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How to Write an Observation Essay? Guide for writing influential Observation Essays with easy to understand instructions and essay compelling tips. This article includes 7 powerful steps and 7 incredible tips for helping you to write better Observation essays. Integrated A Case? An observational essay is an opportunity for a person to provide their impression of an event, item or person. This article seeks to assist a writer understand the essay steps they can take to providing a well structured and written observational essay. An observational essay is one where the writer takes the reader on the same journey they underwent when attending an event or viewing a piece of art and so on. Integrated Psychodynamic Therapy Disorder Study? For instance, an observational essay can be written on the experiences one underwent at a new year's party. Essay? The writer gets to detail the events that led up to midnight and integrated psychodynamic of panic disorder study those preceding it. In an observational essay, the writer needs to college essay rules engage all their senses and detail as much as they can about the experience. It is about placing the reader in therapy of panic a case study, the shoes of the writer. Whether the views given are objective or subjective, the reader wants to know what happened and how it happened to the writer.

In order to write an essay writing observational essay, the integrated a case writer should have experienced the event first hand. Working on information from others does not cut it and does not make for a legitimate observational essay. The event may be something planned or unplanned. For instance, people who narrate being in essay writing rules, the middle of a robbery may write an observational essay of their experience. Reporters who came on the scene after the fact cannot relate to the experience in the same way as the victims.

This kind of scenario is unplanned. A food critic visiting a restaurant so as to do a review is a planned observation. When the experience is planned, a writer should ensure they take notes and record as many impressions as they can of their experience. If possible they should have a system to ensure they take away as many relevant impressions as they can. This is common with restaurant reviews. The critic knows to of panic a case study note their impression right from when they arrive at college essay the restaurant till the presentation of the bill. They will note the courtesy of the controversial essay maitre d', the attentiveness of the waiters, the ambience and furnishings, the location of the table, drinks and food on offer, their pricing, their taste, and even the music played.

The critic will have a system that allows him to make note of these crucial areas. In order to proper note the experience, it helps to make use of college writing rules a notebook. In this way the what is the best dissertation first impression can be noted. Any other occurrences that would lead to a change in the first impression also noted. When writing a observational essay, it is good to give a chronology of events as they occur as well as providing a detailed description.

Taking notes ensures that later impressions do not distract from what the reader would experience for themselves were they there. At times a writer may have an essay writing opinion that is later influenced to change by controversial, listening g to what other experienced. By making notes, a writer ensures that he or she is giving a succinct account of what occurred in their case. Using the example of the restaurant critic, it helps to college essay rules have a list of what areas one wants to make an impression from. Using an outline applies both before and after the experience.

It helps in planning ahead, where possible, and in creating the minute criteria final essay document. In the introductory section, the writer need sot give the reader a chance to familiarize themselves with the situation at college essay hand. The writer should provide some background information and provide their thesis statement. For instance if the situation is a political rally, the writer should detail which party is being represented and why the rally was called for. This is where the writer can make use of all the notes they have taken. Controversial Essay? By this point, they should have arranged the essay writing notes with the outline so as to arrange what information will appear in the main body.

There is lots of gay marriage flexibility in how to present the details here. College Essay? The only rule is to ensure the flow of details is made clearly and concisely, without repetitions and in an interesting manner. The conclusion section does not need to be lengthy. At this point, the writer needs to only summarize the points brought up within the body so that they arrive at a conclusion that supports the earlier stated thesis statement. Once the first draft is completed, the writer should always go over it again to ensure the flow of the essay allows for essay gay marriage an interesting read. The writer can also recruit a friend to offer a critique of the work and hep give helpful pointers on what to eliminate and what to add on. 1. Be very concise and clear on college writing the impression made by binders, the subject matter. The purpose of an observation essay is to provide the reader with a sense of the experience felt by the writer.

2. Use a notebook to jot down one's impression of the experience. This is the best way to remember in what way every sense was triggered and the impression made. Essay? Trying to recall from memory at a later date will leave out forgotten experiences. 3. You do not have to detail each and every experience. When jotting down notes, a writer should provide as many points and impressions as possible. In writing the final document however, this should not be the case.

There is a thesis statement to consider, so the controversial gay marriage writer should structure their work to support the position of the statement. This may mean leaving out a few details. Also some details may be minor in the grand scheme of things and not really needed to give a good recounting of the situation. 4. Describe a couple of rules situations. This makes for more interesting reading and allows the minute criteria reader to get a wider impression of the situation than just what the college writing rules writer experienced. 5. Do not skimp on the details. In a way this essay is partly like a descriptive narrative. It is a chance to have the reader experience the event through the senses of the writer. They get to is the best writing service taste what was tasted, hear what was heard, smell the scent, see what was in view and touch what was touched. It is as though they were there as well.

6. Writing? Try to be objective. Even though the impressions made will be personal o the writer, he or she should at least make an attempt to be fair in essay, their descriptions. 7. Do not go overboard with the descriptive language. As enjoyable or detestable as the experience may have been, it is important that it does not cloud the writer's judgement or leave them incapable of giving a fair description to the reader of what took place. I am feeling excited to read and reply your valuable comments.

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Multimeter Essays and Research Papers. 2. 2 units of college rules Multimeters (mA Ammeter, Voltmeter) 3. Variable resistors (50 (, 100 (, 1 k(, 5 k() 4. Retort stand 5. Best Dissertation? Xenon Lamp . (Solar simulator) 6. DC power supply 7. Wires Experimental Procedures 1. Set the first mulitmeters to mA for it to writing rules, function as ammeter and set the second multimeter to V for it to. Amorphous silicon , Direct current , Multimeter 395 Words | 4 Pages. two points in an electrical or electronic circuit. Some voltmeters are intended for use in direct current (DC) circuits; others are designed for alternating . current (AC) circuits. Specialized voltmeters can measure radio frequency (RF) voltage. Decade Essay? A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a volt/ohm meter or VOM. Writing? Types of voltmeter • Multi Functional Electric Power Meter • Harmonic Electric Meter • Digital Panel Voltage Meter • Digital Panel Current Meter • Digital Panel Active Power Meter . Alternating current , Ammeter , Direct current 359 Words | 3 Pages. Simple Voltage and Current Measurement. of primary importance in is the dissertation writing an experimental work.

The tolerance quoted by the meter manufacturer allows us to calculate the accuracy of essay writing any reading taken . with that particular meter. For example, assume that the dc voltage scale on of panic disorder a case a particular multimeter is rated at ± 3% of essay writing rules full scale. This means that a reading on the 10V scale is accurate to (± 0.03%)(10) = ± 0.3V. Thus, a reading of 9V on the10V scale indicates a true voltage, which lies between 8.7 and integrated psychodynamic disorder a case study, 9.3 V. A reading of writing rules 1V on the scale. Ammeter , Electrical measurements , Electrical resistance 958 Words | 5 Pages.

on the three thesis criteria instruments meter. Analog multimeters can sometimes be difficult to read because they display data as a needle moving along a scale . 4.Digital meter : A digital multimeter is a tool that can measure amps, volts, and ohms. Rules? It is gay marriage different from an analog meter, which has a needle and essay writing, a gauge, in that it has a digital light-emitting diode (LED) display. Digital multimeters are typically more accurate than their old analog counterparts. Adigital multimeter can also have other functions; obviously. Ammeter , Calibration , Electronic test equipment 1511 Words | 7 Pages. sources of what best dissertation writing service these electrolytes which is why orange juice may have more electrolytes than sport drinks. A multimeter is a device that measures . electrical properties such as AC or DC voltage, current, and resistance.

Most people use these for batteries, components, switches, power sources, and motors to diagnose electrical malfunctions and college writing, narrow down their cause. There are two main kinds of multimeter digital and analog. The one that I am using is a digital one. I know this because it has an LCD screen. Battery , Copper , Electrolyte 1132 Words | 4 Pages. much higher resistivities than the metals they are made from. Controversial Gay Marriage? Measuring Resistance Digital Multimeter - Ohmmeter An ohmmeter can be used . to college rules, directly measure an unknown resistance R. This is the simplest way to measure resistance.

It is important to realise that an ohmmeter can not be used when the resistance is integrated psychodynamic therapy of panic study connected in a circuit and a current is flowing through it. Typical Digital Multimeter Scale Measurement Range in rules words ohms(#937;) 2M two megohm two million ohms 0-2,000,000 . Electric current , Electrical resistance , Metal 1788 Words | 7 Pages. Experiment 1 Introduction to Basic Lab Equipment and Components. greater the wattage ratting. Therefore, it is important to know the exactly value for each resistor by london its code color before using it.

Analogue . College Essay Rules? Multimeter , every electronic lab has different types of do you restate thesis meters. However, there are some basic meters that are common and college writing rules, may appear to be different only because they are made by different manufacturers, analogue Multimeter must be able to measure dc and ac voltage, dc current and resistance. The oscilloscope graphs the 1920 decade essay instantaneous value of college essay writing voltage versus time. Alternating current , Electronic color code , Electronic test equipment 980 Words | 4 Pages. CITY MULTITESTER Instrumentation and Control CpE 511 NAME: KURT RUSSEL C. CHUA September 01, 2012 CYNTHIA C. GONZAGA Date of binders in central . Submission INSTRUCTOR: ENGR. JAY S. VILLAN, MEP-EE Introduction A multitester or multimeter is a device which can be used to gather data about electrical circuits. A basic multitester can measure resistance, voltage, and continuity; while more advanced versions may be able to provide additional data. This tool can be very useful to have.

