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Bowlby’s Ethological Attachment Theory Essay. Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory bases its argument on the premise that human individuals, just like animals have a tendency to have a natural inclination to establish and maintain lasting affectionate bonds (attachments) to the familiar and projects for statistics, irreplaceable others. Information! Bowlby further asserts that once the attachments are established, the strength, and stability of the links is related the emotional stability and well-being of the individual throughout life. Bowlby proposes that the attachment initially form during infancy and often involve one primary attachment figure (mostly the mother or other primary caregiver). For Statistics Class! However, growth from childhood to adulthood results in the development of other secondary and multiple attachments which are organized into hierarchies from the most accessible to the least accessible. This forms the dissertation proposal on training lifespan development of an individual as attachment needs for comfort and projects for statistics, closeness shift from common, parents to projects, peers as part of a healthy lifespan development. This paper discusses Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory as a theory of lifespan development. The paper is organized with an on culture, introduction which briefly discusses the concept of ethology and its ancestry from the study on for statistics class, the graylag geese by Konrad Lorenz. It further presents the contributions of Bowlby and the applications of the theory on human beings lifespan development and contemporary practice. The paper logically ends with a conclusion.

Ethology emphasizes that human behavior is tied to evolution and information, biology, and is therefore characterized by critical periods. According to ethnologists, the projects critical periods are time frames during which the presence of lack of certain experiences exerts long-lasting influence on human individuals. The concept of ethology rose to arguing essay, prominence after a European zoologist (Lorenz) undertook a behavioral study on graylag geese and their behavior of following their mothers immediately after they hatch (Marga, 2011). In his attempt to study on attachment, Lorenz subdivided the eggs laid by one goose into two groups with one being given to for statistics, the mother for hatching while the other was hatched in an incubator. The goslings hatched by the mother followed the arranged marriage in india essay mother immediately after hatching while those hatched in the incubator followed Lorenz sine he was the one they saw immediately after hatching. Even after marking the goslings and placing them in a box, the for statistics goslings run to the mother and Lorenz according immediately after the box was opened (van der Horst van der Veer, 2009). Lorenz described the process as imprinting. Imprinting refers to the process through which rapid, innate learning takes place and involves the creation of attachment to the first mobile object visible to app essay, a newly hatched gosling. John Bowlby took the concept ahead illustrating an class, application of ethological theory on beatrice retzlaff dissertation, human behavior and development.

In his view, attachment to a caregiver during the first year of a child has significant consequences throughout the individual’s lifespan. In his words, attachment influences human relationships “from the class cradle to the grave” (Pitman Scharfe, 2010, p. 201). Bowlby argues that if the attachment is both positive and secure, the individual has a high likelihood of developing positively through childhood and into essays on culture adulthood. On the class other side, if the common attachment is both negative and insecure, the individual has high chances of not attaining optimal life-span development. It is the for statistics concern of human individuals that they reach optimal lifespan development, something that ethological theory partly tries to explain. This paper discusses Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory and its applications in beatrice, the course of lifespan development. Bowlby’s perspectives on ethological attachment theory. From the perspective of ethological theory, babies have an innate biological preparation to participate actively towards the establishment of a bond with caregivers. The ethological theory holds that such an attachment promotes the likelihood that the genes of individuals survive (Makulincer Shaver, 2012). The theory also posits that the behaviors of children are best understood in the context of their adaptive value hence they seek to fully integrate with the entire organism-environment arrangement.

This includes physical, social as well as the cultural aspects an individual is exposed to class, in the course of life-span development. While Bowlby’s ethological theory places its emphasis on genetics and biological aspects of development, learning also plays an integral role in life-span development since it facilitates flexibility and adaptation of human behavior. One of Bowlby’s concerns had to do with the ability of children raised in other institutions such as orphanages to form lasting relationships. Bowlby’s proposal was that children who grow up in institutions such as orphanages have difficulties when it comes to love because they never had the opportunity to establish attachments to a mother figure in on culture, the early stage of projects for statistics class, their lives. The attachment, in Bowlby’s view, is an emotional bond established between two people and this attachment is vital in the building of healthy relationships (Makulincer, Shaver Berant, 2013). Definitions Essay! He argued that the bonding process starts at birth and runs through to later stages in projects for statistics, life. Below six months, the essay infant is attached to the primary caregiver. Between six to eighteen months, the separation of the child from the attachment figure upsets the child causing frequent cries. Another accompanying behavior at this stage is the projects class fear of definitions essay, strangers. While infants develop a primary attachment to a single caregiver, researchers also argue that other significant attachments also develop. Such attachments include those with siblings, fathers, and other close figures who interact with the child.

Mary Ainsworth, an American scholar to study the class area of attachment describes the attachments as secondary attachments (Marga, 2011). She further describes secondary attachments as important bonds in the life-span development of an individual. Essays! These attachments are vital since the child has to live in world beyond the mother/primary caregiver. Secondary attachments help in for statistics class, the transformation of the child from the comfortable symbiotic relationship that he/she initially forms with the primary caregiver to include others in the society (Makulincer Shaver, 2012). It is from this development that the child is able to essay, develop age-appropriate independence and autonomy in the course of life-span development. Children imitate their models and projects for statistics, the positive interactions with the caregiver promote a sense of identity and attachment. Dissertation! Children also develop multiple attachments as witnessed in Ainsworth’s secondary attachments (Marga, 2011). For Statistics Class! A father who is warm and affectionate towards the child becomes emotionally involved with the child and establishes attachment. Researchers also find that when sons feel understood by their fathers, they develop attachments towards, their fathers. On the other side, when sons feel misunderstood by their fathers, they did not only feel afraid of them but also did not want to be like the male parent in the future. Essay Information! The lesson here is that paternal affection and understanding are key components that help in the promotion of positive relationships and attachments between a male parent and the child.

According to Sable (2008), Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory is recognized as a lifespan developmental theory. The author further argues that it is relevant in the understanding of how early affection experiences exert influence on emotional and physical well being of an individual both in childhood and adulthood. The author specifically singles the importance of Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory in clinical practice as it helps in understanding clients’ distress and the carrying out of psychotherapy. Contemporary research on neurobiology of attachment extends the basis of Bowlby’s conception of an attachment behavior system and suggests that its functions are executed in the brain’s right hemisphere, specifically the right cortex (Sable, 2008). Just like Bowlby asserts that attachment system evolves on the need for protection from environmental dangers such as predation, the brain is for statistics class, also an arranged, evolving organ largely influenced by “natural selection” (Sable, 2008, p. 22) and later shaped by environmental experiences. It is from this realization that knowledge of attachment theories becomes invaluable in psychotherapy. Application of Bowlby’s ethological attachment in lifespan development According to Pitman Scharfe (2010), the principles of attachment theory are distinctively visible in moments of distress or sickness when the projects for statistics individual feels that their survival is under threat. However, there are many other instances when attachment behaviors are manifest such as children’s first experiences in schools and day care centers. Pitman Scharfe (2010) observe that during the essay first day in day care centers, children experience increases in cortisol levels and heart rates.

In the course of an individual’s developmental lifespan, other incidences include airport separations when couples display attachment behaviors as well as distress irrespective of their attachment security. Knowledge of attachment is useful in psychotherapy. According to Pitman Scharfe (2010), individuals with high attachment anxiety and avoidance experience greater physical symptoms in comparison with individuals who have low attachment anxiety and avoidance. The researchers also report on the existence of an association between attachment anxiety and avoidance on one hand and depression on projects class, the other across varying age groups. These range from samples of children and adolescents, emerging adults, married couples, community samples in transition to parenthood, university samples, as well as clinical samples. The results indicate an association between higher attachment anxiety and avoidance with depression (Sable, 2008). The establishment of attachment with the therapists determines the effectiveness of a therapist in giving assistance to a client. Bowlby believes that the arguing definitions essay development of a new attachment with a therapist enables the therapist to assist the client in revising the story of the for statistics class client’s life into essay a more consistent narrative.

According to Sable (2010), the role of the therapist is to provide a springboard for change and this is projects for statistics class, possible through joint exploration of the painful feelings and the unhappy events that contribute the current emotional problems of the client. In order to essay, win this trust, the therapist ought to become a relatively secure base where the projects for statistics client experiences safety and support. Definitions Essay! The therapist has to cultivate for this attachment through calming and soothing interactions although it may take some time before the therapist is accepted and felt as emotionally familiar and affectively accustomed to projects class, the client. One of the applications of Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory by arranged marriage in india essay, clinicians is in the assessment of the client’s attachment style so that the clinician can regulate the therapeutic approach (Sable, 2010). Projects For Statistics! The outcomes of a therapy process reveal that avoidant outpatients show minimal clinical improvements in comparison to the secure and anxious outpatients after individual therapy (Makulincer, Shaver Berant, 2013). They also report that in a study carried out in a university program training clinic, avoidant attachment had an inverse relationship to psychotherapy outcome.

Researchers agree that problems in essays on culture, the working alliance between clients and therapists partially mediate the avoidance-outcome association. In another sample of clients with eating disorders, avoidant-attachment was linked with dropout of group psychotherapy. Another contemporary application of Bowlby’s ethological theory is in the diagnosis of the reactive attachment disorder. Follan Minnis (2009) investigate the cases of the forty-four juvenile thieves described as affectionless psychopaths. Out of the sampled ‘juvenile thieves,’ 86 percent had undergone through prolonged separation from for statistics, primary caregivers in the early stages of their lives apart from being placed under multiple care placements. Follan Minnis (2009) find out that in their sample, 60 percent of essays, children with reactive attachment disorder had been separated from their homes either resulting from neglect or other types of maltreatment. For Statistics Class! According to Bowlby, the experience of separation from essay information technology, primary caregivers was a key etiological factor contributing towards the development of difficulties in children. Projects! These findings lend credence to Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory in the diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder (RAD). College Common App Essay! While Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory receives worldwide support, it also faces some criticisms. One such criticism is its reliance on biology and evolution as the basis of development as well as the use of selective observations in projects for statistics class, naturalistic situations. Marga (2011) presents contradicting reports of a study involving 162 farm children where there was no relation between infant training on one hand and personality development on the other.

As a result, the researcher implores scientists to “quit blaming mom” as a dismissal to Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory. While the criticisms are there, Bowlby’s ethological theory receives widespread support and application as it relates to the lifespan development of an individual. The behavioral development of a human being begins at on culture, birth and occurrences at the formative years determine the personality development of the individual later in projects for statistics, adulthood. Many theories such as the behavioral and psychoanalytic theories explain personality development of the human individual. The quality of the entire human life is the accurate measure of effective lifespan development of the individual. On Culture! Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory argues that human individuals develop attachments to primary caregivers that are affectionate and class, supportive. As individuals grow, they develop other secondary and multiple attachments with peers in order to beatrice, get security as they interact with different environments. Bowlby’s perspective has received widespread acceptance although it has also been criticized for placing emphasis on biology and evolution. Nevertheless, the projects for statistics theory receives application in psychotherapy.

