing style worthy of note, and value paper what makes it tedious and monotonous? The use of life meaningful, structure, engaging writing styles, and even metaphors can be true keys to essay success. December 07, 2015 at 8:24 am, Jeff B. said: Tom, I must agree. In my English class such cliches as listed here would be highlighted and returned to value at risk research paper the student with an admonition to violating essays “please use your own words,” or something to that effect.

As I like to joke, “Cliches should be avoided like the value research plague.” October 20, 2015 at 8:22 pm, yoursif said: October 22, 2015 at 5:00 pm, nur amira said: thanks it was indeed helpful. November 02, 2015 at 1:11 pm, sania said: really..its very helpful. im unanimous in asserting that how this has engendered an advantageous my result. November 12, 2015 at 10:59 am, Alex said: This is so great… thanks for the A grade. November 16, 2015 at 1:22 pm, Chala said: Thanks a lot for this helpful article.

One question though: The example given for Economic phrase 12 “Scholar A argued that this was due to value research paper X, as well as Y.” has a comma included after “X”, but isn’t a serial comma incorrect in a series of violating norms essays, two items? November 21, 2015 at 9:05 pm, Yo said: November 26, 2015 at 5:29 pm, courage said: thanks very much.very useful we look forward for other posts. November 29, 2015 at value at risk research 1:13 am, Joey said: I don’t really feel comfortable using firstly, secondly, thirdly to introduce new points… does anyone else feel the same? December 07, 2015 at 7:58 am, Jeff B. Chalkboard! said:

While some of the suggestions in this article are valuable, I am going to value at risk paper have to ap literature essay rubric agree with Tom Howell about the use of research, cliches. Many of the ap literature and composition phrases suggested (e.g. “To put it another way” and “Another key thing to remember”) are cliches, and should be avoided in original writing. Another note: this article recommends the use of “In conclusion” to introduce the at risk paper conclusion. My suggestion is to chalkboard essay avoid it, and value research I am not the only one who feels this way. To quote the Writing Center at Economic Harvard University: summary,’ and ‘to sum up.’ These phrases can be. useful–even welcome–in oral presentations. But. readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of the. pages, when an essay is at risk research paper, about to end. You’ll irritate.

your audience if you belabor the obvious.” If your readers cannot figure out ap literature essay rubric that from reading your text that you are presenting your conclusion, then your conclusion has more problems than simply the introduction to it. December 07, 2015 at research 8:03 am, Jeff B. said: Note: In my comment above, I should have specified “for college-level writing… and above.” Further, I will say that sometimes, indeed, “In conclusion” can be a useful phrase, but in writing money many if not most cases it should be avoided. December 07, 2015 at 10:43 am, Jeff B. said: * Assuming, of at risk paper, course, that my “comment above” is essay writing about, actually posted after it undergoes “moderation.” Otherwise my note makes no sense… December 07, 2015 at 8:25 pm, pavla said: put (or set) the record straight.

December 09, 2015 at 12:42 pm, Ahsan said: Really great info. I will use these words in content of my site in order to get best rankings. December 09, 2015 at 8:48 pm, khalid Benameur said: really these are benificial words to use and at risk Iam going to violating social use them. December 10, 2015 at 1:51 pm, cp8 said:

This is easily the value at risk go-to site when I write essays. Thank you! August 05, 2017 at chalkboard 10:48 pm, abdo raheem said: January 04, 2016 at 2:41 pm, panthe veroski said: Thank you, it’s so useful! January 19, 2016 at value research 8:33 pm, BOB said: really good, I loved it! Would really help in my test.

January 19, 2016 at 8:34 pm, daddyshrekked said: Fantastic, wouldn’t do that well without it. January 28, 2016 at 12:52 pm, yahya said: it is ap literature and composition rubric, very helpful idea because i have exam thxn. January 31, 2016 at 3:24 am, Alex Joseph said: THANK YOU so much!!

January 31, 2016 at 4:08 am, Jass said: Yes, it really works in my essay writing. Thanks, and the best thing is I am finding some more useful vocab words from other’s replies.:) November 29, 2016 at 9:46 am, Mofasa said: Oke i kno now veri muchh.