Ammeter , Electrical measurements , Electrical resistance 644 Words | 3 Pages. The Digital Multimeter A Digital Multimeter (DMM) is simply an electronic tape measure for making electrical measurements. It . may have any number of special features, but mainly a Multimeter measures volts, ohms, and rules, amperes. * Invented in the early 1920s by British Post Office engineer, Donald Macadie * It can be used around the house to test flashlight batteries, sprinkler valves, cables, toys and house outlets. Restate In Conclusion? * It can Measure to a high degree of accuracy Caution: The Multimeter. Electric current , Measurement , Multimeter 302 Words | 2 Pages. 42-Range Digital Multimeter User’s Guide 22-811 Thank you for college essay writing rules purchasing your 42-Range Digital Multimeter from RadioShack. Psychodynamic Therapy A Case Study? . Please read this user’s guide before installing, setting up, and using your new multimeter . n Install the battery p Set the function switch Before installing battery, make sure the function switch is set to OFF and test leads are disconnected. V — Measures AC and DC voltages. ?A/A , mA/A — Measures AC and DC amperage. 1. Essay? Remove the gay marriage screw on the back to open the battery. Alternating current , Capacitor , Direct current 3623 Words | 4 Pages. Design and Implementation of an Analog Multimeter Using Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (Pmmc) Meter Movement.

DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ANANALOG MULTIMETER USINGPERMANENT MAGNET MOVING COIL(PMMC) METER MOVEMENT | KEVIN BARRAQUIAS DELOS SANTOS . 2008-19116 MARX MARJONEL BIBAR JOVELLANO 2008-30845 PRINCE TEOMEL GUSTO MATEL 2008-18863 SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND AGRO-INDSUTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES LOS BANOS, IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING OCTOBER 2010 I. Ammeter , Direct current , Electrical impedance 1453 Words | 8 Pages. IN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY MEASURE ELECTRICAL QUANTITIES Practical #1 – Measure Electrical Resistance Topic – Measure the Resistance using Analogue . amp; Digital Multimeter Objective – Familiarize and learn how to use Multimeter Equipment/Tools * Resistor -10 * Digital Multimeter * Analogue Multimeter * Breadboard Circuit Diagram Block Diagram NO | Components/Colour code | Rated Value | Measured Value |. Electric current , Electrical impedance , Electrical resistance 383 Words | 2 Pages. show the facts, the views, and the observations from different related literatures, studies and experiments regarding the effectiveness and the importance of . a multitester. According to S.E. Smith of, A multitester or multimeter is a device which can be used to gather data about electrical circuits.

A basic multitester can measure resistance, voltage, and continuity, while more advanced versions may be able to provide additional data. This tool can be very useful to have. Alternating current , Direct current , Electric current 5580 Words | 16 Pages. Physics ISA Thermistor generalised Paper 1 guide. methods, one with a digital multimeter as well as one with a power supply and an ammeter. The second method has an explanation as to college, how a . thermistor works, but I chose the first method because it had a multimeter method, which is easier than using a power supply and an ammeter, as it reads resistance directly in Ohms. 3. The equipment I will use is an NTC Thermistor, Hot Water (200ml), Cold Water (200ml), Beaker (500ml), Thermometer (0-100c), Digital Multimeter , and Connecting leads. You will.

Ammeter , Boiling , Fahrenheit 442 Words | 1 Pages. for a meter. 3. Multimeter We should be familiar to the following things about controversial gay marriage a multimeter : * What is a . multimeter and what is it used for? * Types of multimeters . * How does it work? * Quantities Measured. * The Do’s and essay writing, Don’ts What is a multimeter and its purpose? A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter would include basic. Alternating current , Direct current , Electronic test equipment 5790 Words | 19 Pages. . . . Three Criteria? . . . . College Essay Writing? . . 3.6 Potentiometer as a voltage divider 3.7 Potentiometer as a rheostat . Controversial Essay Gay Marriage? . . . College? 3.8 Precision potentiometer . . . . Integrated Disorder A Case Study? . . 3.9 Rheostat . range limiting . . . . . . 3.10 Thermoelectricity . . Writing Rules? . . Do You Restate Thesis? . . Writing? . . . . 3.11 Make your own multimeter . . . . 3.12 Sensitive voltage detector . . . . . 3.13 Potentiometric voltmeter . . . . . 3.14 4-wire resistance measurement . . 3.15 A very simple computer . . . . . . 3.16 Potato battery . . . . . . . Binders In Central London? . Writing Rules? . 1920? . . . . . . . College? . Gay Marriage? . . . . Breadboard , Electrical measurements , Electronic test equipment 90573 Words | 634 Pages. usually from the college picoampere range at the lower end to essay gay marriage, the milliampere range at essay the upper end. What Is The Best? Picoammeters are used for writing sensitive measurements where the integrated therapy of panic disorder a case study . current being measured is below the writing rules theoretical limits of controversial essay sensitivity of other devices, such as Multimeters . Working Principle of Ammeter: The majority of ammeters are either connected in series with the essay writing circuit carrying the current to be measured (for small fractional amperes), or have their shunt resistors connected similarly in series.

In either. Ammeter , Bipolar junction transistor , Electric current 5261 Words | 21 Pages. Digital Multimeter Calibration Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide instruction for the calibration of digital . Do You? multimeters (DMM). Scope All multimeters (multi-range instruments used to writing rules, measure voltage, current, and minute, resistance) are to be verified in calibration no less than once per year. Procedure Preliminary Instructions and Notes 1. Read this entire procedure before beginning the calibration. 2. Calibration shall be performed in an environment that conforms to Manufacturer. Alternating current , Calibration , Direct current 4638 Words | 17 Pages. ?A GUIDE TO BUILDING CIRCUITS and USING A MULTIMETER TO MEASURE RESISTANCE, VOLTAGE, AND CURRENT PART A: USING THE BREADBOARD TO BUILD . A CIRCUIT The breadboard consists of a block of rules white plastic with two sets of five rows of essay holes. Each set of rows looks like . . . College Writing? . . . . . . . Where In Conclusion? . . . . . Essay Writing Rules? . . . etc. . . . Thesis In Central? . . . . . . Alternating current , Battery , Direct current 1647 Words | 7 Pages. ?Discussion. 1. When we want to measure voltage reading, the rules multimeter must be parallel with the component that we want to measured.

The red . on the high voltage side, and black on the lower. When measuring current, amperes, the a case study multimeter must be in series with the component. Remove one side of the component and connect the black multimeter lead to college, the board where the where do you restate thesis in conclusion component was plugged in and the red lead connects to the loose component. The difference between the two is that if we measure. Error , Measurement , Normal distribution 506 Words | 2 Pages. To investigate the discharging of writing rules a capacitor through a multimeter as voltmeter.

?Practical 4 Title: To investigate the of panic study discharging of a capacitor through a multimeter as voltmeter Objective: To determine the internal . resistance of a multimeter Apparatus and Materials: 1. College Essay Writing? Capacitor 2. Multi-meter 3. Power supply 4. Switch 5. Stop watch 6. Connecting wires Setup : 1 The circuit was constructed as Figure 5-1. 2 Ensure that the positive terminal of the power supply was connected to 1920 decade, the positive terminal of the capacitor if an college essay rules, electrolytic capacitor. 3 Initially, switch S should. Capacitor , Electrical impedance , Electrical measurements 1264 Words | 8 Pages. states that the total current entering a junction must equal the total current leaving the junction.

These laws, however, cannot be proven or tested without . the aid of a multimeter . A multimeter is an instrument designed to measure electric current, voltage, and usually resistance, typically over several ranges of value. The multimeter has different programs to measure voltage, current, resistance, etc. produced from binders london one of two types of circuits. College Essay Writing Rules? The first type of circuit is a series circuit. A series. Electric current , Electrical resistance , Kirchhoff's circuit laws 859 Words | 3 Pages. for this lab are described below. 1) Multimeter Use the Multimeter to measure AC or DC voltage or current, and resistance or . Best Dissertation Writing Service? decibel loss between two nodes in a circuit. To use the Multimeter click on the Multimeter button in the Instruments toolbar and click to place its icon on the workspace. Double-click on the icon to open the instrument face, which is used to enter settings and view measurements.

Figure 11: Multimeter To measure Voltage place multimeter in Parallel with the college rules component (Resistor. Ammeter , Circuit diagram , Direct current 904 Words | 4 Pages. Digital or Analog Multimeter to measure Voltage or Current of thesis produced electricity. Essay Writing? Alligator clips/ Leads Procedure: We insert copper . and zinc electrodes in to the potato, close but not touching each other. We use Clip leads to connect our electrodes to the Multimeter to measure voltage between two electrodes or current passing through the multimeter . For this experiment we removed the shell of what is the best dissertation writing service a broken AA battery for our Zinc electrode. College Essay Rules? (Make sure to test your multimeter by connecting it's. Anode , Battery , Chemistry 500 Words | 3 Pages. Purpose To lessen the essay consume of electric charge b. Procedure We insert copper and zinc electrodes in to the potato, close but not touching each other. We . use Clip leads to connect our electrodes to the Multimeter to measure voltage between two electrodes or current passing through the multimeter . For this experiment we used a galvanized nail for our Zinc electrode. c. Result It did go well and the potato did give voltage to essay, the equipment (clock) However, the energy needed depends on binders in central the potato. Anode , Battery , Chemistry 801 Words | 7 Pages.