Researchers report that clients are open up to therapists after they develop a feeling of security and attachment with the retzlaff therapist. There is evidence that psychotherapy outcomes also depend on projects for statistics, the establishment of attachment between the client and the therapist. There is also a link between avoidant-attachment and dropout of on culture, group psychotherapy. The theory specifically helps in understanding the distress of clients in various stages in life and this facilitates positive outcomes during physiotherapy. Class! There is common, further evidence that Bowlby’s ethological attachment theory also helps in the diagnosis of projects for statistics class, reactive attachment disorder.

As individuals grow from childhood to adulthood, their attachments change due to changes in the environment, making Bowlby’s ethological theory a theory of lifespan development. Follan, M., Minnis, H. Definitions! (2009). Forty-four juvenile thieves revisited: From Bowlby to reactive attachment disorder. Projects For Statistics Class! Child: care, health and development 36(5): 639-645. Makulincer, M., Shaver, P.R. (2012). Adult Attachment Orientations and Relationship Processes. Journal of marriage in india, Family Theory Review 4: 259-274.

Makulincer, M., Shaver, P.R., Berant, E. (2013). An attachment perspective on therapeutic processes and outcomes. Journal of Personality 81(6): 606-616. Marga, V. (2011). The Social Nature of the Mother’s Tie to Her Child: John Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment in for statistics class, Post-war America. British Journal for the History of Science 44(3): 401-426. Pitman, R., Scharfe, E. (2010).Testing the function of attachment hierarchies during emerging adulthood. Personal Relationships 17(2): 201-216. Sable, P. (2008). What is and development, Adult Attachment?

Clinical Social Work Journal 36(1): 21-30. van der Horst, F.C.P., van der Veer, R. (2009). Separation and divergence: The untold story of James Robertson’s and John Bowlby’s theoretical dispute on mother-child separation. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 45(3): 236-252. University/College: University of California. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 10 April 2016. Let us write you a custom essay sample on Bowlby’s Ethological Attachment Theory. for only $16.38 $13.9/page.

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You should visit this page periodically to review the Agreement, as it is binding upon you. By entering into this Agreement you further acknowledge your understanding and acceptance of Resume Rabbit's information gathering, use and dissemination practices as outlined in our Privacy Policy. In exchange for arguing definitions essay its standard fees, Resume Rabbit's One-Stop Resume Posting service will easily and projects class, automatically post a customers resume information and job requirements to a growing number of college common app essay 3rd party career web sites (Career Sites) using one single online form. For Statistics Class? In most cases postings occur within 24 to dissertation proposal on training and development, 48 hours of sign up. Step 1 . The Site asks you for contact and other personal information, your desired job requirements and your relevant experience (collectively Personal Information) which will be electronically reformatted and projects for statistics class, submitted to various Career Sites. Step 2 . Next you're asked for billing contact information, credit card information, and/or bank account information (collectively Payment Information) which is captured, validated and submitted using Norton Secured by Symantec Online Payment Processing, a secure server and college common, SSL encryption.

Prior to pressing a button to for statistics, submit payment you must pro-actively acknowledge that you have read, understand and dissertation proposal on training, agree to this Agreement. Step 3 . Upon payment authorization we'll email a purchase confirmation notice with a web site address where you can amongst other things: check the status of each Career Site posting using a page known as the projects class Posting Report, contact us, check your JobMail, search for jobs, review our Terms of beatrice retzlaff dissertation Service and review our Privacy Policy. Step 4 . After completing the process you can opt to Refer-a-Friend by providing us your friends email contact information. We'll then email your friend a one-time invitation to visit our Site, which will be addressed from projects for statistics class, you. One or more patents apply to this site and to the features and services accessible via the site, including without limitation: US Patent Nos. 6,363,376 and 6,757,674; and all corresponding foreign counterparts.

All content on the Site (including but not limited to text, graphics, images, logos, buttons, icons, software and other materials, hereafter Content) are the sole property of Resume Rabbit and/or eDirect Publishing, Inc. and arguing definitions, is protected by U.S. For Statistics Class? copyright and international treaties. eDirect Publishing, Inc. authorizes you to essay information technology, view and download a single copy of the Content on the Site solely for your personal, noncommercial use. Unauthorized use of the Content may violate copyright, trademark and other laws. You must retain all copyright, trademark, service mark, and other proprietary notices contained in the Content on any copy you make of the projects class Content. Beatrice Retzlaff? You may not reproduce, modify, display, sell, or distribute the Content, or use it in any other way for public or commercial purpose. This includes copying or adapting the projects for statistics class HTML code used to college common app essay, generate Web pages on Resume Rabbit. Additionally attempting to decipher, recompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the Site or service is projects for statistics class expressly prohibited. Resume Rabbit, Resume Posting Service designs, copy, graphics and logos and certain other names or logos are service marks or trademarks of eDirect Publishing, Inc. In India? In addition, the look and feel of the class Site (including color combinations, button shapes, layout, design and arranged marriage essay, all other graphical elements) are also protected by eDirect Publishing's trademarks, service marks and copyrights. All other product and class, service marks contained on the Site are the college common app essay trademarks of their respective owners. The Site and class, its Services are intended solely for individuals seeking employment.

The Site may be used only for lawful purposes within this stated context of Resume Rabbit's intended and acceptable use. Resume Rabbit holds the sole and exclusive right to interpret the meaning and definition of acceptable use. As one of the college common conditions of your use of the Site and Service, you represent, warrant and for statistics class, agree that you will not use (or plan, encourage or help others to in india, use) the for statistics Site for marriage essay any purpose or in any manner that is prohibited by this Agreement or by applicable law. It is projects for statistics your responsibility to ensure that your use of the Site complies with This Agreement. Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to retzlaff, violate the for statistics class security of the Site, including, without limitation: accessing data not intended for such user or logging into a server or account which the arranged marriage essay user is class not authorized to access; attempting to probe, scan or test the college common vulnerability of a system or network or to projects, breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization; attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network, including, without limitation, via means of submitting a virus to essay, the Site, overloading, flooding, mail bombing or crashing; sending unsolicited e-mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services; forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the projects for statistics header information in any e-mail or newsgroup posting. Use of any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site or services of Resume Rabbit, or taking any action which imposes an technology unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Site's infrastructure or the infrastructure of Resume Rabbit is for statistics expressly prohibited. Violations of essay these Security Rules may result in civil or criminal liability.

Resume Rabbit will investigate occurrences that may involve such violations and may involve, and for statistics, cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in college common, prosecuting users who are involved in for statistics class, such violations. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your information, username and definitions, password. For Statistics Class? You shall be responsible for all uses of your registration, whether or not authorized by arguing definitions, you. You agree to immediately notify Resume Rabbit of any unauthorized use of your registration, information, username or password. By using the Site and Service you acknowledge that you have pro-actively hired Resume Rabbit to act on your behalf, as your Agent (hereafter Agency Relationship), to class, create accounts and dissertation proposal, post your Personal Information on projects, the Career Sites and web portals, subject to the terms, conditions, rules and regulations governing the services provided by each of beatrice retzlaff dissertation these sites.

You hereby further convey to Resume Rabbit power of attorney to sign on your behalf (whether on projects, paper or digitally) specifically indicating to each of college these Career Sites that you have read, understood and agree to abide by their terms, conditions, rules and regulations. For Statistics? Click here to review the current list of Career Sites Resume Rabbit posts to, and to access links where their terms of service may be found. You additionally acknowledge your understanding that Resume Rabbit has standardized its web based information gathering forms (hereafter Forms) in order to information, make easy the re-posting of for statistics your Personal Information on the various web forms and in the various formats required by the various Career Sites. With this understanding you further authorize Resume Rabbit to make its best efforts to interpret some of your answers to questions provided on the Forms in order to re-post whatever information Resume Rabbit believes, in marriage essay, its sole discretion, are substantially similar answers amongst the for statistics class available choices on on training, the various Career Sites. By entering into this Agreement you're accepting full and total responsibility for projects for statistics the actions Resume Rabbit performs on your behalf and at your request, as if you had performed those actions yourself. Your further acknowledge and agree that you will take full responsibility and are personally liable for any consequences arising from the on culture use of the class Site and retzlaff dissertation, Services and from this Agreement. Once your resume has been posted, Resume Rabbit will provide you access to a Resume Posting Service Center where you can access your Real-Time Posting Report and your web-based Job Mail. This access is projects available for one year from the date you sign up with the service. Once the year has expired you will no longer be able to view your Real-Time Posting Report or your Job Mail. If you select Keep My Identity Confidential during an Online Order Interaction with Resume Rabbit, Resume Rabbit will select the confidentiality option on technology, the Career Sites offering that feature.

For sites that do not offer a confidentiality feature, Resume Rabbit will replace your personally identifiable information as follows: First Name Last Name are replaced with Confidential User Street Address is replaced with Address Withheld Phone Number is for statistics replaced with A/C-555-1212 Most Recent Company is replaced with Confidential. Additionally, it is college app essay recommended you remove all unwanted personal information from the cut and projects for statistics class, paste version of your resume and college common app essay, cover letter, as these will be posted exactly as you provide them via the projects for statistics class Forms. Job Agents are automated search engines at Career Sites that search for job openings matching criteria given them and then email leads of matching jobs to the email address provided to technology, the Career Site. For Non-Paid Customers. Resume Rabbit may set up Job Agents, also known as Job Alerts, as a courtesy to customers who create accounts on Resume Rabbit but do not pay for Resume Posting Services. These Job Agents can be edited, modified or deleted at any time. For Paid Customers. Resume Rabbit has selected some Career Sites with Job Agent services and has set up Job Agents to automatically be part of the Resume Posting Service. Resume Rabbit does not setup Job Agents at every Career Site that has Job Agents or related services. Resume Rabbit uses its best efforts to match the information given us via its Forms to make sure that the for statistics class Job Agents setup match the type of position(s) desired.

Resume Rabbit makes no guarantees that the Job Agents setup will match job leads you desire. Once you are posted to the Career Sites, you may receive email from the Career Sites when Job Agent matches are found. It is your responsibility to refine the job search criteria used by the Job Agents, if you desire to do so. After being posted to the Career Sites, your Real-Time Resume Posting Report clearly shows which sites have Job Agents setup. The Real-Time Resume Posting Report provides links for proposal on training and development you to login to the Career Sites where you can customize these Job Agents. For more information on this feature please review our Privacy Policy. For your privacy, security and protection, we create a unique job search email address for you on our email servers (your Managed Email Address). This new email will be used as part of your contact information whenever an email address is required in the promotion of projects your resume. By using this Service you understand and consent to beatrice retzlaff dissertation, the replacement of projects for statistics class any email address provided by you with your Managed Email Address for beatrice the purposes of for statistics class promoting your resume, whether provided in the body of your resume or otherwise. Spam Filtering Job Mail Web-Based Email Service. As part of essay your Service, you receive a web-based email account where you will receive any communications sent to your Managed Email Address.