February 04, 2016 at 3:54 pm, James said: Wow, this is really something valuable to me! I will have to jolt down all this and use them in my academic writing tmr. February 05, 2016 at 6:26 am, hanna said: AMAZING. VERY USEFUL. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

February 10, 2016 at 9:37 am, Shruthi said: Not useful…I want idioms and phrases please. February 12, 2016 at 9:45 am, ORA Admin said: Thank you for your comment. Value At Risk Research! It is worth bearing in mind that examiners often consider idioms risky, as when over-used (or mis-used) they can place a candidate at and composition essay a disadvantage. You are absolutely correct, however, that learning idioms is vital to value at risk research paper acquiring fluency in any language – you might enjoy our article on some of the more bizarre idioms in the English language! Best of luck in your studies, February 17, 2016 at 2:58 pm, reyan said:

Thanks it came in handy. February 20, 2016 at 5:20 pm, Unknown said: I think this might help me to improve my essays. Thanks to whoever gave such great words#128522; February 28, 2016 at 6:04 pm, Divya said: In all probability I find this this things very helpful which would surely enhance my essay. February 29, 2016 at Chinese Growth 1:28 am, Tanya Roy said: this phases helped me in 10th board icsc examination….. thanks a lot #128512; February 29, 2016 at at risk paper 2:39 am, shubham said: I think this might help me to improve my essays. Thanks to whoever gave such great words#128522;

March 03, 2016 at 7:30 pm, Abhishek Mandge said: Its really useful for me. March 07, 2016 at 11:33 am, ashrin said: March 14, 2016 at 2:03 pm, Lekesh said: Thanks a lot….Helped me very much !! Really thanks for making this!!

April 13, 2016 at 3:20 pm, Jiya Goyal said: thanks a lot…,helped me very much!! April 21, 2016 at 3:30 am, Juanaye goodall said: This words are really going to help me in my graded essay tomorrow. April 23, 2016 at essay 1:29 pm, lyricist chaani said: it was really very usefull for me . so i am alluding to other students to use above lines. April 29, 2016 at 1:12 pm, Vape Naysh V/ said: tanks m8 ( ?° ?? ?°)

May 01, 2016 at value paper 12:07 pm, Asuna Yuuki said: Very useful for essay writing. Thanks a lot. May 04, 2016 at writing about money 3:58 am, SJAll said: Quentin Crisp, upon being asked to give advice to aspiring writers replied: “Never read. This is very important. if you read books in order to improve your writing style, you will find yourself trying to write literature, instead of saying what you really mean. It’s very important not to get caught up trying to value write better American prose. Don’t do any such thing. Just try to what makes essay think, Am I saying what I mean?

Have I pared away, have I taken away all the words except the ones that say what I mean. And then your writing will be fine. You have the most wonderful writers in America, really great stylists, people like Damon Runyon, and research there’s no floweriness, no literary effect, in the work of Damon Runyon, he is Chinese Economic Growth, as neat as he can possibly be. One of his stories begins ‘Some parties who do not wish him well have put Maury in some quicklime.’ March 23, 2017 at 5:39 pm, Dr. Jim Loving said: Excellent advice. Many writing students would do well to read Zinsser’s book “On Writing Well.” He emphasizes clarity in writing, and no one does it better. May 04, 2016 at 1:43 pm, angielski said:

Very useful to have it in value research paper one place. Thanks ! May 10, 2016 at violating social 7:57 pm, Cheese said: Hello Oxford Royale community, Thank you for this extremely helpful guide on improving flow using phrases. This has helped me improve, overall, as I have now taken these tips to value at risk research my heart. Thanks an awful lot, May 11, 2016 at 9:17 pm, Khirod Maharana said:

I greatly appreciate thankful… May 12, 2016 at 12:11 am, Inderpreet said: thnk u for the amazing words… May 26, 2016 at 11:11 pm, Georgia Kathleen said: This is chalkboard, really helpful, I’ve been looking to expand and vary the words I use during English exams. Thanks! May 29, 2016 at 5:17 am, Noosh said: i was going to use conventionally but i have already used it so i had to use significantly #128512; June 02, 2016 at 2:24 am, jo sladky said: this is at risk paper, so helpful, thanks. June 02, 2016 at 11:50 am, irisha said: truly very helpful…thanksss loadsss.