We insert copper and essay rules, zinc electrodes in to thesis binders, the potato, close but not touching each other. We use Clip leads to connect our electrodes to the . Multimeter to measure voltage between two electrodes or current passing through the multimeter . For this experiment we removed the shell of a broken AA battery for essay writing rules our Zinc electrode. (Make sure to do you thesis, test your multimeter by connecting its Positive and Negative wires to each other that should show no current and no voltage). Essay Writing? c. Result d. Conclusions . Anode , Battery , Cathode 610 Words | 3 Pages. Questions on Controlled Assessment. going to make How you will make the controversial essay gay marriage investigation a fair test A risk assessment The equipment I plan to use includes a Multimeter , a Light . Dependent Resistor, A clamp, A lamp bulb, Some wires, A standard ruler, and some Crocodile Clips. The control variables are the ones that do not change. The control variables include the bulb used in the lamp, the ruler, and the same Multimeter will be used throughout the testing. The independent variables are the ones that you change to measure a change in the. Electrical resistance , Incandescent light bulb , Measurement 832 Words | 3 Pages.

resistance in an electrical circuit using a multimeter . Materials: Wire Light Emitting Diodes (red, green, blue) Alligator Chips . Resistors Multimeter 9-volt battery Procedures: 1. Writing Rules? With the components provided in the lab kit, “build” the DC series circuit. 2. Using the resistors provided, that limits the current to less than 20 ma, use the thesis binders in central multimeter to college rules, measure the controversial essay gay marriage voltage drops across each component in college essay writing the circuit. Do You Restate In Conclusion? 3. When using the college essay writing multimeter to measure, start with the therapy of panic disorder a case study highest scale. Electric current , Electrical impedance , Electrical resistance 568 Words | 3 Pages. simple low voltage light bulb for college essay rules a very short time. Materials : Items needed Quantity Lemon 1 Orange 1 Onion 1 . Tomato 1 Potato 1 Paper 1 Pencil 1 Clock 1 Copper metal 2 Zinc metal 2 Cables Multimeter 1 Light Blub 1 Procedure: 1. Gather all things needed for experiment. 2. With the help of the adult, remove plastic coatings at the end of all wires with scissors. Integrated Therapy Disorder A Case? 3. College Essay Writing? Gently roll each fruit on a table to soften it. Citrus , Electricity , Fruit 586 Words | 3 Pages. EXPERIMENT NO.

1 AIM: - Study of power supply, Function generator and multimeter . DESCRIPTION: - Power supply: - A power supply is a . vital part of all electronic systems. It consists of transformer whose output is then applied to the bridge rectifier which converts sinusoidal input into full wave rectified output. The filter capacitors at integrated psychodynamic of panic study the output of bridge rectifier are charged to peak voltage values of the rectified output voltage, whenever the diodes are forward biased. College Writing Rules? since the diodes. Alternating current , Diode , Direct current 898 Words | 6 Pages. changed (quantitatively)? The independent variable, being the current (amps) will be changed using a variable resistor (the trigger). But to make the controversial essay . investigation quantitative, the current will be measured from the contact points on college writing rules the track with a multimeter . Where Do You Thesis? 5. What is the dependent variable? The dependent variable is the time it takes for a slot car to complete a lap of the track.

6. How will the dependent variable be measured? The time taken will be measured with a stopwatch. Hypothesis. 2008 in film , Amplifier , Electrical resistance 1429 Words | 5 Pages. capacity or specific heat capacity. The purpose of this experiment is to find the heat capacity of water, orange juice, and olive oil.

A couple of very . specific equipment is needed in order to complete this experiment, such as: a calorimeter, a multimeter , a 6V battery and alligator clips. Essay? One interesting fact that I learned from doing this experiment is that water absorbs a lot of heat without greatly changing its temperature. This is important because our bodies as well as the animals are filled. Energy , Fundamental physics concepts , Gas 906 Words | 3 Pages. Potato as an alternative source of energy. Digital or Analog Multimeter to measure Voltage or Current of produced electricity. Alligator clips/ Leads Procedure: We insert copper and . zinc electrodes in to the potato, close but not touching each other. We use Clip leads to connect our electrodes to thesis binders, the Multimeter to measure voltage between two electrodes or current passing through the multimeter . Essay Writing Rules? For this experiment we removed the shell of a broken AA battery for our Zinc electrode. (Make sure to test your multimeter by connecting its.

Battery , Electrochemical cell , Electrochemistry 1129 Words | 4 Pages. CFL bulb is repairable, carefully disassemble the bulb and essay, the ballast and test to see if it completes a circuit using a voltmeter or a wire-battery-led . College Essay Rules? setup. There are two pairs of wires coming out of the head of the bulb. Check each pair with a multimeter for continuity. If the continuity is ok for both pairs, then the bulb is not burnt. Do You Restate? The problem is with the college balast electronics and it can be repaired. Restate Thesis In Conclusion? If the continuity test fails in either side or both, then the bulb is burnt but it can still. Compact fluorescent lamp , Diode , Fluorescent lamp 859 Words | 3 Pages. is an example of this type of process.

In this experiment copper will be plated on writing to an electrode using a battery as the external source of energy. The . reaction will be timed, and the current passing through the cell will be measured using a multimeter or an ammeter. Is The Writing? From the data collected, it will be possible to predict the mass of copper that should be deposited on one of the electrodes. This value will be compared with the writing value obtained from the experimental trial. The purpose of this. Anode , Battery , Cathode 792 Words | 4 Pages. Introduction to Electrical Engineering: Lab 1.

3010 by decade R.S.R Electronics True RMS Digital Multimeter Ammeter 1000 ? resistor NTC-102 Thermistor Photoresistor Potentiometer . Essay Writing Rules? Audiospeaker 2 1m pieces of magnet wire IV. Procedure A. Measuring DC Voltage With the controversial essay gay marriage multimeter set to essay, measure DC voltage, red and black test wires were attached to the V ? Hz jack and the COM jack on the front of the multimeter and then to the jacks for +5 V and COM on essay the DC power supply. The range on the multimeter was set to 20, and writing rules, the power supply was turned. Direct current , Electric current , Electrical impedance 1539 Words | 6 Pages. Solar Cell Practical Report 2011 Aim: To find the amount of power generated from a solar cell with a light bulb by . using a multimeter . Hypothesis: The further you move the solar cell away from the light bulb the less power will be produced. Backup statement: I can support my hypothesis through my own given knowledge on is the best power and electricity. Essay Writing Rules? I can comprehend the facts that, if the 1920 decade Light Bulb was generating a large amount of heat and light, the solar panel. Energy , Fluorescent lamp , Incandescent light bulb 1092 Words | 4 Pages. voltage drop across the diode was almost the same each time. This lab showed the effects of current and voltage in writing a parallel circuit. This experiment also . showed how the brightness was effected by changing the voltage.

Equipment and materials: • Multimeter • Power Supply • Connecting wires • A bread board • A 330 ohm resistor • A l k ohm resistor • 2 Red LED's Theory: A light-emitting diode (LED), is an decade, electronic light source. The first LED was built in the 1925 by college writing rules Oleg Vladimirovich Losev. Electric current , Electrical impedance , Electrical resistance 1523 Words | 6 Pages. their values are consistent with that of the calculated value. Therapy Of Panic Disorder A Case Study? EQUIPMENT: D.C. Power Supply (5V fixed)- To provide the essay writing rules voltage difference for the . circuit necessary for decade essay the flow of electrons. Bread Board- Used as a circuit board. Digital Multimeter - Used to measure the voltage, current and resistance in college essay rules the circuit. Where Restate Thesis? R1- 15K? Carbon Resistor- Used to oppose current flow. R2- 24K? Carbon Resistor- Used to oppose current flow.

R3- 100 ? Carbn Resistor- Used to oppose current flow. . Alternating current , Electric current , Electrical resistance 1052 Words | 5 Pages. was used to college writing, view and three criteria, record the waves produced from the AC currents and then make relevant calculations based on that. (iii) The DC power supply was used in . the first two procedures which involved using the resistors. (iv) Familiarised with the college essay multimeter and where do you restate in conclusion, used it to college essay rules, take measurements (v) the experiment board which was used to do create most of the circuits and take the do you thesis in conclusion necessary measurements. Procedure 1: The measurement of resistance. The resistances of the 5k? and 22k? resistors were. Alternating current , Direct current , Electrical impedance 991 Words | 4 Pages. OBJECTIVE The objectives of this experiment are to college, investigate and verify the Thevenin’s theorem and to investigate and verify the Norton’s theorem. . EQUIPMENT Resistor 100?, 1k? and 4.7k?, digital multimeter (DVM), bread board. INTRODUCTION Some circuits require more than one voltage source. Superposition theorem is a way to determine currents and voltages in a linear circuit that has multiple sources by taking one source at a time. the current in any given branch of a multiple-source linear. Current source , Electric current , Electrical impedance 924 Words | 4 Pages.

circuit, draw one out. No circuit is “too simple” to need a schematic. If the circuit is simple, the schematic should be easy to draw. Verify each . connection on the circuit using the where multimeter . Some multimeters have a continuity checker which will ring when a low-resistance connection is made. Even if your multimeter doesn’t have this feature, set it for writing rules the lowest resistance setting. If you read 0 (or very low number of ohms) between the test leads, they are wired together. Use a highlighter.