These communications to your Managed Email Address (Job Mail) are made available to you through the Job Mail section of for statistics our Service Center. On Culture? This is for statistics class where you'll go to pick up job opportunities and arguing, other Managed Email. The Job Mail email service helps keep your job related email in one place and for statistics, separate from your personal email box. The Job Mail web interface allows you to read, write, reply and on culture, organize your job related email messages online. For Statistics Class? It has an essay technology online calendar for scheduling interviews and a simple address book to store job opportunity contacts. For Statistics? To access Job Mail, simply log into on culture, the Service Center and click on the Job Mail link. Emails sent to your Managed Email Address will automatically go through our Spam Filtering servers before being delivered to your Job Mail Inbox. While no Spam filtering technique is 100% foolproof, our service should eliminate most non job-search related email. This keeps the email address you provide during registration private, secure and for statistics class, eliminates Spam that would have otherwise been sent to you. Privacy of Your Communications.

Resume Rabbit considers email transmitted via the Managed Email Services to app essay, be the projects for statistics class private correspondence of the sender and recipient. Resume Rabbit generally will not monitor, review or disclose the contents of your Managed Email correspondence, except: (a) as required by law; (b) if necessary to enforce this Agreement; (c) to respond to claims that such contents violate the rights of third parties; (d) as necessary for essays on culture the maintenance, monitoring and quality assurance of the operations of the for statistics Site or Services; or (e) to college common app essay, protect the rights, or property of Resume Rabbit, its third party service providers, or others. Limitations on Use of Email Services. Managed Email and related Services are made available to you for projects for statistics class your personal use only and solely for the purpose of in india facilitating job search related correspondence resulting from the use of the Resume Rabbit Resume Promotion Services. For Statistics? You hereby agree not to use Managed Email and essays, related Services for any other communications or emailing activities other than as outlined herein. You agree: (a) not to use the Services for illegal purposes; (b) not to projects class, interfere with or disrupt the Services or servers or networks connected to the Services; (c) to comply with all requirements, procedures, policies, and arguing, regulations of networks connected to the Services; and projects for statistics class, (e) to comply with all applicable laws regarding the common transmission of technical data exported from the United States. You further agree not to upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit through the Services: (a) any unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, indecent, tortuous, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind; (b) any material that violates the projects for statistics rights of another, including, but not limited to, the dissertation on training intellectual property rights of another; (c) any material that violates any applicable local, state, national, or international law or regulation; or (d) unsolicited or unauthorized advertisements, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, or other forms of solicitation. (e) any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to for statistics, interrupt, destroy or limit the essays on culture functionality of projects for statistics any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; General Email Services Provisions. Please be advised that there is a risk involved whenever downloading email and/or associated attachments to your computer.

Resume Rabbit Email Services may not be able to arguing, detect or repair viruses, or control or foresee any potential damages of using this Service. Resume Rabbit assumes no responsibility for the deletion or failure to store, deliver or deliver in a timely manner email messages. Additionally, Resume Rabbit, in its sole discretion, and for statistics class, without prior notice may place limits on the amount of email a user may send, receive and/or store on beatrice retzlaff, or through its servers within in for statistics, any period of time for essay any reason whatsoever. Any notice provided by Resume Rabbit to you in connection with such limit(s) shall not create any obligation to provide future notification regarding any change(s) to such limit(s). Resume Rabbit additionally retains the right to deactivate any Managed Email Address account or related service, with or without prior notice, for any reason without any liability whatsoever and you hereby release Resume Rabbit from any such liability. You acknowledge that Resume Rabbit makes no guarantees or warrantees of any kind related to Resume Rabbit Email Services, and that your election to utilize this Service is completely at your own risk. Projects? Resume Rabbit shall not accept any responsibility whatsoever or be held liable for any damages caused by your decision to use these services. You further acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all acts or omissions that occur under your Resume Rabbit account or password, including the content of your transmissions through Job Mail and college common, related Services, and that Resume Rabbit may recover damages from you if you violate any of the terms of this Agreement.

By using the Services you agree to defend, indemnify and for statistics class, hold harmless Resume Rabbit from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from this Agreement, your breach of this Agreement, your use of the Site and arranged, Services, the provision by you of any Content to the Site or other Career Sites, or the projects Agency Relationship. Resume Rabbit shall provide notice to you promptly of any such claim, suit, or proceeding and shall assist you at your expense in their defense. You further agree to release Resume Rabbit from any claims, demands and damages (actual, consequential, direct and indirect) of every kind and nature, known and on culture, unknown, suspected and class, unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with this Agreement or the Agency Relationship. If you are a California resident, under this Agreement you are additionally waiving your rights under California Civil Code 1542 which says, A general release does not extend to beatrice dissertation, claims which the projects class creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of on training and development executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. IN NO EVENT SHALL RESUME RABBIT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, INCOME, OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM LOST DATA, LOST EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES, OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) RESULTING FROM THE USE OR ACCESS TO, OR THE INABILITY TO USE OR ACCESS, SITE AND THE CONTENT AND/OR ANY DOCUMENT, WHETHER BASED ON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, AND WHETHER OR NOT RESUME RABBIT IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IF THIS EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS HELD INAPPLICABLE OR UNENFORCEABLE FOR ANY REASON, THEN RESUME RABBIT'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGES SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER. By entering into this Agreement you acknowledge that Resume Rabbit is simply acting as a conduit or messenger and projects for statistics class, that it makes no warranties of dissertation any kind relating to the Career Sites that Resume Rabbit posts you to.

Resume Rabbit will simply pass through information provided by you and will not verify the accuracy of that information nor accept any responsibility for your activities or conduct. Resume Rabbit is not an employment agency or recruiting firm. Resume Rabbit makes no warrantees or guarantees about any customer's ability to procure employment. For Statistics? Resume Rabbit does not control any of the Career Sites it posts to, nor does it control any portion of the hiring process related to its customer. Resume Rabbit therefore makes no representations or guarantees regarding the effectiveness or timeliness of its Site, Services, Content, or its effectiveness in definitions, meeting the employment or any other objectives of class its customers. Furthermore nothing on the Site shall be considered an technology endorsement, representation, assumption of responsibility or warranty with respect to any third party, whether in regards to for statistics, their web site, products, technologies, services, business practices or otherwise. Additionally, Resume Rabbit makes no warranties of any kind related to its standardization and interpretation of the information gathered in its Forms in order to provide information to definitions, Career Sites. You acknowledge and for statistics class, agree that accuracy of college common your Personal Information on projects for statistics class, Career Sites is your sole responsibility, and beatrice dissertation, that Resume Rabbit is not responsible for correcting, changing or modifying any information provided to projects, 3rd parties on your behalf. RESUME RABBIT DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ITS SITE OR SERVICES WILL OPERATE ERROR-FREE OR THAT THE SITE OR ITS SERVERS ARE FREE OF COMPUTER VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL MECHANISMS. IF YOUR USE OF THE SITE OR THE CONTENT RESULTS IN THE NEED FOR SERVICING OR REPLACING EQUIPMENT OR DATA, RESUME RABBIT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE COSTS. YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK FOR USE OF THIS SITE AND THE INTERNET IN GENERAL.

THE SITE AND CONTENT ARE PROVIDED ON AN AS IS BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. RESUME RABBIT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. RESUME RABBIT MAKES NO WARRANTIES ABOUT THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, COMPLETENESS, OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT, SERVICES, SOFTWARE, TEXT, GRAPHICS AND LINKS. By submitting your Personal Information to the Site you automatically grant Resume Rabbit the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, distribute, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such Personal Information (in whole or part) worldwide or to incorporate it in other works in arguing definitions, any form, media, or technology now known or later developed, without restriction or compensation. In addition, you warrant that all so-called moral rights in the Personal Information have been waived.

International Access : eDirect Publishing, Inc. is based in San Diego County, California. eDirect Publishing, Inc. makes no claims that the Content of its Site is projects for statistics appropriate or legal to be viewed by certain persons or in certain countries. If you access the Site or Services from outside of the United States, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction. Partial Validity : If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of app essay such provision shall not affect the validity of the class remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in app essay, full force and effect. No waiver of any term of projects class this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term. Equitable Relief : You understand and agree that due to the nature of This Agreement, in addition to money damages, eDirect Publishing, Inc. will be entitled to essays, equitable relief upon a breach of this Agreement by you. Governing Law : This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of projects for statistics class California without respect to its conflict of laws principles. Beatrice Retzlaff? Jurisdiction for any claims arising under this Agreement shall lie exclusively with the state or federal courts in San Diego County, California.

Headings : Headings used in this Agreement are provided for convenience only and shall not be used to construe meaning or intent. Entire Agreement : Except as expressly provided in a particular Legal Notice, Software License or other notices or Content published on the Site, these terms represent the entire binding Agreement between us, and our respective successors and assigns, and projects for statistics class, supersede any and all prior understanding, statements or representations, whether electronic, oral or written, regarding Resume Rabbit, the Site, or Services. Digital Admissibility : You hereby agree that a printed version of this Agreement and of any other notice given in marriage, electronic form by Resume Rabbit or in the Site, which is based upon or relating to this Agreement, shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings and subject to for statistics class, the same conditions as other agreements, business documents or records originally generated, entered into, signed or maintained in printed form. Certain areas of essay this Web Site and additional services provided are subject to additional terms of use. Projects For Statistics Class? By using such areas or any part thereof, you agree to be bound by the additional terms of arranged marriage use applicable to such areas. Questions concerning our Terms and Conditions should be addressed by contacting us here or by postal mail at: c/o eDirect Publishing Inc. 3451 Via Montebello, Unit 192-104. Carlsbad, California 92009. Updated April 27, 2009, 8:40 AM PST. Copyright 2017 eDirectPublishing, Inc.

All rights reserved. Resume Rabbit is a trademark of eDirect Publishing, Inc. Contents are protected by for statistics class, international copyright laws. Unauthorized copying or duplication in any form is strictly prohibited without prior written consent. Our Beliefs About Privacy. eDirect Publishing, Inc. and essays on culture, Resume Rabbit are firmly committed to projects for statistics class, protecting your privacy. We created this Privacy Statement so you'll have the dissertation proposal and development information you need to make a confident and informed online buying decision. We value your trust and pledge to do everything we can to projects for statistics class, handle your personal, private or sensitive information carefully, responsibly and securely. Below are the information gathering, use and essay, dissemination practices for Resume Rabbit.

To communicate any questions or concerns you may have regarding our privacy practices, please click here. Resume Rabbit's One-Stop Resume Posting service allows customers to for statistics, be automatically posted to in india essay, multiple 3rd party career web sites using a single online form. Posting Your Resume Confidentially. If you select Keep My Identity Confidential during our registration process, we will select the confidentiality option on the career websites offering that feature. For Career Websites that do not offer a confidentiality feature, we will replace your personally identifiable information as follows: First Last Name are replaced with Confidential User Street Address is for statistics replaced with Address Withheld Phone Number is replaced with A/C-555-1212 Most Recent Company is arranged marriage in india replaced with Confidential.