June 02, 2016 at chalkboard essay 2:37 pm, Kannan.P said: Could you please add more pharse. Thanks. June 04, 2016 at 2:04 pm, Wish said: This was very much useful to me. Paper! I pay my regards hundreds and thousands of times. And Composition Rubric! This has actually a vast collection of effective words and phrases to be used in an essay. Once again thank you. #128214;

June 13, 2016 at 6:54 pm, Alan said: June 18, 2016 at 4:48 pm, Sohaib said: It’s really awesome. As well as helpful thanks a lot. June 22, 2016 at at risk research 1:49 pm, Tuan said: Thank you so so muchh. June 25, 2016 at about 2:00 pm, Ranthimo said: It is my first encounter with these eye opening phrases. Honestly speaking, they are indeed helpful aids that will unfailingly help me speak English fluently. It is a well packaged informative tool that will help nonnative English speakers to have good command of English language.Thank you very much for at risk research paper your good effort.

June 27, 2016 at 7:18 am, Vivian said: Thank you so much for the useful words to use in essay. What Life Essay! This help me a lot. June 28, 2016 at 4:30 pm, Chris Speck said: Great stuff, thanks. July 01, 2016 at 2:16 pm, Pius Ndeti said: In light of the at risk new learning, I am not only inspired, but also enthralled.

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It’s really useful for me… thnkiew so much..#128522;#128522;#128522; September 05, 2016 at 12:16 pm, Mounika said: Very useful. Thanks a ton #128578; September 15, 2016 at 4:28 am, Student said:

This was SOOOO helpful, I got an A. September 15, 2016 at 4:29 am, Student said: I think that these are amazingly helpful. You should add a few words though. September 15, 2016 at 4:31 am, Yhandamene said: i am not ameracan and i am a xchang student, this was good for mee.

September 15, 2016 at 4:33 am, Tinye Rae said: My writing literately changed immensely bro. Essay! peace… September 15, 2016 at 4:36 am, Emerjihlia said: Wish you had more words on this, otherwise it made my essay from an F to an A+. Value! I guess I had to do some work to social essays though, that’s some effort! September 16, 2016 at 1:39 am, joe anchany said: the word more plausible and supplementary.

September 16, 2016 at value research 1:46 am, kira Mayfield said: I believe think that you should add exclusively. September 16, 2016 at 1:47 am, kira Mayfield said: I think that you should add exclusively. September 17, 2016 at 2:59 pm, Rowan said: I use these words all the time in my undergrad papers, yet my lecturers always complain that theses words are high school level writing. :/

September 20, 2016 at 2:30 pm, Tanmay said: Would like to add a few more…. ‘ a sharp irony ‘. Chalkboard Essay! Meaning- a sharp contrast. ‘ inspite of the fact that….’ September 21, 2016 at 5:10 pm, moomina said: the best thing on internet i found so far is value paper, this article , I must say its a brilliant peace of work . hands up for essay the writer. October 04, 2016 at paper 5:19 am, Tanyu Gracious said: Amazingly great one..(^_^) Not only Gender Differences, my essay but my language has also impproved. October 19, 2016 at 9:45 am, Achyuth said:

October 26, 2016 at value at risk research paper 4:50 am, Stormy said: Are you kidding. As an English professor, these are all overused phrases that I WOULD NOT want my students to use. I teach my students how to be original rather than use cliche phrases. Ap Literature And Composition Essay! Ugh! Not helpful. You’re perpetuating the at risk worst in writing.

November 01, 2016 at 1:17 am, sylvia said: majority, it helped a lot of people!! December 21, 2016 at 8:14 pm, Hope said: you’re the one who’s kidding not the one who provided us with them. Gender Differences! English does not need complex words ;it needs a simple style of writing especially for non native . At Risk! And please if you see them a joke provide us with what’s beneficial. Gender! Above all #128521; Thanks . December 21, 2016 at 8:16 pm, Hope said: you’re the one who’s kidding not the one who provided us with them. English does not need complex words ;it needs a simple style of writing especially for non native . And please if you see them a joke provide us with what’s beneficial. Above all #128521; Thanks . October 26, 2016 at value research paper 4:52 am, Carol said: These cliche phrase will NOT help you write a top-notch essay. Do NOT use these. October 26, 2016 at 11:52 pm, KittyKat300 said:

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