Check , Chess , Input 859 Words | 3 Pages. to use the variables in an electrical current. Knowing how the variables are used in calculations and 1920, electrical currents is important in college writing rules determining the . value of the resistor and how it affects the current in the circuit. A device known as the multimeter is used to find the essay voltage and essay rules, current in the circuit. Ohm's principal discovery was that the amount of electric current through a metal conductor in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage impressed across it, for any given temperature.

Drift velocity , Electric current , Electrical impedance 1342 Words | 5 Pages. 0.1 mol - 0.3 mol - 0.5 mol - 1 mol - 2 mol • 1 mol of KNO3 Solution • Zn strip 5x • Cu strip 5x • Thermometer • Multimeter . DIAGRAM METHOD 1. Measure the room temperature by using a thermometer. Controversial? All experiments are carried out at the same room temperature. College Essay Rules? 2. Measure the what best writing service temperature of ZnSo4 and CuSo4 solution by using a multimeter at room temperature. Keep the temperature of the solutions constant. 3. College Essay Writing Rules? Use a beaker to three thesis, measure 100mL of 0.1 Mol ZnSo4 Solution. Anode , Battery , Electrochemical cell 466 Words | 3 Pages. Effect of Temperature on the Conductivity and Resistance of a Copper Wire. ? 3- 1.5 volt batteries with casing ? 3- jumper wires with crocodile clips ? Multimeter ? Scissors ? Infrared Thermometer ? 1 roll of . insulation tape Procedure 1. Wind the wire around the PVC pipe. Essay? Fix the ends of the wires to best dissertation writing, the insulation tape. Remove about 3 cm. of insulation from the college writing rules wire using the tips of the paper knife.

Measure the resistance of the wire using the ohm setting on the multimeter . 2. Connect the batteries in series using the jumper wires to produce 4.5. Ammeter , Ampere , Copper 427 Words | 3 Pages. normally measuring then connect the commercial multimeter to decade essay, input as well. We will be matching the voltage of PIC voltmeter with the . commercial multimeter . College Rules? Use UP amp; DOWN buttons to is the best dissertation writing, match the essay writing rules voltage on decade both devices. Once the voltage is matched press the SETUP button to start calibrating current readings. You can lower the essay writing voltage now and connect a load from psychodynamic disorder a case 500mA to axpoximately 2A in series with commercial multimeter to Output of PIC multimeter . College Essay? Again, we will be matching the current redings. Ammeter , Electric current , Metrology 1285 Words | 5 Pages. resistors -12v power pack - Multimeter -2 alligator clips -Small lengths of do you thesis thin copper wire -Circuit test (bread) board Method: 1.The . circuit shown in Diagram 1 (see Results) was set up using the appropriate electrical components. 2.The 12v power supply was turned on and set to 6v.

3.The amperage, voltage and college writing rules, resistance of the three resistor combinations (see results) within the circuit were found, as well as the total amounts for the whole circuit by using the multimeter . 4.The voltage and amperage. Electric current , Electrical impedance , Electrical resistance 1193 Words | 7 Pages. The Most Common Laboratory Apparatus and essay gay marriage, Their Uses. heating a small amount of a solid substance at a very high temperature. Tripod = It is writing rules a three-legged stand that supports the wire gauze while heating. . Microscope = It is used for viewing the ultra minute objects by the process of magnification. Multimeter = It is used for in conclusion measuring the current, voltage and resistance. Here are a few examples: 1. beaker = a liquid measuring container 2. burette = measures volume of solution 3. clay triangle = a wire frame with porcelain used to support a crucible . Bunsen burner , Chemical reaction , Chemistry 1159 Words | 4 Pages.

potato Materials: ? fresh potatoes ? Direct Coupled Amplifier DC Voltmeter in a Digital Multimeter ? Copper Coins and Zinc-Galvanized Nails . College Writing Rules? Procedure: 1. Set the multimeter to controversial, the “2V” (direct current) range. Turn it on. 2. To measure its voltage, insert the black and red probe to the potato. To increase the college essay rules voltage, inject a coin and do you in conclusion, a zinc-galvanized nail to the said fruit, and connect it to the multimeter using the alligator clips, have the essay rules black probe to the zinc-galvanized nail while the red. Coin , Compact fluorescent lamp , Copper 797 Words | 4 Pages. must consider the three minute criteria voltage and rules, current requirements of that device. . Voltage measurements: Set the Multimeter so that it is measuring DCV . (Direct Current Voltages). 1920? The 200m setting will give voltage readings up to 2.000 volts. If the readings are too high or too low, just change the dial to an appropriate setting. College? Since it may be hard to where thesis in conclusion, maintain a solid contact with the college essay rules pointed Multimeter probes, it might be better if you use a pair of alligator clip leads and 1920 decade, attach one side to the end of. Alternating current , Battery , Direct current 850 Words | 3 Pages.

straight cable is college writing rules used to connect two dissimilar devices e.g computer and switch. Exercise 4.1.9 S1 and S2 will require a crossover cable. Exercise . 4.1.10 A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter would include basic features such as the ability to measure voltage, current, and resistance. Tone generator=A tone generator, also known as a signal generator. Cable , Category 5 cable , Coaxial cable 607 Words | 3 Pages. supply 2. Minute Thesis? Digital multimeter 3. Oscilloscope 4. Breadboard and component kit PART 1- VOLTAGE AND CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS Where R1=560 ?, . R2=330 ?, R3=470 ? and E=18 V PROCEDURE:- 1. Construct the college essay rules circuit as shown in figure #6 on your breadboard that is connect resistor R1 in series with two resistor R2 and R3 which are connected in parallel. 2. Adjust the decade supply voltage to 18V in D.C Power supply. Writing? 3. Measure the values of IT, I1, I2 and I3 with the controversial gay marriage help of Digital multimeter and note down the. Electric current , Electrical impedance , Electrical resistance 742 Words | 8 Pages. JOULE’S LAW Introduction and research question In this experiment, we were going to investigate the resistance R of an immersion heater.

We had to college writing rules, make . our own heater, and measure the resistance using a multimeter . Then we had to essay, measure the current I, using an ammeter and a voltmeter. And at last, we had to determine the power P of the immersion heater. This experiment would require to make a table with the data collection, a graph, and a few calculations using Joule’s and Ohms law. Our research. Alternating current , Electric current , Fundamental physics concepts 647 Words | 3 Pages. voltage and current in series and college essay rules, parallel circuit. and the voltages being used at thesis different loads add up to total voltage of the battery. Procedure: 1. Two loads were attached together by a copper wire . and to two batteries to college, create a series circuit, as seen in gay marriage figure 1. 2. The multimeter was attached to the two batteries with the black wire to the negative end of the writing battery, and the red wire to the positive end. This device was used to measure voltage and current in the series circuit. Three Minute Thesis? 3. Steps 1-2 were repeated using 3 loads.

Electrical resistance , Error , Measurement 851 Words | 3 Pages. analysis of our topic. Question How can water be used to generate energy and how does this vary with temperature? Variables Independent . Variables Dependent Variables Constants • Temperature of the essay writing rules water • Amount of energy created • Multimeter • Thermocouple • Banana plugs Hypothesis If the amount of water changes in controversial higher temperature, then it will cause the conductive material to writing, generate more electricity because the hotter the temperature of the water, then the greater. Energy , Heat , Temperature 1203 Words | 5 Pages.

insulation which encloses all the inner layers. This is called a jacket and is usually made from PVC. 4.1.7 Exercise: Cheaper and Easier to install and . actually works. 4.1.8 Exercise: Crossover and Straight 4.1.9 Exercise: Yes 4.1.10 Exercise: Multimeter - Wal-Mart- Cost: $36.89 Tone Generator – Lowes – Cost: $39.05 Pair scanner – Ebay – Cost: $149.00 Time domain Reflectormerter (TDR) - Amazon – Cost:$284.40 4.2.1 Exercise: SMF requires one fiber for therapy of panic disorder a case transmission and one for receiving, because. Cable , Category 5 cable , Copper 325 Words | 6 Pages. Remove all hyperlinks and edit properly. Note your references in the appropriate section of rules this lab report. Materials and 1920 decade essay, Equipment * 7400 Quad . 2-input NAND gate * 7402 Quad 2-input NOR gate * … * Logic Trainer * Digital Multimeter Procedures, Data and Results 1. These are usually provided. Pictures (of the experimental set-up, and NOT the members), data, tables and results are presented here. Table No.1: Description | | | | | | | | | | | | . 4000 series , Experiment , Hypothesis 271 Words | 3 Pages. Digital or Analog Multimeter to measure Voltage or Current of produced electricity.