Additionally, we recommend you remove all unwanted personal information from the class cut and college common, paste version of your resume and cover letter, as it will be posted exactly as you provide it to us. NOTE: These practices may conflict with the Terms of Service listed on some of the 3rd party career websites where we post your resume. If you choose to use this feature you must agree to do so at for statistics, your own risk. To visit and beatrice, review the terms of service on these sites, click here. Spam Prevention Email Forwarding. Posting an email address on projects for statistics, the Internet can sometimes give rise to information, unwanted email (Spam). Projects For Statistics Class? To alleviate this problem, Resume Rabbit provides its Spam Prevention Email Forwarding Service, as defined in beatrice dissertation, this section. Resume Rabbit creates a new job search email address (Posted Email Address) for projects for statistics you and definitions, uses it as part of projects class its Resume Posting Service.

Emails sent to the Posted Email Address will automatically go through our Spam detection servers before being forwarded to the email you give via our Forms (Personal Email Address). This greatly reduces the amount of essays Spam you would receive at your Personal Email Address. By using the for statistics class Spam Prevention Email Forwarding service, you give Resume Rabbit the permission and power to choose which emails sent to your Posted Email Address should be filtered and which should be forwarded to beatrice retzlaff, your Personal Email Address. You give Resume Rabbit the permission to projects for statistics, alter the content of arguing definitions essay 3rd party emails for any reason. You also give Resume Rabbit the projects for statistics permission to store copies of the filtered and retzlaff dissertation, forwarded email on class, its servers.

Resume Rabbit does not receive or accept any authority over on culture your usage of your Personal Email Address, and will not be held liable for projects for statistics anything related to your Personal Email Address. The Spam Prevention service and services of its type are not 100% effective and from time to time our product may misclassify Spam as legitimate mail and legitimate mail as Spam. Beatrice Retzlaff Dissertation? Resume Rabbit makes no guarantees that all Spam will be blocked from being forwarded to projects class, your email account. Essays? Resume Rabbit also makes no guarantee that all legitimate email will be delivered to class, your email account. If you suspect that legitimate mail has been blocked as Spam, please contact Customer Service. Please be advised that the Spam Prevention service may not be able to college, detect or repair all viruses. There is a risk involved whenever downloading email attachments to for statistics, your computer and Resume Rabbit is on training not responsible for any damages caused by projects, your decision to do so. Resume Rabbit may place limits on the amount of email a user may receive in a day in order to college common, protect the health of the for statistics company's network. The customer may contact Customer Service for information exemptions to this clause.

Handling of Information Gathered from Customers. On our web site you provide contact information, your desired job requirements, your relevant experience and projects class, other personal information (collectively Personal Information). Your Personal Information will be electronically reformatted and submitted to various 3rd party career web sites. Resume Rabbit will not rent or sell any information gathered from dissertation proposal and development, a customer's use of class our web site. Your personal information will not be shared with any 3rd parties for any reason other than what's described in this Privacy Statement or lawfully requested by definitions, federal or state authorities. Payment Information collected from customers on the Resume Rabbit web site is securely transmitted for payment processing in real-time utilizing PayPal/VeriSign's Online Payment Services. Upon real-time response, credit card or checking account numbers are immediately deleted from the Resume Rabbit system for both authorized and declined transactions. PayPal/VeriSign, using its own secure connections and encryption technology, then transmits your payment information for validation and for statistics class, processing to an authorized and reputable payment-processing clearinghouse. The rest of the associated payment processing is then handled like any other credit card or bank debit transaction. To the dissertation on training best of our knowledge all of the companies and banking institutions involved in our payment processing do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any purpose outside of processing our payments. In rare instances due to real-time data transmission failures outside of our control, we'll inform customers that their Payment Information has been captured for later processing.

Then we'll immediately encrypt the information and transfer it to a private server on our internal network using a secure connection. Only our Security Administrator has the for statistics class encryption key to unlock Payment Information for processing. Once processed the information is beatrice retzlaff dissertation immediately deleted from class, our servers. When a customer logs in to our website with their user name and dissertation, password a record of that log in may be captured, time stamped and stored in our database along with records of certain activities or functions performed by the customer during that session. The log in information will help us identify the customer associated with those activities and will be used for both statistical analysis as well as customer service. Log in information may also be used to projects, trigger an email to communicate with a customer regarding a procedure they may have started but not finished or to inform them that something they requested is now available online. Only those Resume Rabbit employees that have a legitimate business purpose for proposal on training accessing and handling personal information obtained by projects class, us are given authorization to do so. The unauthorized access or use of proposal on training and development such information by class, any Resume Rabbit employee is prohibited and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Additionally, our information management systems are configured in such a way as to block or inhibit employees from accessing information that they have no authority to arranged essay, access. Information Generated By Our Web site. A cookie is projects class a small data file that gets sent by a web site to your web browser and may then be stored on your computer.

Most web browsers allow users to choose to: never to accept cookies, automatically accept cookies, be notified prior to accepting receipt of a cookie from app essay, a web site. A received cookie is for statistics class usually stored in a directory that can be deleted from your computer at any time. Resume Rabbit uses cookies solely for the following reasons: To track a customers movement through our web site and provide meaningful related information from page to marriage in india essay, page. To help aggregate all the information a customer provides on several web page forms into a single set of customer information for submission to projects class, 3rd party web sites and to beatrice, PayPal/VeriSign for payment processing. For Statistics? To avoid the arguing definitions essay necessity of a customer having to continually enter his or her username and password after having logged on to our web site. For Statistics? The information contained in retzlaff, a cookie created by the Resume Rabbit web site includes a randomly generated session ID and is combined with a portion of the for statistics customers IP address for arguing definitions essay added security. Class? A cookies usefulness along with all related records on dissertation proposal and development, our web server expire within hours of having been used.

While not associated with any particular web site visitor's contact information, we retain standard log information gathered by our web server software package for an indefinite period of time. This information will be used solely for statistical analysis. Standard log information includes: The web page requested. The host name or IP address of the user making the request. The date and time of the request. The web page address visited prior to the request.

The users browser type. Projects For Statistics Class? The users operating system. Protection of Your Payment Information. To protect your Payment Information online we use SSL encryption technology and offer Credit Card Fraud Protection. Resume Rabbit holds a digital certificate from VeriSign, a trusted third-party Certification Authority. At Resume Rabbit we pride ourselves on our use of college app essay secure e-commerce servers complete with digital certificates, secure server ID's, SSL encryption technology, and SSL authentication. For Statistics? These technologies help you verify the company you're dealing with and transmit Payment Information securely. In the case of essay information unauthorized use of projects for statistics class your credit card, with proper notification to your issuing bank the arranged marriage in india essay Fair Credit Billing Act provides that your maximum liability is limited to for statistics, $50.00 US. In the event you're held liable for common unauthorized credit card charges resulting from a Resume Rabbit secure web site transaction, we'll happily reimburse you for your liability up to $50.00 US with the submission of supporting documents. Resume Rabbit services may be advertised using a variety of methods.

Examples can include print, radio, television, banner, public relations and email marketing. In order to determine the effectiveness of different advertising vehicles, Resume Rabbit may create different website addresses for advertising vehicles in order to projects for statistics, track and understand which vehicles are most effective. This would allow us to identify by essay technology, virtue of the advertisement responded to, certain information about a customer that the customer didn't necessarily provide, such as their reading, viewing, listening or web surfing interests and habits. Resume Rabbit may use this information internally to determine what other products or services our customers may be interested in as well as for for statistics statistical analysis of what type of customers or advertising vehicles are most effective. Resume Rabbit may from arranged, time to projects class, time conduct surveys that ask you for feedback on our products and services. Arguing Essay? We use that information for class market research, to improve our product offerings, identify desirable new products, and perform site and service enhancements. Essay Information? We do not release information from individual survey responses outside Resume Rabbit without prior permission.

We may occasionally share aggregated data with selected business partners. Some surveys may be performed by outside professional firms on our behalf to projects for statistics class, minimize bias. Essay? Those professionals are bound by these same restrictions. Resume Rabbit may from time to time send its customers a promotional email messages to market a service or activity. However, we'll only send promotional email when we reasonably believe our customers would be interested in the subject matter. For Statistics? Nonetheless in every case we will provide clear and simple instructions on how to college common, be removed from our mailing list.

Example topics for email messages to customers include: information about for statistics class, a new product or service, offers to try one of our existing services, invitations to beta test a new service or requests to college app essay, participate in a survey. eDirect Publishing Inc's mission and objectives are to create innovative high quality products and services that: offer specific solutions to people with particular needs, save our customers time and money and offer exceptional value at reasonable prices. eDirect Publishing's Inc. is not in support of projects for statistics class untargeted, unsolicited mass email marketing to people who'd most likely have no interest in our products. Arguing Essay? However we do believe in targeted email marketing where: the mail is responsibly delivered, the message is honestly and respectfully written, there's good reason to for statistics, believe the recipient is pre-disposed to on training, be interested in the product, the recipient clearly understands why they'd receive such a message and recipients can easily and effectively remove themselves from our mailing list. To that end, Resume Rabbit may from projects for statistics class, time to time obtain, create, or acquire email lists of technology prospective customers who are known to projects for statistics class, be seeking employment or who are otherwise likely to dissertation proposal on training, be interested in Resume Rabbit's services. We may directly email these prospective customers or may use a 3rd party email marketing company to send these prospective customers an invitation to for statistics, visit our website.

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Research Projects in Statistics | Project Examples

The Difficult Transition from Military to Civilian Life. Military service is difficult, demanding and dangerous. But returning to civilian life also poses challenges for the men and women who have served in the armed forces, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey of 1,853 veterans. While more than seven-in-ten veterans (72%) report they had an easy time readjusting to civilian life, 27% say re-entry was difficult for them—a proportion that swells to 44% among veterans who served in projects, the ten years since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Why do some veterans have a hard time readjusting to civilian life while others make the transition with little or no difficulty? To answer that question, Pew researchers analyzed the attitudes, experiences and demographic characteristic of veterans to identify the factors that independently predict whether a service member will have an easy or difficult re-entry experience. Using a statistical technique known as logistic regression, the analysis examined the impact on re-entry of 18 demographic and attitudinal variables. Four variables were found to significantly increase the likelihood that a veteran would have an essays easier time readjusting to class civilian life and dissertation on training and development six factors predicted a more difficult re-entry experience. According to the study, veterans who were commissioned officers and for statistics those who had graduated from college are more likely to have an easy time readjusting to their post-military life than enlisted personnel and those who are high school graduates.

1 Veterans who say they had a clear understanding of their missions while serving also experienced fewer difficulties transitioning into civilian life than those who did not fully understand their duties or assignments. In contrast, veterans who say they had an emotionally traumatic experience while serving or had suffered a serious service-related injury were significantly more likely to report problems with re-entry, when other factors are held constant. The lingering consequences of beatrice retzlaff dissertation a psychological trauma are particularly striking: The probabilities of an easy re-entry drop from 82% for those who did not experience a traumatic event to 56% for those who did, a 26 percentage point decline and the largest change—positive or negative—recorded in projects for statistics class, this study. 2. In addition, those who served in a combat zone and those who knew someone who was killed or injured also faced steeper odds of an easy re-entry. Veterans who served in the post-9/11 period also report more difficulties returning to civilian life than those who served in Vietnam or the Korean War/World War II era, or in marriage in india, periods between major conflicts. Two other factors significantly shaped the projects for statistics, re-entry experiences of post-9/11 veterans but appear to have had little impact on those who served in previous eras.

Post-9/11 veterans who were married while they served had a significantly more difficult time readjusting than did married veterans of past eras or single people regardless of when they served. At the same time, higher levels of religious belief, as measured by frequent attendance at religious services, dramatically increases the odds that a post-9/11 veteran will have an easier time readjusting to civilian life. According to the analysis, a recent veteran who attends religious services at least once a week has a 67 percent chance of beatrice retzlaff having an easy re-entry experience. Among post-9/11 veterans who never attend services, the projects for statistics, probability drops to 43%. 3 Among veterans of other eras, current attendance at religious services is not correlated with ease of re-entry. 4. Eight other variables tested in the model proved to essay information be poor predictors of how easily a veteran made the transition from military to civilian life. They are race and ethnicity (separate variables tested the effect of being white, black, Hispanic or some other race); age at time of discharge; whether the projects for statistics, veteran had children younger than 18 while serving; how long the veteran was in the military; and how many times the veteran had been deployed. This analysis employs a statistical technique known as logistic regression to measure the effect of any given variable on common app essay, the likelihood that a veteran had an class easy or difficult time re-entering civilian life while controlling for the effects of all other variables. To identify the factors that best predicted an easy re-entry, eighteen independent variables were included in the regression model. Marriage In India Essay? The variables were chosen based on their predictive power in previous research.

The demographics were: veteran’s age at discharge; how long the individual served; the veteran’s education, race and projects ethnicity (tested as four separate variables: white, black, Hispanic or some other race); whether the veteran was married or had young children while in essay, the service; highest rank attained; and projects for statistics class era in which the veteran served. Other variables tested the impact of specific experiences on re-entry: whether the veteran had been seriously injured while serving; experienced a traumatic or emotionally distressing event; served in a combat or war zone; or served with someone who had been killed or injured. A question that asked veterans whether they understood most or all of the missions in which they participated also was included. Of the 18 variables in the model, ten turn out to be significant predictors of a veteran’s re-entry experience. College Common App Essay? Four were positively associated with re-entry: being an officer; having a consistently clear understanding of the missions while in the service; being a college graduate; and, for post-9/11 veterans but not for those of other eras, attending religious services frequently. Six variables were associated with a diminished probability that a veteran had an easy re-entry. They were: having a traumatic experience; being seriously injured; serving in the post-9/11 era; serving in a combat zone; serving with someone who was killed or injured; and, for post-9/11 veterans but not for those of projects class other eras, being married while in the service. Factors that Make Readjustment Harder.

Overall, the survey found that a plurality of all veterans (43%) say they had a “very easy” time readjusting to their post-military lives, and 29% say re-entry was “somewhat easy.” But an additional 21% say they had a “somewhat difficult” time, and arguing definitions 6% had major problems integrating back into civilian life. Among the for statistics class, 18 variables tested, veterans who experienced emotional or physical trauma while serving are at arguing definitions the greatest risk of having difficulties readjusting to civilian life. According to the analysis, having an projects emotionally distressing experience reduces the chances that a veteran would have a relatively easy re-entry by 26 percentage points compared with a veteran who did not have an emotionally distressing experience. Similarly, suffering a serious injury while serving reduces the probability of an definitions essay easy re-entry by 19 percentage points, from 77% to for statistics class 58%. Overall, the essay information, survey found that serious injuries and exposure to emotionally traumatic events are relatively common in for statistics, the military. Nearly a third (32%) of all veterans say they had a military-related experience while serving that they found to be “emotionally traumatic or distressing”—a proportion that increases to 43% among those who served since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Common? About one-in-ten veterans (10%) suffered a serious injury; of projects for statistics those who served in the post-9/11 era, 16% suffered a serious injury, in part because service members with serious injuries are more likely to in india essay survive today than in previous wars, when those with serious injuries died.

The survey also pinpoints some of the specific problems faced by returning service members who suffered service-related emotional trauma or serious injury. More than half (56%) of all veterans who experienced a traumatic event say they have had flashbacks or repeated distressing memories of the class, experience, and essay technology nearly half (46%) say they have suffered from post-traumatic stress. 5 Predictably, those who suffer from PTS were significantly less likely to say their re-entry was easy than those who did not (34% vs. Projects For Statistics? 82%). According to essays the model, serving in projects, a combat zone reduces the arranged marriage, chances that a veteran will have an easier time readjusting to civilian life (78% for those who did not serve in for statistics, a combat zone to arranged essay slightly more than 71% for those who did). Knowing someone who was killed or injured also lessens the probability that a veteran will have an easy re-entry by six percentage points (73% vs. 79%). Many veterans who served after Sept. 11, 2001, have experienced difficulties readjusting to projects for statistics class civilian life. The model predicts that a veteran who served in information, the post-9/11 era is 15 percentage points less likely than veterans of other eras to have an easy time readjusting to life after the military (62% vs.

77%). A word of caution about comparing re-entry experiences between service eras. Those in the post-9/11 era were interviewed relatively soon after they left the military, and projects class their views could reflect the immediacy of arranged marriage in india their experience and could change over projects, time. Essay? For earlier generations of veterans, their views could have changed from projects, what their views were at a similar point in their post-military lives. Also, the overall view of veterans of arguing earlier eras could change as members of this generation die and for statistics class the composition of the cohort becomes different.

As a consequence, these results are best interpreted as the views and arranged in india essay experiences of for statistics current living veterans from each era, and not necessarily the beatrice retzlaff dissertation, views each generation held in the years immediately after leaving the service. The analysis produced a surprise. Post-9/11 veterans who were married while they were in the service also had a more difficult time readjusting to for statistics class life after the marriage, military. Overall, being married while serving reduces the chances of an easy re-entry from 63% to 48%. At first glance, this finding seems counterintuitive. Shouldn’t a spouse be a source of projects for statistics class comfort and support for a discharged veteran? Other studies of the college common app essay, general population have shown that marriage is associated with a number of benefits, including better health and higher overall satisfaction with life. 6. In fact, the answer to another survey question points to a likely explanation. Post-9/11 veterans who were married while in the service were asked what impact deployments had on projects class, their relationship with their spouse. Nearly half (48%) say the impact was negative, and proposal on training and development this group is projects for statistics, significantly more likely than other veterans to have had family problems after they were discharged (77% vs.

34%) and to say they had a difficult re-entry. Among those married while they were in on culture, the service, about six-in-ten (61%) post-9/11 veterans who had experienced marital problems while deployed also had a difficult re-entry. In contrast, about four-in-ten veterans (39%) who reported that deployments had a positive or no impact on their marriage say they had problems re-entering civilian life—virtually identical to the proportion of for statistics class then-single post-9/11 veterans (37%) who experienced difficulties re-entering civilian life. Taken together, these findings underscore the strain that deployments put on a marriage before a married veteran is discharged and after the marriage, veteran leaves the service to rejoin his or her family. Factors that Improve the Chances of an Easy Re-entry. Three variables tested in the model—rank at the time of discharge, how well the mission was understood and education level—emerged as statistically significant predictors of an class easy re-entry experience for all veterans. Marriage? A fourth variable, religiosity as measured by projects class service attendance, is a powerful predictor of an easier re-entry experience for post-9/11 veterans but not for those who served in earlier eras.

The model predicts that commissioned officers are 10 percentage points more likely than enlisted personnel to experience few if any difficulties readjusting to essay information life at home (85% vs. For Statistics? 74%), 7 when all other factors are held constant. Veterans who say they clearly understood their missions while serving also were more likely than those who did not to have an easier re-entry (77% vs. 67%). 8. College-educated veterans also are predicted to dissertation on training and development have a somewhat easier time readjusting to life after the projects for statistics, military than those with only arranged a high school diploma. According to the analysis, a veteran with a college degree is five percentage points more likely than a high school graduate to for statistics class have an easy time with re-entry (78% vs. 73%). Again, a word of caution is in essays on culture, order. Veterans in the survey were asked how many years of for statistics class school they have attended. Arguing Essay? Some of these college graduates may have earned their degree well after their discharge from the service.

Among the for statistics class, larger factors influencing the re-entry experience of post-9/11 veterans is religious faith, as measured by how often a recent veteran attends religious services. Recent veterans who attend services at least once a week are 24 percentage points more likely to say they had an easy re-entry back into civilian life than those who never attend services (67% vs. 43%). Definitions Essay? This finding is consistent with other studies of the general population that suggest religious belief is correlated with a number of positive outcomes, including better physical and emotional health, and happier and more satisfying personal relationships. 9. The impact of religious observance vanishes if the sample is for statistics class, based only on dissertation proposal and development, those who completed their service before Sept. 11, 2001. In fact, there is barely a one percentage point difference in the probability of an easy re-entry between older veterans who currently attend religious services and those who never do. As noted earlier, one reason for the absence of an impact may be related to the question measuring current attendance at religious services. This measure of projects for statistics attendance may be a good proxy for the religious convictions of more recent veterans.

But it may be a poor estimate of how religious older veterans were immediately after they were discharged from the service. Over the years the religious belief of these older veterans may have changed, obscuring the impact of religious conviction on essays on culture, their re-entry experience. An advantage of class logistic regression analysis is that it estimates the effect of each variable controlling for the impact of all other variables in the model. For example, service in combat significantly increases the essay, chances of projects class having a difficult time adjusting to life after the essay information, military irrespective of the effect of being injured, having a traumatic experience while serving or any of the other positive or negative factors included in the model. Similarly, being a college graduate increases the predicted chances of an easy re-entry—over and above the impact of rank, religiosity and other variables tested. For Statistics? #8617; Most of the estimated effects reported in this study are based on the change in marriage essay, probability between a veteran with a given experience or demographic characteristic (a commissioned officer, served since Sept.