Alligator clips/ Leads Procedure: We insert copper and . zinc electrodes in to the potato, close but not touching each other. We use Clip leads to connect our electrodes to the b Multimeter to measure voltage between two electrodes or current passing through the college multimeter . For this experiment we removed the gay marriage shell of a broken AA battery for college essay rules our Zinc electrode. (Make sure to test your multimeter by connecting. Anode , Battery , Copper 430 Words | 2 Pages. eventually level off as well before reaching zero. Apparatus amp; Procedure: This experiment required the use of is the dissertation a 1.5 V D-size battery, a battery . holder, a digital multimeter , a 220?F capacitor, a 100 K? resistor, a DPDT switch, connecting wires, alligator clips, and a stopwatch. Writing Rules? After the three minute criteria apparatus was set up and essay, the multimeter was connected to the capacitor, the first procedure required the capacitor to be charged via throwing the switch towards the battery and simultaneously starting the timer. Battery , Capacitor , Electric charge 729 Words | 3 Pages. it is thesis in central london stable. Select the bulb with the lowest power rating and college, connect it to the holder as shown in where do you restate thesis the figure.

Connect the LDR, battery(6V) and the . multimeter in series. Set the multimeter to ohm section and select suitable range and measure the resistance with a bulb on. Similarly switch to rules, current section and move to micro ampere in minute thesis the multimeter . This gives the value of the current. Writing Rules? Repeat these steps with different power sources at different distances and note down observations. 9 OBSERVATIONS . Cadmium sulfide , Electric current , Electrical resistance 1171 Words | 6 Pages.

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15 Quick Tips for college essay writing rules, a Winning Resume. by Katharine Hansen, Ph.D. As part of the is the dissertation celebration of Quintessential Careers#8217;s 15th anniversary, we#8217;re presenting lists of 15 tips on some of the most essential topics in college, job search, and career. Yikes! You find yourself in a position to craft a resume or update an existing resume. College Essay Rules. So much resume advice floats around out there, making you wonder about the best approach. Where Restate Thesis. The tips we offer here capture the most important aspects of an effective resume. You can scarcely go wrong if you incorporate these nuggets into your next resume. Here#8217;s our list of the 15 best tips for job-seekers in crafting a winning resume. Your resume must be sharply focused and target your desired career goal with precision.

Job-seekers tend to forget that employers review resumes extremely quickly #8212; often in just a few seconds. An employer taking such a quick glance should be able to immediately grasp what you want to do and gain a sense of the value you can contribute to the organization. The resume must focus on college key strengths that position the candidate to meet a specific need and 1920 essay, target specific jobs/employers. In other words, employers don#8217;t consider resumes that aren#8217;t focused on a job#8217;s specific requirements to be competitive. Rules. Employers and recruiters expect your resume to be precisely tailored to the position you#8217;re applying for. The reader should be able to tell at controversial, a glance exactly what job you#8217;re targeting and what need you will fill.

The reader should never have to guess or wade through copious text to determine what job you want and what you#8217;d be good at. An unfocused resume is a time-waster for the employer. College Writing Rules. Ways you can sharpen your focus include a headline atop your resume stating the type of job you seek, a branding statement that positions you for a specific job or type of decade, job (headlines and branding statements are often used in essay writing, combination), a Qualifications Summary or Professional Profile section, a section listing your Core Competencies/Proficiencies/Areas of what service, Expertise, strategic organization of your resume to position you for the job you seek, and bullet points describing your experience in a way that is specifically tailored to the position you seek. To ensure a sharp focus, you will likely need to college essay rules create multiple versions of your resume, building a boilerplate version that you then customize to each specific positions. In Central. Today#8217;s resume must be keyword-rich. Rules. The majority of resumes submitted to employers today are handled by integrated psychodynamic therapy disorder Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which Wikipedia defines as software applications #8220;that enable the college essay writing rules electronic handling of corporate recruitment needs.#8221; The systems store #8220;candidate data inside a database to allow effective searching, filtering, and routing of applications.#8221; Because applicant tracking software and 1920 decade essay, keyword-searchable databases dominate today#8217;s hiring process, successful resumes must feature cutting-edge industry jargon in the form of keywords. To read more about using keywords in resumes, see our article Tapping the Power of essay writing, Keywords to Enhance Your Resume#8217;s Effectiveness. What Best Service. When your resume is seen by the human eye, it needs to writing catch attention and of panic disorder a case, be simultaneously reader-friendly. The print version of an effective resume must be sleek, distinctive, and clean yet eye-catching. Your resume should feature conservative, easy-to-read fonts, plenty of white space, a layout/design that goes beyond ordinary yet is not so far out as to turn employers off, and graphic elements that add interest, such as rule lines, boxes, shaded areas, and tables (for print version only, as these graphic elements will likely not hold up when entered into employers#8217; Applicant Tracking Systems.) Avoid instantly recognizable Microsoft Word resume templates.

Employers have seen a million of them, so they don#8217;t stand out. Resumes, especially for career changers, need to portray skills as applicable and transferable to the position the job-seeker is targeting. You need to show the employer that the skills you#8217;ve polished will contribute to the bottom line, even if you seek a job different from what you#8217;ve done in the past. For more about transferable skills, read our article, Strategic Portrayal of Transferable Job Skills is college, a Vital Job-Search Technique. Focus on controversial accomplishments #8212; not duties and responsibilities #8212; that set you apart from other job candidates. In each job, what special things did you do to set yourself apart? How did you do the college essay writing rules job better than anyone else or than anyone else could have done? What did you do to make it your own? What special things did you do to impress your boss so that you might be promoted? What were the therapy of panic study problems or challenges that you or the organization faced?

What did you do to overcome the problems? What were the results of your efforts? How did the organization benefit from your performance? How did you leave your employers better off than before you worked for them? For more about how to rules identify your accomplishments, see our article For Job-Hunting Success: Track and Leverage Your Accomplishments and our Accomplishments Worksheet to therapy of panic a case help you brainstorm your accomplishments. College Essay. Spotlight your best selling points up front. #8220;The Resume Ingredients Rule,#8221; set forth by Donald Asher, author of numerous resume books (see our QA with him), notes that information on a resume should be listed in order of importance to the reader. Therefore, in listing your jobs, what#8217;s generally most important is your title/position. So list in this preferred order: Title/position, name of employer, city/state of employer, dates of employment. Also consider whether your education or your experience is your best selling point and which should therefore be listed first.

Generally, brand-new graduates list education first, while job-seekers with a few years of restate thesis, experience list experience first. Don#8217;t bury relevant skills, such as technical and foreign-language skills, at the bottom of your resume. If computer skills are relevant to your field, list them in a Summary or Profile section atop your resume. That way, they#8217;ll catch the reader#8217;s eye in the first third of the document. Similarly if language and international-business skills are important in college writing, the type of thesis in central, job you seek, list them prominently, not at college essay rules, the end of your resume.

Communicate your personal brand in controversial essay, your resume. The branding expressed in your resume captures your career identity, authenticity, passion, essence, and image, as well as the promise of the college writing value you bring to the employer. For a branded resume, integrate a distinctive appearance, a consistent branding message woven throughout the what is the best service document supporting the branded message you intend to convey, as well as a branding statement that defines who you are, your promise of value, and why you should be sought out. Learn more with our Personal Branding Career Self-Marketing Tools for Job-Seekers and Career Activists. Writing. Make your resume a sales pitch that conveys your distinctiveness, passion, and unique understanding of the business environment. It must answer the employer#8217;s question: Why you over where, any other candidate? Clearly, uniqueness is college essay writing, closely related to both branding and focus.

If your resume conveys a sharp focus, the reader can instantly visualize you in controversial, the position you seek. If your resume is branded, it immediately communicates your promise of value. The uniqueness factor takes your resume to the next level by portraying you as not only in the position but the best person for the position, even the only logical choice for the position. When you imbue your resume with your uniqueness, you show the employer that you completely comprehend the essay writing rules challenges the organization faces and that you are overwhelmingly qualified to meet those challenges. If you have adequately sold your uniqueness, the reader reviewing your resume should say, #8220;This person gets it.#8221; Eliminate clutter from your resume. Among the thesis binders elements can clutter up your resume and impede readability are unnecessary dates (such as dates of involvement in professional or civic organizations); parentheses (no need to set off dates of employment with parentheses; just use commas), articles #8212; those little words, #8220;a,#8221; #8220;an,#8221; and #8220;the,#8221; most of which aren#8217;t needed; and the line #8220;References available upon college essay writing rules, request#8221; (unnecessary because it is where do you in conclusion, a given that you will provide references upon request.)

Structure your accomplishments as stories #8212; but tell them in reverse order. College Essay Writing. You#8217;ve probably heard of a story structure commonly suggested for job-interview responses: Situation Action Result, sometimes expressed as Challenge Action Result or Problem Action Result. Since a hiring decision-maker reads your resume so quickly, you need to tell the story backwards. Grab the reader#8217;s attention by giving away the ending first. So, instead of Situation Action Result, resume bullet points should be told as Result Action Situation. Quantify wherever possible. Employers love to see numbers #8212; metrics that provide tangible evidence of results you#8217;ve achieved. Where Do You Restate Thesis. Use metrics such as percentage by which you#8217;ve increased sales or cut costs. Take steps to ensure your resume is free of misspellings, grammar flaws, and typos. College Essay Writing Rules. Proofread it. Set it aside overnight, and then proof it again.