11, 2001, was seriously injured) and those who did not have these experiences or characteristics. For some variables, the reported estimates are based on projects, contrasts between two different levels of that variable. For example, the estimated effect of education on re-entry is technology, based on the contrast between those who are college graduates and those whose formal education ended with high school graduation. The impact of other education levels was used to model the effect and was estimated but not reported. Class? #8617; A possible explanation of the absence of an effect on older veterans is arranged marriage essay, that the religion question asked how often a respondent currently attends religious services. For older veterans, this measure may not be a good indicator of religious belief at the time they were discharged. Projects Class? #8617; To estimate the impact of church attendance and marital status while serving on recent veterans, the model was rerun using only the sample of those who served after Sept. 11, 2001. Definitions? #8617; For a more detailed look at projects for statistics class veterans’ experiences with PTS and other emotional problems, see “The Military-Civilian Gap: War and Sacrifice in the Post-9/11 Era,” Pew Research Center, Oct. On Culture? 5, 2011.

For more on for statistics, the consequences of serious injuries for on training, veterans in later life, see “For Many Injured Veterans, a Lifetime of Consequences,” Pew Research Center, Nov. 8, 2011. #8617; For summaries of scholarly research into the benefits of marriage, see Thomas A. Hirschl, Joyce Altobelli, and Mark R. Rank, “Does Marriage Increase the Odds of projects class Affluence? Exploring the Life Course Probabilities,” Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 65, No. 4 (November 2003), pp. College Common? 927–938, or Allan V. Horwitz, Helene R. White, and Sandra Howell-White, “Becoming Married and projects Mental Health: A Longitudinal Study of a Cohort of Young Adults,” Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 58, No. 4 (November 1996), pp. 895–907. Arguing Definitions Essay? #8617; These probabilities have been rounded.

The actual percentage-point difference is class, slightly more than 10 percentage points. #8617; This variable was included in the model in dissertation on training, an attempt to class see if veterans who clearly understood their assignments and missions in the military had an easier or harder time readjusting to civilian life than those who did not have a clear understanding. It is possible that the causal relationship may flow in the other direction; that is, having an easy or difficult re-entry may shape veterans’ judgments about marriage their military experience, including their attitude toward the missions they served. Omitting this variable from the analysis produces no significant changes in class, the model. #8617; For a summary of some of the benefits of marriage, see “The Psychological and essay Physical Benefits of projects for statistics class Spiritual/Religious Practices” by Rutgers University sociologist Ellen L. Idler. #8617; For Many Injured Veterans, A Lifetime of Consequences. General Public Survey on Veterans Generational Change. Women in the U.S. Military: Growing Share, Distinctive Profile.

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Internet Tech 11/11/2016. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the marriage, issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. Projects For Statistics? It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and dissertation proposal on training and development other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Projects For Statistics? It is a subsidiary of retzlaff dissertation The Pew Charitable Trusts. Copyright 2017 Pew Research Center About Terms Conditions Privacy Policy Reprints, Permissions Use Policy Feedback Careers.

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31 Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter Examples. The Muse Editor. Traditional cover letter wisdom tells you to start a cover letter with something to the effect of: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of Marketing Manager with the Thomas Company. We say: The days of cookie cutter cover letter intros are long gone. Here’s the thing: Your cover letter is the class best way to introduce to the hiring manager who you are, what you have to offer, and technology why you want the job—but you have an projects extremely limited amount of time to dissertation on training and development do all of those things. So, if you really want to projects for statistics class get noticed, you’ve got to essay start right off the for statistics bat with something that grabs your reader’s attention.

What do we mean? Well, we won’t just tell you, we’ll show you—with 31 examples of original cover letter introductions. We don’t recommend copying and pasting them because, well, your cover letter should be unique to your stories, background, and interests, but you can most definitely use them to essay technology get inspired for your next application. Don't worry—we've got you covered. Many companies say that they’re looking for people who not only projects for statistics, have the essay information skills to do the job, but who are truly passionate about projects, what they’re spending their time on every day. If that’s what your dream company is really looking for (hint: read the job description), try an intro that shows off why you’re so excited to be part of the team. If truly loving data is wrong, I don’t want to arguing be right.

It seems like the rest of the team at Chartbeat feels the for statistics class same way—and that’s just one of the reasons why I think I’d be the perfect next hire for proposal, your sales team. I’ve been giving my friends and family free style advice since I was 10, and recently decided it’s time I get paid for it. That’s why I couldn’t believe it when I found a personal stylist position at J. Projects For Statistics Class? Hilburn. After about three years of technology trying out different roles at early-stage startups around San Francisco, watching more “find your passion” keynotes than I’d like to admit, and assuring my parents that, yes, I really do have a real job, I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that I’m only really good at two things: writing great content and getting it out into the world. When I was growing up, all I wanted to be was one of those people who pretend to be statues on the street.

Thankfully, my career goals have become a little more aspirational over the years, but I love to projects for statistics draw a crowd and entertain the masses—passions that make me the perfect community manager. When I graduated from Ohio State last May, my career counselor gave me what I consider to be some pretty bad advice: “Just get any job, and figure the rest out essay technology later.” While I think I could have gained good transferrable skills and on-the-job experience anywhere, I wanted to make sure my first step gave me opportunities for professional development, mentorship, and rotations through different departments. Enter: Verizon. The other day, I took a career assessment, which told me I should be a maritime merchant. I’m not quite sure what that is, but it did get me thinking: A role that combines my skills in business development with my lifelong passion for projects for statistics, the ocean would be my absolute dream. Which is how I found this role at Royal Caribbean. On Culture? Start With Your Love for the Company. Projects? Similarly, many companies want to arranged marriage essay hire people who already know, love, eat, and sleep their brand. And in these cases, what better to projects for statistics class kick off your cover letter than a little flattery?

Bonus points if you can tell a story—studies show that stories are up to retzlaff dissertation 22 times more memorable than facts alone. Class? Of course, remember when you’re telling a company why you love it to common be specific and genuine. Because, um, no one likes an overly crazed fangirl. I pretty much spent my childhood in the cheap seats at Cubs games, snacking on popcorn and cheering on the team with my grandfather. It’s that passion that’s shaped my career—from helping to establish the projects class sports marketing major at arguing my university to leading a college baseball team to an undefeated season as assistant coach—and what led me to projects apply for this position at the Chicago Cubs. Most candidates are drawn to essays startups for class, the free food, bean bag chairs, and proposal on training and development loose dress code. For Statistics? And while all of arranged in india essay those things sound awesome coming from my all-too-corporate cubicle, what really attracted me to Factual is the collaborative, international team. It was Rudy, my Golden Retriever, who first found the operations assistant opening (he’s really excited about the prospect of coming to work with me every day). But as I learned more about Zoosk and what it is doing to transform the mobile dating space, I couldn’t help but get excited to be part of the team, too.

When I was seven, I wanted to projects be the GEICO gecko when I grew up. I eventually realized that wasn’t an essay option, but you can imagine my excitement when I came across the events manager position, which would have me working side by side with my favorite company mascot. When I attended Austin Film Festival for projects class, the first time last month, I didn’t want to leave. So I decided I shouldn’t—and immediately went to check out job openings at the company. If I could make the college common app essay NYC apartment rental process better for just one person, I would feel like the projects horrors of my recent search would all be worth it. So, a customer service role at RentHop, where I could do it every day? I can’t think of anything more fulfilling. Having grown up with the Cincinnati Zoo (literally) in my backyard, I understand firsthand how you’ve earned your reputation as one of the common most family-friendly venues in the State of projects for statistics Ohio. For 20 years, I’ve been impressed as your customer; now I want to college common impress visitors in the same way your team has so graciously done for me. ( Via @JobJenny ) I was an hour out from my first big dinner party when I realized I had forgotten to pick up the white wine. In a panic, I started Googling grocery delivery services, and that’s when I first stumbled across Instacart. I’ve been hooked ever since, so I couldn’t help but get excited by projects for statistics class the idea of bringing the amazingness of Instacart to shoddy planners like me as your next social media and community manager.

Though I’m happily employed as a marketing manager for OHC, seeing the essays job description for projects for statistics class, Warby Parker’s PR director stopped me in my tracks. I’ve been a Warby glasses wearer for many years, and have always been impressed by the way the company treats its customers, employees, and the community at large. Start With an Attribute or Accomplishment. The unfortunate reality of the job hunting process is that, for any given job, you’re going to be competing with a lot of other people—presumably, a lot of other similarly qualified people. So, a great way to stand out in arranged in india, your cover letter is to projects for statistics highlight something about yourself—a character trait, an accomplishment, a really impressive skill—that’ll quickly show how you stand out information among other applications. My last boss once told me that my phone manner could probably diffuse an international hostage situation. I’ve always had a knack for communicating with people—the easygoing and for statistics class the difficult alike—and I’d love to bring that skill to the office manager position at arranged marriage essay Shutterstock. Projects For Statistics? Among my colleagues, I’m known as the one who can pick up the pieces, no matter what amount of you-know-what hits the fan. Which is why I think there’s no one better to fill Birchbox’s customer service leader position. Last December, I ousted our company’s top salesperson from dissertation his spot—and he hasn’t seen it since.

Which means, I’m ready for my next big challenge, and for statistics class the sales manager role at LivingSocial just might be it. After spending three years managing the internal communications for a 2,000-person company, I could plan a quarterly town hall or draft an inter-office memo in my sleep. What I want to do next? Put that experience to work consulting executives on their communications strategy. While you won’t find the title “community manager” listed on my resume, I’ve actually been bringing people together online and off for three years while running my own blog and series of Meetups. If you’re looking for app essay, someone who can follow orders to the T and doesn’t like to rock the for statistics class boat, I’m probably not the right candidate.

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Edwin Arlington Robinson Robinson, Edwin Arlington - Essay. Edwin Arlington Robinson 1869–-1935. American poet and projects dramatist. The following entry presents criticism on Robinson published between 1924 and 1998. Se also Richard Cory Criticicm . A three-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry, Robinson is best remembered as the author of “Miniver Cheevy,” “Richard Cory,” “Mr. Flood's Party,” and other much-anthologized poems that dramatize the isolation and loneliness of small-town individuals.

Adhering to strict metrical forms, Robinson worked outside the formal experimentalism of many of his contemporaries, yet his ironic viewpoint, austere style, and often bleak subject matter signaled an end to the baroque sentimentality of nineteenth-century American poetry. A prolific author who was devoted to poetry as a vocation from an early age, Robinson gained recognition late in his career with the publication of his Collected Poems in 1921 and his adaptations of essay Arthurian legends into blank verse. The third son of a lumber merchant and investor, Robinson was born in Head Tide, Maine, and grew up in the nearby town of Gardiner, his model for the fictitious “Tilbury Town” that figures prominently in his early verse. He was a descendant of the Colonial poet Anne Bradstreet and began to write poetry at an early age. Robinson attended Harvard University for two years, but a decline in projects for statistics class his family's circumstances forced him to return home. Because of his elder brothers' failed financial investments, alcoholism, and drug addiction, Robinson's family was left nearly penniless, yet Robinson rejected a business career in favor of writing poetry.

To support himself, Robinson worked a series of odd jobs in essay information technology Gardiner, New York City, and Boston. Because he was unable to aid his family financially and projects for statistics class was often dependent on friends for money, Robinson developed a sense of personal failure and guilt that haunted him for the remainder of his life. Many critics attribute his preoccupation with portraying nonconformists, derelicts, and suicides, and beatrice his rejection of conventional models of projects class material success, to beatrice, his own experiences with poverty and hometown scorn. He published his first book of poetry, The Torrent and the Night Before, at his own expense in 1896. Although it received a few favorable notices, Robinson was generally ignored by both critics and the public. He gained a measure of projects class financial relief when his second volume, The Children of the Night (1897), was reissued in arranged 1905 and projects for statistics attracted the attention of President Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was impressed with Robinson's work and gave it lavish praise, and in June 1905 he helped arrange employment for Robinson in the New York City customs office so that he could write without financial worry.

But Robinson wrote little poetry in his nearly four years on on culture the job, spending much time on aborted attempts to write fiction and social dramas. From 1911 on, he spent summers with a group of artists and writers at the MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Robinson remained financially insecure until the overwhelming popular success of Tristram in 1927. He died in New York City in 1935. Critics generally divide Robinson's career into two distinct phases: his early work, notable for projects for statistics, incisive character sketches presented within traditional forms, and his later work, comprising extended dramatic dialogues and blank verse interpretations of Arthurian legends. Robinson is best known for proposal on training, the tightly structured narrative poems of his early and mid-career, particularly those set in “Tilbury Town,” a fictional locale based on Robinson's hometown of Gardiner, Maine. In such collections as The Torrent and the Night Before, The Children of the Night, and Captain Craig (1902), Robinson maintained the discipline of such conventional forms as sonnet, quatrain, and villanelle, while treating themes of alienation and projects failure in the lives of ordinary individuals.

Demonstrating Robinson's ironic viewpoint, simple diction, and rejection of conventional standards of success, “Richard Cory” portrays a seemingly fortunate gentleman who earned the respect of the townspeople yet “… one calm summer night / Went home and put a bullet through his head.” Another work suggesting that appearances and social position can be deceiving is the dense title poem of “Captain Craig”. Robinson presents a dramatic narrative of approximately two thousand lines about arguing definitions essay, a derelict whose bombastic yet erudite observations of humanity serve as a source of fascination for the unnamed narrator. Beginning with The Town Down the River (1910), Robinson turned more often to historical and public personages, yet the theme of personal ruin remained constant. “The Island,” for example, is a dramatic monologue spoken by French dictator Napoleon Bonaparte in which he recalls events leading to his defeat at Waterloo and his exile on the British island Saint Helena. A later companion volume, The Three Taverns (1920), draws notably on biblical figures and allusions, and features historical figures including the projects class, abolitionist John Brown and the early American statesmen Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Essays On Culture. The culmination of projects for statistics Robinson's early career, The Man against the Sky (1916) is generally considered his most successful single volume of verse. Containing such critically favored works as “Eros Turannos,” “Hillcrest,” and “The Poor Relation,” this collection reflects Robinson's irony, mastery of form, and maturing philosophy. In 1922 Robinson was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for dissertation on training and development, his Collected Poems . In addition to reprinting early works, the projects for statistics, volume contained a few new poems considered essential to the Robinson canon. “Mr. Flood's Party” is an often-anthologized depiction of a solitary drinker who has outlived his companions, and “Rembrandt to Rembrandt” depicts the self-doubt of the aging painter as he addresses a youthful self-portrait. In the second half of his career, Robinson produced a trilogy of Arthurian legends in blank verse: Merlin (1917), a critical and commercial failure, Lancelot (1920), and technology Tristram (1927). Despite brief passages of substantial lyric beauty, the poems are generally faulted for for statistics class, their length and monotonous tone. College Common App Essay. Tristram, however, became a bestseller, a rare distinction for projects class, a book of poetry, and earned Robinson another Pulitzer Prize in 1928.

In the 1920s Robinson produced several book-length dramatic dialogues that further delineate his themes of college common app essay guilt and dereliction. Many critics believe The Man Who Died Twice (1924) best represents Robinson's preoccupation with personal ruin. Fernando Nash, the poem's central character, is a talented musician and composer who succumbs to alcohol and for statistics class debauchery for many years before redeeming himself by playing drums in dissertation proposal and development a Salvation Army band. Robinson's final poems explore the for statistics, subjects found in his earlier verse. Nicodemus (1932) is a collection of essay medium-length poems that center on biblical themes, the projects, inhabitants of Tilbury Town, and the New England landscape. Talifer (1933), another book-length work, deviates from common app essay, Robinson's previous domestic tragedies in its rather light-hearted tale of two married couples who decide to exchange partners.

Robinson ended his career with Amaranth (1934) and projects for statistics the posthumously published King Jasper (1935), two allegorical works that combine themes associated with vocation, wisdom, and essay technology the ability to change. Despite some favorable reviews, including Theodore Roosevelt's lavish praise in Outlook in 1905, Robinson's work was virtually ignored by critics for projects class, years. But from The Man Against the Sky onward, Robinson gained respect from literary critics. He won three Pulitzer Prizes, for common, Collected Poems in 1922, The Man Who Died Twice in 1925, and Tristram in for statistics class 1928. Dissertation Proposal And Development. During the final years of his career Robinson was generally considered to be among the foremost American poets of the era. To Modernist critics, including T. Class. S. Eliot and R. P. Blackmur, however, Robinson's importance to twentieth-century poetry was negligible, primarily because of arguing definitions essay his dismissal of free verse and other forms of technical experimentation. Critics of the projects class, mid-twentieth century considered Robinson to be a transitional figure in essays the development of American poetry. By the late twentieth century numerous aspects of Robinson's poetry appealed to literary scholars, including his focus on ordinary characters, his often ironic point of view, his use of simple, understated language, his concept of projects for statistics class redemption, his alienation from proposal on training, a society oriented primarily toward financial success, and his responses to for statistics, contemporary intellectual and religious trends. Access our Edwin Arlington. Essays. Study Guide for projects for statistics class, Free. The Torrent and The Night Before (poetry) 1896; reprinted, 1996.

The Children of the Night (poetry) 1897. Captain Craig (poetry) 1902; revised and enlarged edition, 1915. The Town Down the River (poetry) 1910. Van Zorn: A Comedy in Three Acts (drama) 1914. The Porcupine (drama) 1915. The Man Against the marriage in india essay, Sky (poetry) 1916. Merlin (poetry) 1917. Lancelot (poetry) 1920. The Three Taverns (poetry) 1920. Avon’s Harvest (poetry) 1921.

Collected Poems (poetry) 1921. Roman Bartholow (poetry) 1923. The Man Who Died Twice (poetry) 1924. Dionysus in Doubt (poetry) 1925. Collected Poems 5 vols. (poetry) 1927; enlarged edition, 1937. Tristram (poetry) 1927.

Fortunatus (poetry) 1928. Sonnets, 1889-1927 (poetry) 1928. Cavender’s House (poetry) 1929. Modred: A Fragment (poetry) 1929. The Prodigal Son (poetry) 1929. Collected Poems (poetry) 1930. The Glory of the Nightingales (poetry) 1930.

The Valley of the Shadow (poetry) 1930. Matthias at the Door (poetry) 1931. Nicodemus (poetry) 1932. Talifer (poetry) 1933. Amaranth (poetry) 1934. King Jasper (poetry) 1935. Selected Letters of Edwin Arlington Robinson (letters) 1940. Letters from Edwin Arlington Robinson to Howard George Schmitt (letters) 1943. Untriangulated Stars: Letters to Harry de Forest Smith 1890-1905 (letters) 1947. Tilbury Town: Selected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson (poetry) 1953.

Selected Early Poems and projects for statistics class Letters (poetry and letters) 1960. Edwin Arlington Robinson’s Letters to Edith Brower (letters) 1968. A Tilbury Score (poetry) 1969. Uncollected Poems and Prose of Edwin Arlington Robinson (poetry and prose) 1975. The Essential Robinson (poetry, drama, prose) 1993; reprinted, 1994.

“Miniver Cheevy,” and Other Poems (poetry) 1995. Selected Poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson (poetry) 1997. SOURCE: The Man Who Died Twice, in Dial, Vol. 77, August, 1924, pp. 168-70. [ In the following essay, Moore favorably reviews The Man Who Died Twice . ] Throughout Mr Robinson's work, one feels his admiration for “courage that is on culture not all flesh recklessness.” This emphasis upon the predominance of the soul's conflicts over those of the intellect, is conspicuous in The Man Who Died Twice. A musician, gigantically endowed—who has “mistaken hell for paradise,” since he is not.

has died, but not. (The entire section is 893 words.) Get Free Access to this Edwin Arlington Robinson Study Guide. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this resource and thousands more. Get Better Grades. Our 30,000+ summaries will help you comprehend your required reading to ace every test, quiz, and class essay. We've broken down the arguing essay, chapters, themes, and characters so you can understand them on your first read-through. Access Everything From Anywhere.

We have everything you need in one place, even if you're on projects for statistics the go. Download our handy iOS app for essays on culture, free. SOURCE: “Edwin Arlington Robinson: Defeat and Triumph,” in New England Writers and Writing, edited by Donald W. Faulkner, University Press of for statistics class New England, 1996, pp. College Common App Essay. 127-33. [ In the following essay, originally published in 1948, Cowley presents an for statistics overview of arguing definitions essay Robinson's career and achievement. ] It was in October 1902, not long before his thirty-third birthday, that Edwin Arlington Robinson's third book of poems appeared. Projects For Statistics. He counted on dissertation on training and development it to rescue him from the furnished room on West Twenty-third Street, in Manhattan, where he lived in fear of meeting his landlord. His first book, or rather pamphlet, had been printed at. (The entire section is class 2959 words.) Get Free Access to this Edwin Arlington Robinson Study Guide. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this resource and thousands more. SOURCE: “Edwin Arlington Robinson: The Lost Tradition,” in Enabling Acts: Selected Essays in essays on culture Criticism, University of projects Missouri Press, 1976, pp.

7-26. [ In the following essay, originally published in 1954, Coxe identifies strengths in Robinson's poetry that place him among the most important American poets of the twentieth century. ] To the contemporary reader it seems strange that Allen Tate, in information technology 1933, should have referred to E. A. Robinson as the “most famous of living poets” and class again as the college common app essay, writer of “some of the finest lyrics of modern times.” As far as most of projects class us are concerned, Robinson ekes out a survival in “anthological pickle,” as he called it. (The entire section is 6641 words.) SOURCE: “Redemption for the Man of essay information technology Iron,” in The Personalist, Vol. X411, No. 1, January, 1962, pp. 46-56. [ In the following essay, Crowder examines Robinson's concept of redemption as revealed in Talifer . Projects For Statistics Class. ] … Artistic experience is, deep down, a religious experience, because the essay, world art lives in cannot be made habitable save by religion alone.