Then have a friend, family member, or colleague who is well-versed in proper language use proof it for you. Errors can kill your chances with many employers, so keep your resume error free. Keep your resume fresh and updated. Your resume should not be a static, stagnant document; change it as needed. Is The. If it#8217;s not working for you, have it critiqued by essay writing a professional to see what you can improve. Update it the minute you start a new job. Track your accomplishments so you can add those to the document. Final Thoughts on Creating a Successful Job-Search Resume. Resume-writing isn#8217;t easy, but it#8217;s not as overwhelming as it may seem. Get a feel for an effective resume by looking at samples, and consult the copious resume resources here on dissertation writing Quint Careers.

If you still feel like you can#8217;t do it, there#8217;s no shame in consulting a professional resume writer. Questions about some of the terminology used in essay rules, this article? Get more information (definitions and links) on key college, career, and essay, job-search terms by college essay going to our Job-Seeker#8217;s Glossary of best dissertation service, Job-Hunting Terms. Katharine Hansen, Ph.D., creative director and associate publisher of essay writing, Quintessential Careers, is an educator, author, and what best writing, blogger who provides content for college essay, Quintessential Careers, edits QuintZine , an electronic newsletter for controversial, jobseekers, and writing, blogs about storytelling in the job search at A Storied Career . Where Restate Thesis In Conclusion. Katharine, who earned her PhD in organizational behavior from Union Institute University, Cincinnati, OH, is author of Dynamic Cover Letters for college essay writing rules, New Graduates and controversial gay marriage, A Foot in the Door: Networking Your Way into the Hidden Job Market (both published by Ten Speed Press), as well as Top Notch Executive Resumes (Career Press); and with Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., Dynamic Cover Letters , Write Your Way to a Higher GPA (Ten Speed), and The Complete Idiot#8217;s Guide to college essay rules Study Skills (Alpha). Visit her personal Website or reach her by e-mail at minute thesis, kathy(at) Check out Dr. Hansen on GooglePlus. Enhance your career! Take advantage of all of our expert free career development advice, tools, and more in our Career Resources Toolkit for Job-Seekers. Building Tools That Build Better Work Lives. Since 2005, LiveCareer’s team of career coaches, certified resume writers, and savvy technologists have been developing career tools that have helped over college essay writing rules, 10 million users build stronger resumes, write more persuasive cover letters, and develop better interview skills.

Use our free samples, templates, and what is the, writing guides and our easy-to-use resume builder software to help land the job you want. Dr. Randall S. Hansen. Essay Rules. Dr. Controversial Gay Marriage. Randall S. Hansen is founder of Quintessential Careers, one of the oldest and most comprehensive career development sites on the Web, as well CEO of He is writing, also founder of gay marriage, and He is college rules, publisher of Quintessential Careers Press, including the Quintessential Careers electronic newsletter, QuintZine. Essay. Dr. Hansen is also a published author, with several books, chapters in books, and hundreds of writing rules, articles. He’s often quoted in the media and is the best dissertation, conducts empowering workshops around the country.

Finally, Dr. Writing Rules. Hansen is also an integrated psychodynamic therapy a case, educator, having taught at the college level for college rules, more than 15 years. Visit his personal Website or reach him by email at Check out Dr. Hansen on GooglePlus. Katharine Hansen, Ph.D., creative director and associate publisher of controversial essay gay marriage, Quintessential Careers, is an educator, author, and blogger who provides content for Quintessential Careers, edits QuintZine, an college essay, electronic newsletter for jobseekers, and blogs about storytelling in the job search at binders in central london, A Storied Career. Katharine, who earned her PhD in organizational behavior from Union Institute University, Cincinnati, OH, is author of Dynamic Cover Letters for New Graduates and A Foot in college rules, the Door: Networking Your Way into the Hidden Job Market (both published by Ten Speed Press), as well as Top Notch Executive Resumes (Career Press); and with Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., Dynamic Cover Letters, Write Your Way to a Higher GPA (Ten Speed), and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Study Skills (Alpha). Visit her personal Website or reach her by e-mail at Writing Service. Check out Dr. Hansen on GooglePlus.

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College Essay Writing Rules & Tips For Students

Easy Words to Use as Sentence Starters to rules Write Better Essays. VirginiaLynne has been a University English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and where, easier. Word or phrase used at the start of a sentence to show the relationship between ideas. Can you quickly and easily improve your writing?

Yes. College Essay Writing? For over 20 years, I've been teaching the decade essay tips I share below to writing rules my students and every time they apply these tips, their writing gets dramatically better. Why? Three reasons: These tips and transition words help you resist the controversial old habit of simple subject-verb sentence structure and develop richer and more nuanced ideas. By adding transitions to college essay writing rules your sentences, you link your ideas more effectively.

These words make your writing sound more professional and less like spoken language. How To Use Sentence Starter Lists. The most important tip for improving your writing quickly is to minute thesis follow one rule: Start every sentence in a paragraph with a different word. College? How?

Here is my step-by-step guide: Use the transition list as you write: Think about psychodynamic therapy study how the sentences in your paragraph are related to one another. Writing? If you are comparing and contrasting two ideas, then use the Showing Contrast transition words (see list below). Thesis Binders London? Are you writing about steps in a process? Then use the Adding to an Idea transition words below. When writing about something that happened, use the Sequence/Time transitions I've provided. Using the transition list while you are revising : Sometimes, it is easier not to essay rules worry about these words until your final draft stage, especially if you are a beginning writer. How do you do this? Use the following tips: Go through your first draft and circle the first word in every sentence. If you use the same word to three thesis start a sentence twice in a paragraph, then you need to choose another transition word and re-word the essay writing sentence.

How to choose transition words? Think about binders how each sentence fits with the one before it. Does this sentence add information? Then use moreover, furthermore, or another word that adds to the idea. If this sentence contrasts with the writing rules previous sentence, you might use however or on the other hand. If it is a time sequence, use next, then, or consider using first, second, etc. Don’t use the same transition too often. London? Also, don't forget the essay writing comma after the transition word and don't forget to put the controversial essay gay marriage subject of the sentence after the comma. What makes using transitions improve your writing is that it forces you to explain the connections between your ideas. Ask yourself: What does the sentence before this one say?

How does this sentence relate to that one? Scan the list for a transition that seems to fit best. You can also use these questions for help: Does this sentence add information? Then use: moreover, furthermore, additionally, or another addition transition.

Does the college writing rules sentence contrast or contradict? Use: however, on the other hand, in contrast, or another contrasting transition. Are you writing something that happens in order? Use: next, then, or consider using time order like first, second,etc. Does this sentence add evidence? Use: for example, consequently, for this reason, or another consequence transition. Does the sentence emphasize an idea? Use: obviously, especially, as a rule, particularly or another emphasizing transition . 1. Use a variety of transition words, not the controversial same one. 2. Put a comma after the transition word. 3. Put the writing subject of the sentence after the comma. 2. Use a Variety of Words When Citing Examples.

3. Use Different Words to essay Order Events and Sequence Time. 4. Use Interesting Words When Summarizing. Short paragraph without transition words: Cell phones have changed our family communication for the worse. Parents complain their teenagers spending too much time on their phone. Teenagers are annoyed that they can't get the college essay writing attention of their parents who are always working or shopping on 1920 decade essay their phones. We need to make some changes. Generally speaking, cell phones have changed our family communication for the worse. Obviously, parents complain about their teenagers spending too much time on their phones. Moreover, teenagers are annoyed that they can't get the attention of their parents who are always working or shopping on their phones.

Unquestionably, we need to college essay make some changes. Just following my tips to add transition words to what is the best your essay can often make your essay much better and will probably improve your grade. Inevitably, as soon as I tell my classes about this technique their writing improves dramatically. Better yet, the more you use transition words in revision, the essay writing more you begin to add that technique to your writing during the first draft. Why does that help? It begins training you to think about integrated psychodynamic a case how your ideas relate to college essay one another and helps you to write essays that are deeper, more connected and logical. If you've found this technique helpful, or if you have another sentence starting technique, please add your comments below to a case help out other writers. How many times to you revise an essay? Sentence Starters for Reader Response Essays and Journals. by Virginia Kearney 6.

9 Simple Steps to Improve Your Writing. by kbdressman 2. Flash Fiction: Genre Facts, Writing Tips, and Stories. by Linda Crampton 72. Easy Argumentative Essay Topics for college essay writing rules College Students. by Virginia Kearney 5. 100 Problem Solution Essay Topics with Sample Essays. by Virginia Kearney 42. How to Write a Proposal Essay/Paper. by Laura Writes 40.

Virginia Kearney 8 hours ago from United States. Hi Harni--I have lots of help for controversial gay marriage writing essays of all sorts. Just follow the essay rules links to the side of this article, or look at the links to different kinds of essays on integrated of panic a case my profile page. This helped me sooo much Thank You. I was just wondering how to start an essay like the college writing rules introduction. Virginia Kearney 22 hours ago from United States. Hi Ryan, You can use any of the essay gay marriage words here in front of the I or you can use a phrase from the end of the sentence. College? Here is an example: I am going to the store because I need to buy groceries.

Because I need groceries, I'm going to the store. Frankly, I need groceries, so I'm going to the store. Hi, I was just wondering easy ways to replace I at the beginning of a sentence. Where In Conclusion? Sometimes, I struggle with this, and the replacements I find sound unnatural. Rules? This is a great article though. Virginia Kearney 8 days ago from do you restate thesis in conclusion United States. Hi Sepphora, you want to start by college rules underlining all the what best dissertation writing first words in your sentences.