1. Malcolm Boyd says that “all media of communication are theological.” 2 Not only in such deliberate vehicles as The Cocktail Party and class The Confidential Clerk but in such plays as Separate Tables and A Streetcar Named. (The entire section is 3767 words.) SOURCE: “Edwin Arlington Robinson: Knights of the app essay, Grail,” in The Inclusive Flame: Studies in American Poetry, Indiana University Press, 1963, pp. 53-78. [ In the following essay, Cambon outlines the main characteristics of Robinson's poetry, particularly noting the unique aspects that set him apart from his contemporaries. ] The gentleman from Gardiner, Maine, was an isolated conservative in a literary world that had seen the triumph of an aggressive Imagism. He refused to court public favor by projects for statistics, joining the winners, and on training kept on writing, mostly in projects a narrative vein which, in the changed climate of American letters, seemed to be obsolete.

In the common, deafening labyrinths of. (The entire section is 7472 words.) Wallace L. Anderson (essay date 1969) SOURCE: “The Young Robinson as Critic and Self-Critic,” in Edwin Arlington Robinson Centenary Essays, edited by Elsworth Barnard, University of Georgia Press, 1969, pp. 68-87. [ In the following essay, Anderson discusses Robinson's theory of projects for statistics class poetry as revealed in his comments on his own works and those of his associates. ] “I don't know anything about the poetry of the future,” E. A. Robinson once said, “except that it must have, in order to dissertation, be poetry, the projects, same eternal and unchangeable quality of magic that it has always had. Of course, it must always be colored by the age and essay information technology the individual, but the for statistics, thing itself will always remain unmistakable and. (The entire section is 7751 words.) SOURCE: “A Grave and Solitary Voice: An Appreciation of Edwin Arlington Robinson,” in Irving Howe: Selected Writings 1950-1990, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, 1990, pp. 229-239. [ In the following essay, originally published in 1970, Howe praises what he considers sincerity and honesty in Robinson's poetry and discusses his lack of appeal among modern readers. Essay. ] The centennial of projects for statistics class Edwin Arlington Robinson passed—he was born on December 22, 1869—with barely a murmur of public notice.

There were a few academic volumes of varying merit, but no recognition in our larger journals and reviews, for Robinson seems the kind of poet who is likely to remain. (The entire section is 4261 words.) SOURCE: “E. A. Robinson, A Voice Out of the Darkness,” in essays on culture Literary Reflections, A Shoring of Images 1960-1993, Northeastern University Press, 1993, pp. 154-76. [ In the following essay, originally published in 1973, Lewis identifies Robinson as one of the key figures in American poetry of the period from 1890 to 1910. ] The period from about 1890 to 1910 is one of the hardest to define, and to appraise, in modern American literature.

There was, on the one hand, a genuine vigor in the area of fiction—though one masterpiece, Billy Budd, remained unpublished until the late 1920s and another, Sister Carrie (1900), was, at the time of its publication. (The entire section is 3658 words.) SOURCE: “The Poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson,” in Moderns Contemporaries: Novelists, Poets, Critics, The Harvester Press, 1985, pp. 27-45. [ In the following essay, Lucas offers an appreciative overview of Robinson's poetry, particularly expressing admiration for his portrayals of ordinary characters. For Statistics Class. ] When Edwin Arlington Robinson died in 1935, his loss was mourned not only by America's writers but by statesmen and citizens whom one would not readily accuse of an interest in literature. Robinson was a famous man. Retzlaff Dissertation. Now, some thirty years later, the fame has shrunk, and it is my guess that the works are very little read. Certainly it is a matter of some. (The entire section is 6641 words.) SOURCE: “Bubble-Work in Gardiner, Maine: The Poetry War of 1924,” in The New England Quarterly, Vol.

LVII, No. 1, March, 1984, pp. 25-43. [ In the following essay, Satterfield discusses the controversy surrounding poetic intention in Robinson’s sonnet, “New England.” ] Poets seldom offer explicit statements about the meanings of their poems. Edwin Arlington Robinson, perhaps the most reticent of our New England poets, nonetheless took to the front page of his hometown weekly in 1924 to explain what he intended by a sonnet that had offended some of projects class his townsmen. He thus presented us, as well as the citizens of Gardiner, Maine, with a classic opportunity to. (The entire section is and development 6389 words.) SOURCE: “The Ambivalence of Stance in Edwin Arlington Robinson's Early Poems and class Letters,” in Style, Vol.

23, No. 1, Spring, 1989, pp. 87-112. [ In the following essay, Blumenthal focuses on “New England,” “Dear Friends,” “Doctor of Billiards,” and “Richard Cory” in a discussion of essays on culture Robinson's ambivalent response to the conventions and values of his hometown, Gardiner, Maine. ] Casual readers and professional critics of Edwin Arlington Robinson, both the poet's own contemporaries and projects for statistics his more modern readers, comment repeatedly on his New England reticence, on his penchant for elliptical utterance. Many of beatrice these have conveyed. (The entire section is 12819 words.) Anna Sabol Blumenthal (essay date 1991) SOURCE: “Edwin Arlington Robinson's Tilbury Town Poems and William James,” in Dalhousie Review, Vol.

71, No. 4, Winter 1991/92, pp. For Statistics Class. 411-37. [ In the following essay, Blumenthal traces the proposal, influence of the ideas of William James on Robinson's poetry. ] The philandering John Evereldown, the alcoholic Mr. Flood, and projects for statistics class best-known of arguing definitions essay all, the publicly successful and privately suicidal Richard Cory, all these, like many of Tilbury Town's denizens, retain for the reader a remarkable vividness despite the modest reputation of their creator, Edwin Arlington Robinson: few students of American literature or modern poetry are required to read him. Born. (The entire section is 9932 words.)

SOURCE: “Laughter at the Abyss: Hardy and Robinson,” in The Long View: Essays on for statistics the Discipline of Hope and Poetic Craft, The University of Massachusetts Press, 1991, pp. 71-114. [ In the following essay, Pack discusses humor in the poetry of Robinson and essay Thomas Hardy. ] E. A. Robinson is the American inheritor of Thomas Hardy's unusual gift for the creation of dramas within the confines of lyric form. In both poets, the ability to tell stories, to create characters who reveal themselves under the pressure of circumstance, is enhanced by their expressive control of image, rhyme, meter, and stanzaic form. They are both able to epitomize a. (The entire section is 8831 words.)

SOURCE: “Down There with E. For Statistics. A. R.: Amaranth ,” in Parnassus: Poetry in Review, Vols. 17 18, Nos. 2 1, 1993, pp. 282-95. [ In the proposal on training and development, following essay, Cassity argues that Amaranth is “the superior of [Robinson's] medieval poems, and possibly his masterpiece.” ] Encouraged, or rendered avaricious, by projects for statistics class, the success of Tristram in 1927—it sold over 60,000 copies—Edwin Arlington Robinson devoted the dissertation, remaining years of his life to projects, bringing out a long poem almost annually: Cavender's House (1929); The Glory of the Nightingales (1930); Matthias at the Door (1931); Talifer (1933); Amaranth (1934); and. (The entire section is dissertation proposal on training 4847 words.) SOURCE: An introduction to The Essential Robinson, The Ecco Press, 1994, pp. 3-15. [ In the following essay, Hall presents an appreciative overview of Robinson's life and class works. ] In 1869, Edwin Arlington Robinson was born in essay technology the village of projects class Head Tide in Maine, third son and final child of retzlaff Edward and Mary Robinson; his brothers Dean and Herman were twelve and four. Because his mother had wanted a daughter, Robinson began life as a disappointment; he went unnamed for projects, half a year.

When a summer visitor insisted that the six-month-old baby be named, “Edwin” was chosen by lot; the poet's middle name remembered the provenance of the college common app essay, visitor. As he grew up in Gardiner. (The entire section is 3486 words.) SOURCE: An afterword in The Torrent and The Night Before: A Facsimile Edition After 100 Years of his First Book, by Edwin Arlington Robinson, Tilbury House, Publishers, 1996, [ In the for statistics, following essay, Justice broadly places Robinson and The Torrent and the Night Before in the context of modern American poetry. Beatrice Retzlaff. ] Looking back now, a century having passed, one sees and for statistics hears very clearly the dreadful sameness of the poetry Robinson encountered in the magazines of his youth, magazines Robinson himself could scarcely get a hearing in. The versification was competently banal, the proposal and development, diction was usually archaic or otherwise stilted, the for statistics, subject matter was self-consciously. (The entire section is app essay 825 words.) Allen Trachtenberg (essay date 1998) SOURCE: “Democracy and the Poet: Walt Whitman and E. A. Robinson,” in The Massachusetts Review, Vol. XXXIX, No.

2, Summer, 1998, pp. 267-80. [ In the following essay, Trachtenberg discusses Robinson's response to the democratic ideals expressed in the poetry of Walt Whitman. ] At certain moments in mid-career Edwin Arlington Robinson chose to play Cassandra to the nation: “Your Dollar is projects for statistics your only Word, / The wrath of it your only fear.” In the essays on culture, poem called “Cassandra” (1916), in projects for statistics class “Demos” (1920), in “Dionysius in beatrice Doubt” and “Demos and Dionysius” (1925), he adopts an uncharacteristic hectoring tone, warns Jeremiah-like of a money-hungry power in for statistics class the. (The entire section is arranged in india 5192 words.) Barnard, Ellsworth. “Edwin Arlington Robinson.” In Sixteen Modern American Authors: A Survey of Research and Criticism, edited by Jackson R. Bryer, pp. 473-98. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1974. Traces the projects for statistics, publishing history of works by and about Robinson. Joyner, Nancy Carol. Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Reference Guide.

Boston, Mass.: G. K. Hall Co., 1978, 223 p. Surveys writings about essays on culture, Robinson from class, 1894 to essay, 1976. Barnard, Ellsworth, ed. Edwin Arlington Robinson: Centenary Essays . Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press. (The entire section is class 339 words.) Edwin Arlington Robinson Homework Help Questions.

“The Mill” by essays on culture, Edwin Arlington Robinson was written in 1920. Technology made several professions extinct—blacksmiths, door-to-door salesmen, and millers. Projects Class. Times are hard when people lose. Richard Cory, by information technology, Edward Arlington Robinson: 1. What connections can you make to glittering Richard Cory and the simile of him being richer than a king? 2. Why did people envy Richard Cory? Who. The humanity in Robinson's poem exists in how accessible and yet inaccessible Richard Cory was. Even though he spoke in a manner that was always human, Cory was never fully understood by for statistics class, the. I think that Robinson is fairly successful in making the claim that Cory's social condition isolated him from others. The social condition that Cory experiences is marriage in india one in which wealth constructs. Various emotions and/or beliefs about life seem to be implied or evoked by Edwin Arlington Robinson’s poem “The Mill.” These include the following: Line 1 implies the emotions of patience but.

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