When you find you are using the college essay writing rules same word to start a sentence (especially in binders in central the same paragraph) you should use one of these ideas instead. my problem is the different word to use or replace . This helps me so much. Virginia Kearney 2 weeks ago from United States. Hi Mimi--To avoid the essay writing passive sentence, you want to put the actor first. Essay? In your example, one way to college writing rules fix this is to thesis in conclusion ask who considered Mimi? Then instead of was given consideration you would use the more direct considered. Example: The orchestra director considered Mimi for college essay writing rules the position of decade first chair but thought she would be too nervous. How do you write non-passive sentences? For example, Mimi was given consideration. thank you very much, it really helped me :) Already bookmarked it.

This article helped me for writing my entire 2 years masters. Thanks a lot for writing such informative post. Also, do write update us with more of this awesome posts. Thank u very much ,the info really created an impact in thesis london my essay writing. Thanks it really helps me while writing. I'm very thankful for this article. It really helps my essay.

Great advice well laid out. Awesome Article, no words for your well-crafted words. Virginia Kearney 2 months ago from United States. Hi, Thomas--I'm glad you asked. I have over 100 articles to help people improve their writing, including ideas for college essay rules proofreading your own essay and questions you can use to have other people evaluate your essay to 1920 decade essay help you improve your writing. I also have an article on effective sentences and grammar help for using punctuation marks. You can find these articles by college essay looking at my profile page or following the links on the side with my name.

In working with non-native writers, I find the most important editing technique is to have several people look at your essay carefully and to binders in central london read the essay out loud as you proofread. Writing Rules? My final best tip is to focus on controversial essay one or two rules a time as you go through the paper. Then you can make sure that you have corrected for college that error carefully. Hopefully, your instructor can help guide you to know which rules are most important for essay you to college essay rules focus on first. I'm afraid I don't know of any websites where you can submit your work to get help. Hey, great article! Do you have any suggestions for non-native english speakers that are working on an english essay?

Especially regarding proof reading? Are there any platforms where one can get help from where thesis in conclusion others? Virginia Kearney 2 months ago from United States. Hi Mahmoud! I have over 100 articles on writing that are published here on Letterpile. You can find help with grammar and essay writing rules, also on gay marriage how to structure sentences and essays. Look at my profile or follow the links to the side that have my name. Thanks. That was great and useful. Since I'm not a native i encounter with more problem than you mentioned what i am gonna do?

Absolutely amazing tips! Nice article Virginia, I have gained from it a lot especially the transition words. being a newbie at content writing this article helps. Hi Virginia Kearney, Thank you so much for the quick response. Virginia Kearney 5 months ago from United States. Hi, Himabindu- So, is generally used as a coordinating conjunction (others are and, but, or, and yet) and college writing rules, therefore would generally not be used correctly to start a sentence, but rather as a way to 1920 join two sentences. Example: The bookstore didn't have what we wanted, so we went elsewhere. However, in your example, you are using so as an interjection in college a conversational style sentence.

You could vary this by essay saying: Actually, I don't. In reality, I don't. Furthermore, I really don't. The truth is college essay writing rules that I really don't. In the second example, you are using as in do you restate thesis in conclusion an introductory phrase, which is another way to college essay vary your sentences besides just using a sentence starter transition word. When you are trying to decide how to write a sentence differently, you need to what is the best dissertation writing decide what that sentence is writing doing.

Is it adding to what you've already said? Then use words like Additionally or Furthermore. Is it contradicting or changing the direction? Use However, In contrast or On the other hand. 1920 Decade Essay? In your two examples, you are talking about the cause, so the best choices are Because, Since:

Since this book is not useful to me, I really don't want it on my shelf. Because this book wasn't useful to me, I don't want it on rules my shelf. You can also vary the is the best dissertation service meaning a bit with sentences like this: In general, this book wasn't really useful to me, so I don't want it on my shelf. hi.. this post is very useful. If I have to use transition words that means, 'so' or 'as' or 'that's why' what I have to use? For example, I say So, I don't want to use this in my book or As this book is not useful to me, I don't want to see this on my shelf. If I have to college writing rules say the same sentences in a different way, how can I say? Fatima Roque 5 months ago.

Thank you so much, this will help me in my IELTS preparation especially in writing and speaking as well. :) Ronald Cole 5 months ago. This information has helped me a great deal. I have never been one to decade essay write much using transition words has always been a weakest. Virginia Kearney 5 months ago from United States. Hi Hannah Baker, I'm so glad to hear that you are writing a book. My teenage daughter is also a writer and college, I think it is best dissertation writing really wonderful that anyone can now write something and post it online for college essay writing others to read. I might have become a fiction writer if that had been available to me as a teen. Thank you for integrated of panic spending the time to know that I've helped you. I teach college students but I have found many younger people are also looking at writing rules, my articles and I'm thinking about minute creating some information just for them. College Essay Writing Rules? I'd love to hear what younger people want to know about how to write better.

Hannah Baker 5 months ago. My name is not really Hannah Baker though, just a cover up. I'm a teen I and love writting. Gay Marriage? I'm recently stuck on a book that I'm writting, called The Chosen One, and I was getting for frustrated because I kept using the same words or phrases. I ended up finding this website and it really helped me, so thank you very much. Virginia Kearney 5 months ago from United States. Hi Jodah! I'm often trying to force myself to use some new transition words in my writing as well. Along with the words I put in this article, you can also use different kinds of phrases at college essay, the start of a sentence. I especially like gerund phrases like Walking down the street, Thinking about my children, or Writing in a new way.

John Hansen 5 months ago from Queensland Australia. This is very helpful Virginia. I never start sentences in integrated psychodynamic therapy of panic disorder a case study a paragraph with the same word, and writing, do use transition words, but I probably only use the same favourites over and over (about 10) as you mentioned in your comment to Bianca. Solved my biggest problem as I always tend to use same transitions again and again in a paragraph. Thanks, I appreciate your effort. this really helped thanks. Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from United States. Bianca--I generally find the adding and contrasting words are the thesis most useful for me. College? In fact, I think that when you start to thesis use this technique that most people pick 6-10 favorite words and use them most of the time. Bianca di'Angelo 6 months ago.

Thank you for college writing this. I'm writing an essay on how advertising affects youth but I keep needing to pause every few words to try and thesis binders in central, find just the right one. Another or additionally. overall or in college rules conclusion. Where Do You In Conclusion? I think the most helpful ones for me were the words to add ideas. This is a lifeline for me.thank you.

Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from United States. Michaela--Whether this will work as a subject for your paper depends on your assignment. You could do legends about elves and essay writing, find evidence on that. Virginia Kearney 6 months ago from United States. Hi, Liv-I have two articles that could help you. Decade Essay? One is about writing a thesis sentence and the other is about writing topic sentences in college paragraphs. Thesis? Often, these sentence starters can be used to essay write better topic sentences because they can help you link your ideas and what is the best dissertation, show how one topic sentence either adds or contrasts to the ideas before. I don't understand how to college essay rules start the topic sentence of the paragraph, so I suggest that this page should include starting words for thesis binders topic sentences in paragraphs. Jorge Oliveira 7 months ago. Thank you so much for showing me how to essay use transitions with accuracy! Kendall Kincaid 8 months ago.

Thank you for where do you thesis in conclusion the help! Kayla Miller 8 months ago. Thank you soo much for the Article! That will come in handy in college writing rules writing assignments. Russell Morrison 8 months ago. Reading this has given me some new words to 1920 decade start my paragraphs with. Thank you!

This helped me improve my writing.Thanks :) wrong your all wrong im a book writer 9 months ago. your all wrong im a book writer. Thanks soo much I have be having the worst time with passing my essay for a state board exam and I am going to college essay use your effective strategies to controversial gay marriage make some improvements. Virginia Kearney 9 months ago from United States. Hi Daniel--Transition words like these sentence starters are used as the first word in a sentence.

Often, they have a comma after them, just as I show in this sentence. Here is a sample using some really simple sentences: Global warming is increasing. Scientists say ice caps are melting quickly. The CO2 levels around the writing rules world are much higher than just fifty years ago. We need to do something now. With transition words: Unfortunately, global warming is increasing at a rapid rate. In fact, scientists say ice caps are melting quickly. Additionally, the CO2 levels around the world are much higher than just fifty years ago.

With this in mind, we need to do something now. I have a question. I don't understand how to use transitions still and my paper is due after Winter Break. Please help? Virginia Kearney 9 months ago from 1920 decade essay United States. Hi Dustin! I'm happy that my work has helped you. Please check out my other articles on different types of essays for more help. Thx this helped me out for college essay writing rules my essay you will be the only site I will use . Awesome article, I printed it out to use as a reference.

Venkatachari M 11 months ago from is the dissertation writing service Hyderabad, India. Very useful article for improving one's style of writing. Thanks for sharing this wonderful knowledge. This is a good website for kids. Thanks u helped me with my assignment. Emily 12 months ago from Oregon. I love the charts; they really lay things out concisely. Thanks for the helpful information. Writing? I'm glad to add another specific tool to my writing toolbox! Virginia Kearney 12 months ago from United States. Sirin, It is optional to put a comma after a short transition or introductory element.

For example, I can put a comma in this sentence after example but the meaning is clear if I don't, so it is all right to leave the comma out. However, you are not wrong to add the comma and it often makes the sentence clearer. Disorder A Case Study? Here are some examples and you can decide whether the college essay rules comma is controversial gay marriage helpful or not: Nevertheless, I believe she is correct in her assumption. On the other hand, what they think is also correct. Hello,you said that it is rules important to put a comma after each transition word,but i found in a book i have read that, of Macdwell about British history,he uses no commat after each transition he put.I want to know please :is this permmited in writing or no.And,in the same time, we can't say he is wrong since he is an psychodynamic of panic disorder a case study auther and he publishes books.thank you in essay writing rules advance.

Virginia Kearney 13 months ago from United States. Hi, Ahmed! To go to a new idea, you could use a contrasting transition, such as on the other hand, or however. It might be possible to 1920 use the college rules sequence transition words first, next, etc. if you are doing something that happens in controversial essay gay marriage time or in college essay writing rules space. If you are adding a new idea to support the main point, then you can do additionally, moreover or in fact. Interesting, but which words used to is the best dissertation service start new topic / idea . thank you so much for rules doing this it helped me a lot and I'm sure I'll be visiting this page in the future. Virginia Kearney 13 months ago from United States.

Congratulations on starting to learn English, Maria! I have almost 100 articles to help you and there are other writers on minute HubPages who have articles especially for ELS learners. Good luck! Learning English takes work but I know you can do it! I'm beginners .I wanna to learn English as second language . Ithink these words help me a lot. Omg this helps/helped me so much with writing my essays.So happy I found this website and thank you for creating it.

Virginia Kearney 14 months ago from United States. So glad this helps you Jackie. Check out my other articles for even more help and college essay writing rules, ideas! Every year, I get more ideas from my students to incorporate into my site. What Best? Teaching is always about learning as well as giving out information. Brilliant, I have hit a plateau tonight writing an college assignment for uni, and now this has given me a whole heap of ideas. John Hansen 15 months ago from Queensland Australia. Very professional article, Virginia. Your wise advice and list of words is very helpful.

Thanks for this post it really helped me. Virginia Kearney 16 months ago from United States. Tina--thanks so much for your comment! I'm always so happy when someone tells me that what I've worked so hard to decade put together has helped them learn to write better. Now that all of college writing rules us communicate so much through the Internet, I think learning to write clearly is even more important than ever. Tina Kozma 16 months ago. This website is the only website I use when writing essays. In fact, I have this website on my desktop so I can easily access it. Thank you so much for putting this information together! Asher Socrates 19 months ago from Los Angeles, CA.

This is a very informative and helpful write up with straight to the point instructions. I will be book marking this to help me break away from do you restate thesis in conclusion my many bad habits when it come to writing. Writing? Thank you very much! This really helped thanx. Virginia Kearney 20 months ago from controversial essay gay marriage United States.

So glad that you think these will help your friend JG. I have a lot of second language readers. I've taught students from many different countries and, in college rules fact, that is how I've come up with some of my material. I would see something that my students were having trouble doing and then tried to figure out a way to help them write better in that area. jgshorebird 20 months ago from Southeastern U.S. Great information. Not that I am any good, but I have a friend who is having trouble in college (she is Spanish -- having a difficult time) and your hubs are a gold mine. Thanks. Thank you so much. This will help me with my AP class. (: Virginia Kearney 21 months ago from United States.

Thanks so much! All of my articles were written first as notes for lectures for my students. 1920 Decade? They are the college essay writing rules ones who taught me what students want to know. My whole goal is to make writing easier and more accessible. I'm especially glad when it helps English learners from other countries. Kamaraju Pulugurtha 21 months ago from is the best dissertation Khammam, India. I like this Post, mainly it doesn't sound look like a Page out of a Grammar Text, creating a feeling of horror. Essay? I find it hospitable, offering bits and bits of advice.

Virginia Kearney 2 years ago from United States. The idea for this list was one I was given by an older professor when I was in graduate school. It was definitely some of the controversial best advice I had ever gotten about writing. I love the college essay writing fact that the idea is so simple but it really makes a huge difference in the sound of a person's writing. I've added a lot of binders in central london words to the list over college essay writing rules the years and added the psychodynamic a case study rules of how to writing use these in sentences. This post is very helpful and practical! I have often struggled with starting sentences the same way and three minute criteria, I think this will make me a much better writer.

This is writing great information. I cannot count how many times I have been stuck using the same starter over an over and wishing I could add more variety to psychodynamic disorder study my writing. Extremely helpful ideas and lists of words. Gary Malmberg 2 years ago from Concon, Chile. Love this. I'm saving it for the future. Two thumbs yup. Cheryl Simonds 2 years ago from Connecticut. Great hub! The reference lists are going to be a favorite of mine from now on. Very helpful hubs, I will certainly use transitions words in all my further revisions.

Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. Just Rodney--You are right about the differences in language. Essay Rules? What I teach at my University is standard American English. Since I was born and raised in California, I speak and write in the standard dialect of the U.S. movie and T.V. culture, which has become standard English in thesis America through that medium. One of the reasons that English has become such a universal language is that it is very adaptable and tends to allow people to college essay add words from other languages, as well as add different ways of decade expressing thoughts. I now live in the Southern United States and love some of the essay writing different expressions here. Rodney Fagan 3 years ago from Johannesberg South Africa, The Gold Mine City. Well written Hub, although English is spoken and essay, written in college essay writing rules a vast number of Countries; there are various grammatic, spelling and other subtle usages that come into play! RTalloni 3 years ago from the short journey. As always, great stuff from you. I enjoy your hubs and like learning from them.

The comments here reflect the minute criteria usefulness of your work to writing a wide range of readers. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from integrated psychodynamic therapy disorder study United States. Thanks Lynette! I'm so glad you are working for your GED. It is not easy to finish everything but it will certainly be worth it.

Lynette Scott 3 years ago. I have just been given your list in my GED class. Quickly browsing the article, I am sure it will help my sentence structure. Here is college essay writing rules one suggestion I would like to add for you. Use Remember, instead of Don't forget, As in from your article Remember, the comma after the transition word, and remember to put the subject of the where do you sentence after the comma.

Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. Hi Jade--Your example shows another way of starting sentences effectively, and that is by using a descriptive phrase. From reading your comment, I'm guessing that English is not your first language because the way you have phrased your sentences is not quite correct for a native speaker. College Essay Rules? However your point is excellent. Instead of putting the subject first in a sentence all the time (which English speakers generally do when talking because that makes the meaning of the sentence clearer), you can put a descriptive phrase or even part of the predicate of the sentence at the beginning. I will reword your sentence a bit to make it more correct in standard English: One bright, sunny summer day, the son shone brilliantly through the clear class window. Here are some other examples (notice how these short sentences jump out!): Flashing an angry eye at controversial essay gay marriage, me, the horse ran quickly past and college rules, jumped over a fence. Darting about the flower, the bee finally settled down to gather some pollen.

It's really good, but on three thesis criteria the other hand you should add more sentence starter like: One bright sunny summer day the sun shone on college writing rules the glass clear window. Also do you think that was good? Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from minute United States. Glad to college rules know this helped you Daily--I find that my students start writing better immediately when they use this list. Virginia Kearney 3 years ago from United States. So glad to three know this helps you devsmilez. College Essay Writing? I always teach this to my classes as a quick and easy way to improve your essays. Do You Restate In Conclusion? I see dramatic improvement when students use these.

Joey Keefe 4 years ago from college essay Albuquerque, New Mexico. Interesting article. Using transition words like the ones you listed can be a great way to in central london start a sentence. However, I've noticed in my own writing I can fall into the habit of using transition words as a crutch. So while I definitely agree that transition words are useful and effective, they can spoil an otherwise good piece of writing if used too flippantly. AngPow 4 years ago from North Cali.

Wow. Thank you for the list of transition words, VirginiaLynne. College Writing? This hub will help a lot for the multiple essays and papers that I have to write this semester. Thank you for where restate thesis in conclusion sharing. I have to write an essay writing essay on sports and my first paragraph has to is the best writing service include the rules author, title, publisher, etc, as well as a summary of the main points and ideas. I cannot figure out how I should start this essay. Minute Thesis Criteria? Please help!

Virginia Kearney 4 years ago from United States. Good point Tex. What emphasize in my class is college essay that you need to pay attention to how your ideas connect with one another. Usually you are adding, contrasting or comparing. Transition words help you make that distinction clear. In spoken language we often use tone, voice and gestures to make those connections, but in written language we need to use transition words and punctuation.

texshelters 4 years ago from Mesa, Arizona. Certainly, paying attention to transitions is important. However, when a writer uses a transitional phrase or word just because they should and not because it fits, the writing can come out even worse. Virginia Kearney 4 years ago from United States. Good question aya.

Here are some ideas: On Saturday and Sunday; add another transition word like, Sometimes on the weekend; change the on to another transition word like During the weekend; switch your sentence around so that on the weekend comes at the end, such as We love to go sailing on where restate the weekend instead of On the college writing rules weekend, we love to go sailing; and try a variation like Weekends. Psychodynamic Study? Hope that helps! Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and respective owners. Other product and college writing, company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Minute Criteria? HubPages ® is a registered Service Mark of HubPages, Inc. HubPages and Hubbers (authors) may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

Copyright 2017 HubPages Inc. and essay writing rules, respective owners.

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